
Permalink Netanyahu urges blocking of ICC action; US officials quick to oblige

According to Axios, US lawmakers from both parties are threatening the ICC with retaliatory action if it carries out its duties against Israeli officials. | Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has asked United States President Joe Biden to prevent the International Criminal Court (ICC) from issuing arrest warrants for senior Israeli officials responsible for war crimes in the Gaza Strip, Axios said citing two Israeli officials.  Reportedly, the names of Netanyahu, Security Minister Yoav Gallant, and Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi have been circled as suspects of war crimes that the ICC will look to prosecute. [...] The ICC has been looking into war crimes committed back in 2014 in the Gaza Strip, however, it has produced no punitive decisions against individuals.

US Congress reportedly warns ICC over arrest warrants for Israeli officials (TRT World)
Israel fears ICC may order Netanyahu's arrest (rediff.com)
What is the International Criminal Court and why it has Israeli officials worried (AP News)
Russia says United States is being hypocritical over ICC and Israel (Investing.com)

Permalink The Jewish Killbox: Israel planning ring of checkpoints to prevent men from fleeing Rafah

Israel is setting up 'complex network' of checkpoints to prevent 'military age' men from fleeing Rafah assault, senior western official tells MEE | Israel is setting up a complex system of checkpoints that will prevent men of “military age” from fleeing Rafah in preparation for its offensive on the southern Gaza border city, a senior western official familiar with Israel’s plans has told Middle East Eye on condition of anonymity.  The checkpoints are designed to allow some women and children to leave Rafah ahead of an expected Israeli offensive, but unarmed, civilian Palestinian men will likely be separated from their families and remain trapped in Rafah during an expected Israeli assault.  The previously unreported disclosure of Israel’s construction of a ring of checkpoints around Rafah underscores how Israel is pushing ahead with plans to attack the city where over one million displaced Palestinians are sheltering in tents and makeshift camps.  The creation of gender-based checkpoints around Rafah would put a spotlight back on Israel’s practice of stripping and forcibly detaining male Palestinian men and children, as it faces rising scrutiny in the West of its conduct in the war. The rounding up of Palestinian males in Gaza and photographing them stripped to their underwear drew condemnation in December, with the US calling the images “deeply disturbing”.

'Israel' has no 'Intl' credit' to invade Rafah: Ex-Israeli General (Al Mayadeen)
Live blog: Israeli army 'ready' to invade Gaza's Rafah in 72 hours (TRT World)
Israeli airstrikes on Rafah kill at least 22 people, Palestinian officials say (Spectrum News)
7 more Palestinians killed in fresh Israeli airstrikes across Gaza (aNews)
The Israel-US game plan for Gaza is staring us in the face (Jonathan Cook)

Permalink US Constructing Gaza Pier [to take Palestinians out of Palestine]

President Biden pretends to want to get more aid into the Strip. | President Biden ordered the military to construct the pier "for aid deliveries" [They're building a pier to carry out the genocide, let's face it.] instead of pressuring Israel to open more land border crossings, which is by far the most efficient way to get more aid into the Strip. Israel will impose a strict inspection regime on aid shipments coming through the pier, requiring inspections before they’re shipped from Cyprus and again when the aid reaches the shore of Gaza.  According to a report from The Jerusalem Post, the idea to build the pier came from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who proposed it to Cypriot President Nikos Christodoulides in October. A reporter for Israel’s Kan news said last month that during a meeting of the Knessett’s Foreign Affairs and Security Committee, Netanyahu suggested using the pier to remove Palestinians from Gaza. [It'll probably be Cyprus first, and then into the rest of Europe later.]

Temporary aid pier off Gaza to be operational in May: Pentagon (aNews)

Permalink Government imposes blackout on all information about Israeli military planes in Britain

Matt Kennard | After revealing nine Israeli Air Force planes landed in Britain in the four months after October 7, the Ministry of Defence changes policy and refuses to give any new information, possibly to protect UK ministers from prosecution. | The British government has imposed a block on all information about Israeli military planes landing in the UK.  Amidst speculation that the International Criminal Court (ICC) is set to issue arrest warrants for Benjamin Netanyahu and his ministers, the new blackout could be intended to protect British ministers from possible prosecution for complicity in war crimes, including defence secretary Grant Shapps. [...] MacAskill told Declassified that the MoD had also now imposed a block on parliamentarians even asking questions about Israeli military operations involving UK territory.

Permalink ICJ set to rule in case accusing Germany of facilitating Gaza genocide

Nicaragua has hauled Germany before the International Court of Justice to stop Berlin from providing Israel with weapons and other assistance. | The United Nations' top court will rule today on charges by Nicaragua that Germany is breaching the 1948 Genocide Convention by supplying arms to Israel for the Gaza war.  Nicaragua has hauled Germany before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to demand that judges impose emergency measures to stop Berlin from providing Israel with weapons and other assistance.  More than 34,000 people have been killed in the Palestinian territory since Israel's war on Gaza broke out in October.  The ICJ in The Hague is scheduled to issue an order at 1300 GMT.

Permalink LIVE DAY 207 #Israel #Palestine

Mapping pro-Palestine college campus protests around the world (Al Jazeera)
French university students join US-led protests over Israel’s war in Gaza (Al Jazeera)
San Francisco State University begins encampment for Palestine (Anadolu)
Group of pro-Palestinian students enters Hamilton Hall building at Columbia University (Anadolu)
Pro-Palestine protesters arrested at Texas university (VIDEOS) (RT.com)
Columbia suspends encampment protesters; movement unfazed (Al Mayadeen)

Permalink Turkiye Supports Rutte as NATO Chief – Reports

Turkiye has expressed support for outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Rutte's bid to head NATO, Dutch broadcaster NOS reported on Monday, citing sources in the military alliance. | Rutte came to Istanbul last week for a meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, one of the last holdouts. Only Turkiye, Hungary, Slovakia and Romania have not endorsed Rutte, who needs the support of all 32 member states to succeed Jens Stoltenberg. Romanian President Klaus Iohannis said in March that he would run for secretary general of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization but his candidacy has not been supported outside of eastern Europe.


Permalink 14 Israeli troopers killed, wounded in resistance operation in central Gaza

At least three Israeli soldiers have been killed, and nearly a dozen others wounded in a war zone in the central part of the Gaza Strip, as Palestinian resistance forces continue to inflict losses on Israeli occupation forces across the war-ravaged coastal sliver. | Israeli media outlets reported that the three slain reserve soldiers were members of the 99th Division of the Israeli Army. They lost their lives in the vicinity of the Netzarim checkpoint, which separates northern and southern Gaza. Another eleven Israeli troops sustained injuries as well.  There were reports that some of the Israeli troops were evacuated by helicopters, while others were still getting treated in the field.  The al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian resistance group Hamas, announced that it targeted the Israeli command center in Netzarim with heavy-caliber mortar shells.  In a statement, the group said its fighters lured a mechanized Israeli force and struck it with unexploded ordnance and munitions, which the occupation troops had earlier used against Palestinians in al-Sikka Street of the al-Mughraqa neighborhood in central Gaza.  The Israeli military has so far confirmed some 260 deaths among its troops since the launch of a ground invasion of Gaza.

Israel launches fresh attacks in southern Lebanon amid tension with Hezbollah (Anadolu)

Permalink UN Plotting ‘Planetary Emergency’ to Seize Control of Sovereign Nations

Hunter Fielding | The unelected United Nations (UN) is planning to declare a “planetary emergency” that would allow globalists to seize control of sovereign countries. | The UN is scheduled to meet in September for the 79th session of the UN General Assembly, as well as the highly-anticipated “Summit of the Future” where nations will sign the so-called “Pact for the Future.” The Pact is expected to call for declaring a “planetary emergency.”  What do this agreement and its policies mean for the future of individual and national sovereignty? By the end of September, the United Nations member states may vote to radically alter the UN itself, what some are calling UN 2.0, and the very nature of how nation-states make decisions regarding the future of the planet. The organization is expected to push to establish itself as an unelected single-world government with authority over individual governments.

Permalink Foreign Countries Have Begun PULLING THEIR GOLD from U.S. "Safekeeping"

A number of countries around the world have begun withdrawing their Gold Bullion from storage in the United States over fears about the US Financial System! It's not only our Financial System, it was the FORCIBLE SEIZURE of Russia's Sovereign Wealth Funds; the world now sees the USA as nothing more than a Den of Thieves! | Over the past ten days, at least FOUR (4) countries have decided to pull their Gold reserves from the United States: Cameroun, Ghana, Nigeria, and a fourth country.

  Cameroon: This movement is provoking discussions about the broader implications for international finance. It highlights the importance of diversification and risk management to navigate the complexities of the global economic landscape.
  Ghana’s decision to repatriate its gold reserves from the United States reflects a strategic move towards safeguarding against economic volatility and asserting greater control over its financial destiny.

Permalink The Us and the Uk Are Pushing for Total War on All Fronts

Timur Fomenko | The Iran-Israel clash has served as a catalyst for renewed escalation by Western leaders, and World War III cannot be ruled out | The events of recent weeks have produced a sudden jolt in Western politics. From a lethargy that was starting to creep into US and western discourse over the Ukraine war, Iran’s attack on Israel suddenly seemed to have had the effect of awakening Ronald Reagan from his grave and leading to a surge of neo-conservativism on steroids, on both sides of the Atlantic.  US House Speaker Mike Johnson did a complete 180-degree U-turn and proclaimed himself a “Reagan Republican” passing a series of aid bills for astronomical overseas spending that he had otherwise blocked for months, as he denounced an “axis of evil.” Along with that, a proposed TikTok ban bill came out of nowhere too, and was quickly signed into law.  Then the UK decided to devote its largest ever aid package to Ukraine, with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak warning of an “axis of authoritarian states” and amplifying ideologically combative rhetoric. At the same time, it was then revealed Biden had sent 300km long range ATACMS missiles to Ukraine despite having pledged not to do so for years, fearing escalation. Finally, EU President Ursula von der Leyen has suddenly dramatically increased economic warfare on China, pushing the European Commission to open probes on scores of Chinese exports. Where exactly did all this come from?

ALERT: Biden Secretly Planning To Fund Ukraine For An Entire DECADE (News Addicts)
Swiss Daily Speculates Russia Will Liberate Donbass ‘By October,’ Forcing Ukraine to Negotiate (Sputnik News)
Ukraine Continues Assault on Human Rights as Western Sponsors Turn a Blind Eye (Sputnik News)
Musk and Sacks slam Washington’s ‘forever war’ Ukraine plan (RT.com)

Permalink IRAN: Violent Suppression of Anti- ‘Israel’ Student Protests Shows West’s True Colors

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has vehemently slammed the heavy-handed crackdown against pro-Palestine student protests in Western universities, especially in the United States, saying it has laid bare the true nature of Western civilization. | The Iranian president described violent suppression of anti-Zionist student protests, and the beating and arrest of professors and students in Western universities, especially in the US, as “another scandal for self-proclaimed advocates of freedom of expression.”

💬 “Today, thanks to the blessed blood of the oppressed martyrs of Gaza, the true nature of Western civilization has been revealed to the people of the world more than any time before,” the Iranian president said. Raisi added, “It has become evident that those who claim to be advocating freedom of expression do not think about anything other than maintaining their own domination.”

Students and staff of Tehran University have held a rally in support of growing protests on US university campuses where students have erected encampments to demand action to end “Israel’s” aggression on Gaza.  Elsewhere in his remarks, Iran's president said the current uprising of Western students, professors, and elites in support of the oppressed people of Gaza is a major development with vast ramifications.

Over 900 arrested at anti-war protests in US universities since April 18 (PressTV)
Hundreds of Pro-Palestine Protesters Arrested in US Universities (Alahed News)
US doesn’t want Gaza ceasefire: Iran (Iran Front Page)
Israeli embassies worldwide on alert over potential ICC arrest warrants for Gaza war crimes (Anadolu)
“Israel” Fears ICC Arrest Warrants against Bibi, other Officials over Gaza Genocide (Alahed News)


Permalink Palestinian detainee, father of a newborn, dies in Israeli prison

Media sources report that Palestinian detainee Kareem Abu Saleh died while detained in an Israeli occupation prison. | A Palestinian father of a newborn died on Saturday evening while being detained in Israeli occupation prisons.  Media sources reported that Kareem Abu Saleh, from the city of Sakhnin in the Palestinian territories occupied in 1948, was martyred as a result of a surge in Israeli occupation attacks and human rights violations against Palestinian detainees.  Abu Saleh was blessed with his firstborn two days before his martyrdom inside his cell in the occupation's prisons. Previously, Abu Saleh had spent six years in detention before the Israeli occupation forces re-arrested him 10 days ago.

3,000+ Palestinians from Gaza detained, tortured in Israeli prisons (04/16/24)
Horrifying cases of torture and degrading treatment of Palestinian detainees, spike in arbitrary arrests (04/13/24)
Released Detainees From Israeli Prisons Showed Signs of Torture (03/18/24)
Torture, Executions, Babies Left to Die, Sexual Abuse… These Are Israel’s Crimes (03/18/24)

Permalink UNRWA Chief: Number of child lives lost in Gaza is staggering

In a special interview with TASS, Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner-General of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) provided insight into his visit to Russia, highlighted what support Moscow has provided to the agency, and addressed the motivations behind some countries' attempts to dismantle UNRWA and undermine the interests of Palestinians.

QUESTION: The UN has repeatedly drawn attention to the unprecedented scale of human suffering in the Gaza Strip. And according to the most recent statistics released by the Palestinian Ministry of Health, the death toll in Gaza has unfortunately surpassed 34,000 people in casualties. However, certain countries remain skeptical of those numbers. How much trust do you have in these statistics?

ANSWER: 💬 It's very difficult in a war situation to have precise figures. But I do believe that the amount being published gives a reasonably good idea of the scale of the number of people who have been killed in Gaza. And this is horrible. It's unprecedented when you think that in six months more than 30,000 people have been killed. We know that among them there are 13,000 children. We know that there were more children killed in Gaza in six months than in all the conflicts across the world in the last four years. So it's unprecedented in scale, as well as the level of destruction.

Permalink Scottish Covid Inquiry has revealed that the reason for excess deaths in care Homes in the months of covid was primarily to do with the barbaric medical protocols in place…

Permalink WEF Demands End of ‘Democratic Elections’: ‘We Will Decide’

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has demanded that global governments ban members of the public from taking part in “democratic elections,” declaring that future leaders must, instead, be “chosen” by the unelected globalist elite. | According to WEF founder and chairman, Professor Klaus Schwab, the general public cannot be trusted to choose leadership. Schwab argues that elections are now unnecessary because bureaucrats can now use artificial intelligence (AI) to “predict” who leaders “should be.”  This is all moving towards globalization and a One World Government, for which a drastically reduced world population is of the order. This remains the WEF’s number ONE objective, as per The Great Reset and UN Agenda 2030. Klaus Schwab’s dream of The Fourth Industrial Revolution, AI, and digitization of everything are just instruments to get there faster.  Another tool was covid and the bio-weapons “vaccines”, and perhaps the WEF Davos24 propagated new virus “X” – not yet existing, but roaming somewhere out there (Gates, Tedros WHO) and, ludicrously, “vaxxes” are already being developed – and a foremost instrument for this globalist genocide is the tremendous climate hoax.


Permalink Israel has carried out deadly strikes in areas of Gaza that it marked as ‘safe zones’ - NBC News

NBC News investigation reveals Israel strikes on Gaza areas it said were safe (NBC News)
8 Palestinians killed in Israel strikes on Nuseirat refugee camp (Anadolu)
LONDON: 'Hundreds of thousands' of protestors at pro-Palestine march as police issue warning (The Mirror)

Live blog: Fresh Israeli strikes kill 8 Palestinian children in Gaza | Israel's war on besieged Gaza, now in its 204th day, has killed at least 34,388 Palestinians — 70 percent of them babies, children and women — and wounded over 77,437 while some 8,400 people are feared buried under the rubble of bombed buildings. | More than a dozen Palestinians were killed, including eight children, in Israeli bombings Saturday in Gaza, Palestinian media reported. A house was targeted in the Saudi neighborhood of the southern city of Rafah. At least six Palestinians, including four children, were killed in the attack, Wafa reported. Eight others were injured. Israel warplanes pounded the Jaradat area east of the Rafah crossing, wounding several people, eyewitnesses told Anadolu news agency. In central Gaza, an airstrike on the Nuseirat camp killed nine Palestinians, including four children, and injured 30 others, according to Palestinian medical sources.

Permalink Russia warns US, NATO against harming its security — diplomat

Maria Zakharova stressed that "the level of nuclear risks have risen dramatically as a result of the West’s destructive policy, which is fraught with a direct military confrontation between nuclear powers" | Russia warns the United States and NATO against taking any actions that undermine its security, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

💬 "We are sending clear and unequivocal signals to the United States and NATO warning them about potentially catastrophic consequences of their policy toward jeopardizing Russia’s security."  "Regrettably, the level of nuclear risks have risen dramatically as a result of the West’s destructive policy, which is fraught with a direct military confrontation between nuclear powers," she said, adding that Russia never stops efforts to ensure nuclear deterrence.  "Apart from that, Russia regularly reviews its doctrines to assess their relevance to the current threats," Zakharova noted. "Thus, the reliability and effectiveness of nuclear deterrence in Russia are ensured at a proper level and should not be doubted."

Russia must fear NATO – bloc member (RT.com)
New US $6Bln Aid for Ukraine Includes Munitions for NASAMS, Patriot, HIMARS (Sputnik News)
Russia has never threatened NATO – Shoigu (RT.com)
Russia Defense Minister: We Will Target Western Weapons Shipments into Ukraine (Hal Turner)

Permalink Yemeni armed forces strike British oil tanker, shoot down US MQ-9 drone

The spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces says it has carried out new operations against American and British targets in retaliation for their aggression on the country. | Brigadier General Yahya Saree said on Friday that Yemen’s naval forces struck a British oil tanker in the Red Sea with missiles. Saree also said the military also shot down an American MQ-9 drone in Sa’ada province. He added that the new operations were also a show of solidarity with Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, amid the Israeli genocide there.

'Incident' reported off coast of Yemen in Red Sea (Al Mayadeen)
USS Dwight D Eisenhower leaves Red Sea after failing to stop Yemenis (Al Mayadeen)

Permalink UK accuses alleged arsonist of working for Russia...

Charges in London warehouse fire are the first under the new National Security Act | British authorities have pressed charges for the first time under the National Security Act introduced last year, accusing a Leicestershire man of organizing two arson attacks on behalf of Russian intelligence, UK media revealed on Friday.  Judge Daniel Sternberg of the Westminster Magistrates Court has also lifted reporting restrictions imposed on April 20, allowing news outlets to identify the suspects and the charges against them.  The government claims 20-year-old Dylan Earl of Elmesthorpe acted as a “conduit” for Russian intelligence and recruited men to set fire to two warehouses in east London last month.  In addition to Dylan Earl, the NSA was invoked against Jake Reeves, 22, of Croydon, for allegedly “agreeing to accept a material benefit from a foreign intelligence service.”

Permalink The Global Pharma Giant Pfizer Made a Conscious Decision NOT to Advise Regulators That Its mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Contained a DNA Sequence from the Simian Virus 40 (SV40)

This information appears among multiple emails between staff from key drug regulators, including Health Canada (HC), the U.S. Food and Drugs Administration (FDA), and the European Medicines Agency (EMA). The information was obtained through an access-to-information request. | On Aug. 23, 2023, Dr. Dean Smith, a senior scientific evaluator in Health Canada’s Vaccine Quality Division, wrote an email to a colleague at the FDA about SV40. Health Canada had obtained confirmation two weeks earlier from Pfizer that SV40 DNA sequences were present in its COVID-19 vaccine.

💬 “I understand that there have been internal discussions at CBER [Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research] regarding the presents [sic] of an SV40 enhancer/promoter sequence, noting that its presence is unrelated to the purpose of the Pfizer’s plasmid as a transcription template for their mRNA COVID-19 vaccine,” wrote Dr. Smith.  “Pfizer has communicated to us recently, that they apparently chose not to mention this information to EMA, FDA or HC at the time of their initial or subsequent submissions.”

Dr. Smith added the information had been independently made public in April 2023, via a pre-print study from U.S. scientist Kevin McKernan. Mr. McKernan, a genomics expert, had found quantities of DNA in the mRNA shots above the regulatory threshold set out by the health agencies. Dr. Smith wrote that the study had resulted in “questions coming to agencies.”

Permalink A Canadian woman, once mocked by her father as a conspiracy theorist, now finds herself taking care of him after he became a victim of Pfizer


Permalink Iran urges UNSC to address 'belligerent' Israel's atrocities

Iran's permanent ambassador to the United Nations has denounced Israel’s destabilizing activities in West Asia, urging the UN Security Council to hold the Israeli regime accountable for its atrocities in Gaza and elsewhere. |

💬 “Israel's ongoing destabilized and irresponsible actions and atrocities against the nations in the region are a real threat to regional and international peace and security,” Amir Saeid Iravani said as he addressed a UN Security Council session in New York on Thursday.  “It is time for the Security Council to shoulder its responsibility and address the real threat to international peace and security. The Security Council must promptly fulfill its duty under Chapter 7 of the Charter in response to Israel's reckless defiance.  “It must take urgent and punitive measures to compel this regime to stop its genocide and massacre against the people of Gaza and uphold its obligations especially fully implement the UNSC resolutions and legally binding orders of the International Court of Justice.”

He noted that Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu seeks to expand and escalate the conflict in the region to stay in power, emphasizing that the members of the Security Council must not allow the body to be held hostage to the ambitions of such a "belligerent regime." [...] The Iranian UN ambassador finally stated that the Islamic Republic has no intention of engaging in conflict with the US in the region; however, it will use its inherent right to respond proportionately if Washington initiates military operations against Iran, its citizens, or its security and interests.

Iran to launch missiles anywhere in Israel if necessary (Mehr News)

Permalink Nasser hospital mass grave: Pain and patience in Gaza as bodies are exhumed

Maha Hussaini | At Nasser hospital, dozens of bodies are exhumed every day. Mothers of missing Palestinians check their faces, teeth and clothes for signs their son is among them | For the past four mornings, Amal al-Baiouk has come to Nasser hospital to watch the dead bodies be brought out. Like the other parents of missing people, who keep returning to this devastated corner of Khan Younis, disappointment is etched across her face. Rescue workers begin exhuming early, with dozens pulled out of the ground as the day goes on. For Palestinian mothers waiting patiently around the burial pits, any news of their sons is good news, even if that means they are dead. Some have been missing for three months. [...] It can be difficult to distinguish the corpses’ features. Bodies can be badly decomposed or have been mutilated in some way.

The Nasser Hospital Mass Grave is beyond what humans can cope with (04/25/24)
50 bodies found in mass grave in Gaza hospital days after Israeli withdrawal (04/21/24)

Permalink The West Fully Committed to Israel’s Genocide of the Palestinians

Andy Worthington | End Times for Humanity, With the West Fully Committed to Israel’s Genocide of the Palestinians and to Complete Climate Collapse | Over the last few weeks, I’ve been suffering from a state of exhaustion that made me wonder if I had some undiagnosed terminal illness. I’ve been unable to concentrate, and, as soon as I woke up, I was wondering when I could go back to bed again.  Yesterday, the fog finally lifted, and I realized that my exhaustion was almost certainly a result of the dire state of the world right now — primarily related to Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza (still, after the murder of over 37,000 civilians, largely supported by western politicians and the mainstream media), but also to the cascading climate collapse that these same politicians and media outlets don’t want to talk about.  On Gaza, I suspect that my exhaustion was primarily related to an overwhelming sense of futility and powerlessness regarding any hope that the relentless genocide might be stopped. For those, like myself, who have been watching this grotesque live-streamed genocide unfold for over six months — ever since Hamas militants and other Gaza-based militants broke out of the “open-air prison” of the Gaza Strip on October 7 and killed 695 Israeli civilians, 373 members of the military and the police, and 71 foreign nationals — there have only been a few moments when hope appeared to be in the ascendant, and on each occasion the aftermath, when that hope was crushed, has been difficult to negotiate.

Permalink Belarus: “We were attacked by NATO forces in Lithuania – We intercepted kamikaze drones”

Belarus has announced that it intercepted a kamikaze drone attack from Lithuania. It is the first time that Minsk has officially spoken of an attack by NATO forces stationed in Lithuania. | In their statements, the Belarusian security authorities and the country's president have implicated Poland, Lithuania, and Ukraine.  In particular, the head of the Belarusian security service said this morning that it had prevented an attack on the capital Minsk by drones launched from Lithuania The president of Belarus, A. Lukashenko, emphasized that there is a NATO attack plan against his country. According to him, the plans of the opposition and its Western facilitators are to occupy the Kobrin region of Belarus, declare a new government, turn to NATO and ask NATO to send troops. “64,000 US troops along with 33,000 more from NATO are permanently stationed in Europe. Of these, 20,000 have been deployed in Poland and the Baltics," Lukashenko added. He claimed that 120,000 Ukrainian soldiers were deployed near the border with Belarus and that he is "very sure" that a serious incident is about to happen.

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