
Permalink ⚡Dr. David Martin: The WHO Is A Criminal Racketeering Organization

Dr. David Martin spoke at European Parliament, Strasbourg France Reveals Evidence of WHO Criminal Racketeering and Global Genocide. Sep 2023. Dr. Martin: "WHO is a Criminal Cartel Involved in Criminal Conspiracy Resulting in Global Terrorism For The Purpose of Profiteering and Global Genocide." Dr. Martin reveals COVID-19 and the COVID Vaccines to be bioweapons created for the sole purpose of profit and mass murder. Vaccines are a Eugenics Global Depopulation Mechanism. The World Health Organization is a front organization for Bill Gates who funds it by 86% and is attempting to take over sovereign nations' health for sinister and dark purposes. If Nations cede their sovereignty to Bill Gates through the WHO then expect another pandemic to be declared immediately most like H5N1 Avian Influenza Bird Flu with a Bill Gates sanctioned new vaccine being pushed possibly by forced mandates.

Permalink Give Ukraine long-range missiles to hit Russian targets, German minister says

Amid heavy Russian attacks on Kharkiv, the West must send long-distance missiles, said Annalena Baerbock. | Ukraine’s armed forces need more long-range weapons to be able to hit targets deep behind the frontline, Germany’s foreign minister has said, as Russia makes gains on the battlefield.  Speaking on the sidelines of a meeting of European foreign ministers in Strasbourg, Annalena Baerbock described the military situation in north-east Ukraine as “highly dramatic” amid reports that Vladimir Putin’s forces are making significant advances of up to 10 kilometers in one place. [...] Germany is now Ukraine's second-biggest arms supplier, after the Americans, but Scholz has balked at giving Ukraine Taurus missiles, fearing that to do so would draw Germany deeper into the war. The U.S. has also placed restrictions on weapons it supplies, telling Kyiv they must not be used to strike inside Russia.

Let Ukraine use US weapons to strike inside Russia – Nuland (05/21/24)
War in Ukraine: Washington no longer rules out its weapons being used to strike Russian soil (Le Monde - 05/16/24)
Kyiv can use British weapons inside Russia - Cameron (BBC - 3 May 2024)
Ukraine using British weapons for terror attacks – Moscow (05/11/24)
Dissecting [sic] Russia into smaller nations not a bad thing — Estonian PM (05/21/24)
NATO state’s PM calls for breakup of Russia (05/21/24)
So calculate well the range of what you allocate to the Nazis, gentlemen (Dmitry Medvedev)(05/19/24)

Permalink Davos boss quits – media

Klaus Schwab, the founder of World Economic Forum, will reportedly transition to role of non-executive chairman | World Economic Forum (WEF) founder and executive chairman Klaus Schwab has announced he will step back from his role, after more than 50 years at the head of the event, according to the Semafor news platform.  The article cites a letter from Schwab to staff on Tuesday in which he outlines his intention to transition to a non-executive-chairman role before the next meeting of the annual gathering at the Alpine resort town of Davos, Switzerland, in 2025. The change is pending approval by the Swiss government.  Semafor also cited a statement by a forum’s spokesperson, who said that the organization is “transforming from a convening platform to the leading global institution for public-private cooperation.”  Schwab, 86, did not reportedly name his successor, but said that over the last year the group’s executive board “under the leadership of President Borge Brende, has taken full executive responsibility.” A former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Norway, Brende, 58, has been WEF president since 2017.

Warning: Don't Celebrate Klaus Stepping Down, Tony Blair Is Front Runner to Take Over WEF (Politico)

Permalink Slovak Media Explores Ukrainian Link to Fico Assassination Attempt

Last week, Slovakia's Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot four times after a gunman fired five shots in his direction. He was rushed to the hospital where he remains in stable but critical condition. He is expected to survive. | Writing in SIA News, columnist Lucas Leiroz called for an investigation into outside involvement. 💬 “It is necessary to investigate whether there was international involvement and whether foreign agents financed the attack or influenced it in any way. Knowing that there are groups interested in removing Fico, it is possible that there is a large conspiracy behind the cause,” Leiroz wrote (translated from Slovak), noting the terrorist attacks suspected of being linked to Ukraine, like the Crocus City Hall massacre and the bombing of Russia’s embassy in Brazil. Leiroz also notes that world leaders who have opposed funding Ukraine have found themselves on the notorious “Mirotvorets” Ukrainian kill list, including Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

CIA/MI6/Mossad/Mirotvorets Kill List: "West Left Its Own People to Mercy of Ukraine's Gestapo" (Sputnik News)

Permalink Norway recognizes Palestinian state

The two-state solution is the only way to settle the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Oslo has said | Norway has officially recognized Palestine as a state, the Nordic country’s government has said. The decision comes into force on May 28, it added.  Oslo is the tenth European capital to recognize Palestinian statehood. Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia did so in 1988, with Sweden joining them in 2014. [...] Oslo is making the move amid the conflict in Gaza, in which “tens of thousands [are] killed and injured,” Store stressed. The aim is to “keep alive the only alternative that offers a political solution for Israelis and Palestinians alike: Two states, living side by side, in peace and security,” he said. Shortly after the announcement by Norway, Ireland also said it is recognizing Palestinian statehood.

Ireland, Norway, Spain recognize Palestinian state, Irish PM says (Al Mayadeen)
Ireland confirms imminent recognition of Palestine (RT.com)
Norway moves to recognize Palestinian state (TASS)
Что известно о признании независимости Палестины (TACC.ru)

Permalink Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei led funeral prayers for President Ebrahim Raisi and his esteemed companions

They have moved to the last stage | Tsargrad: The assassination was “organized at the highest level.” An “excruciating death” is a signal to Russia and China. “They are killing everyone who supports Russia and China.” [...] The US and UK have opened a new chapter of terror in their history. All pro-Russian and pro-China politicians in the West should double their caution and security, - writes Kolyasnikov.  Chinese scholar Nikolai Vavilov holds a similar opinion: They have moved to the last stage - they are killing everyone who supports Russia and China, apparently, things are not good at all and the failure of the West’s strategy after Putin’s visit to China has become as obvious as possible.

Kremlin in disbelief at US ‘insult’ of late Iranian president (RT.com) + HERE
Tehran bid farewell to Raisi, companions; Sayyed Khamenei led prayer (Al Mayadeen)
US civil defense: Iranian intelligence chief in Lorestan was killed (AVA Today)
Member Of Iran's Revolutionary Guards Shot Dead Outside His Home (CIA/VOA)

Permalink 'Israel' reduced 604 mosques to rubble, stole 1,000 bodies from Gaza

The Palestinian Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs in Gaza revealed in a statement that 604 mosques had been fully demolished during the current war, with another 200 partially destroyed. | The Gaza Strip's Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs has revealed that Israeli occupation forces (IOF) completely demolished or damaged hundreds of mosques in the Strip since the deadly onslaught on Gaza began on October 7.  The ministry detailed in a statement that 604 mosques have been reduced to rubble during the current war, with another 200 partially destroyed, in addition to three churches that were completely destroyed.  Moreover, according to the statement, Israeli troops desecrated at least 60 cemeteries during their ground assault on Gaza, using bulldozers to dig up graves, and stole the bodies of over 1,000 Palestinian martyrs. [...] The Ministry of Health in Gaza announced in its daily report today that the number of Palestinians killed in Gaza due to the Israeli genocidal war ongoing since October 7 has now reached 35,386, in addition to 79,366 injured.

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