
Permalink COVID injections cause neurological disease followed by DEATH, study finds

Young adults between the ages of 15 and 44 are experiencing more neurological disease than ever before in our nation's history. And data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) points to Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines" as the culprit. | Phinance Technologies put together a study using this CDC data showing a sharp rise in neurological disease-induced death within this age group that started in 2020. Conditions like Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis that are commonly associated with vaccination suddenly started afflicting the 15-44 age group, many from which were forced to get injected for COVID in order to work or attend school.  The pre-print study paints what Great Game India described as "a troubling picture of the neurological health landscape in the U.S." It shows a clear uptick in mortality from neurological illness right around the time that Operation Warp Speed was launched by the Trump regime.  Ed Dowd, a former Wall Street guru who is now a principal at Phinance, said "the results show a clear break from the prior historical trend in death rates from neurological diseases."


Permalink Key takeaways from Biden’s Oval Office speech on exiting 2024 race

US president says it is time to ‘pass the torch’ to younger voices that ‘defence of democracy’ is more important than personal ambition. | United States President Joe Biden has made his first public address since dropping his re-election bid, saying he pulled out of the race against Republican challenger Donald Trump to unite his party and save the country’s democracy.  The 81-year-old politician struck a sombre tone on Wednesday as he sat behind the Resolute Desk at the Oval Office of the White House, and announced that it was “time to pass the torch” to younger voices. [bla...bla...bla...]

Biden is done for, what’s next? (RT.com)
Extraordinary Events Taking Place in America (Simplicius)


Permalink Orwell Goes to Paris: Russian national detained on suspicion of "destabilizing" situation during Olympics

A Russian national was detained in Paris on suspicion of seeking to "destabilize" the situation during the Olympic Games, the Agence France-Presse reported, citing the Paris prosecutor’s office. | "On Tuesday, a case was initiated on charges of working for a foreign country with an aim of instigating hatred in France. These charges are punishable by a prison term of 30 years," the prosecutor’s office said. According to the agency, the police apprehended a Russian national born in 1984. His name was not disclosed.

French authorities arrest Russian man for plans to 'destabilize' Olympics (UPI)
Захарова назвала паранойей отказ журналистам РФ в освещении Олимпиады (iz.ru)


Permalink Denmark’s $3.7 billion carbon tax plan to cost farmers almost $100 per cow

Denmark’s $3.7 billion carbon tax plan to cost farmers almost $100 per cow | Denmark is set to launch the world's first carbon tax on livestock, charging dairy farmers about $96 per cow beginning in 2030 to reduce methane emissions. Search for "you will eat bugs". There are hundreds of articles promoting the benefit and wisdom of eating bugs and not one article critical of the globalist agenda. This is the degree to which information is now controlled. (TPV/NN)


Permalink Record level data on doses, dates and deaths in relation to ten million people from the Czech Rrepublic has now been released


Permalink Dr. Hoffe: Hidden COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries: The Microscopic Blood Clots

Dr. Charles Hoffe Denounces the Covid Vaccine: “Biggest Disaster in Medical History”. Confronts College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC | Many people who are vaccinated will not be immediately aware of the injuries incurred. The latter in many cases of “adverse events” are not discernible nor are they recorded. While “big blood clots” resulting from the vaccine are revealed and reported by those vaccinated, an important study by Canada’s Dr. Charles Hoffe suggests that the mRNA vaccine generates “microscopic blood clots”.

💬 “The blood clots we hear about which the media claim are very rare are the big blood clots which are the ones that cause strokes and show up on CT scans, MRI, etc. The clots I’m talking about are microscopic and too small to find on any scan. They can thus only be detected using the D-dimer test.”  “These people have no idea they are even having these microscopic blood clots. The most alarming part of this is that there are some parts of the body like the brain, spinal cord, heart and lungs which cannot re-generate. When those tissues are damaged by blood clots they are permanently damaged. “These shots are causing huge damage and the worst is yet to come.”


Permalink Large-scale prisons being secretly erected in all 50 states

Large-scale prisons being secretly erected in all 50 states – will they be used to house illegals or force Americans into concentration camps? | Former 24-year Customs and Border Patrol (CPB) veteran J.J. Carrell got the chance to interview Christie Hutcherson of Women Fighting for America about a sinister plot by the globalists to build large-scale prison structures and compounds in all 50 states, purportedly to house illegal aliens but probably actually to imprison Americans in concentration camps.  Hutcherson has an extensive background in federal contracting having worked at forward operating bases (FOBs) in military war zones. Her company built soft-sided structures, water facilities and other necessities for soldiers as part of a multi-billion dollar operating agreement with Washington, D.C.  Because she has access to the federal database of contract bids for all of the government projects going on at any given time, Hutcherson can see specifically and exactly what is going on behind the scenes at any given time.  "There are bids for detention facilities being built in all 50 states in America," Hutcherson explained to Carrell in the interview. Carrell, who considers himself something of an expert on these types of things, says he was shocked at what Hutcherson had to say. He says he fell for the idea that these detention facilities are for illegals and migrants, not Americans.

Permalink Former Insurance Employee Awarded Nearly $700,000 After Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

Former Tennessee BlueCross BlueShield employee, Tanja Benton, was awarded nearly $700,000 in backpay and damages by a grand jury after she refused to take the company’s mandated COVID-19 vaccine, court filings show. | A federal jury in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee found last week the insurance company owes Benton $687,240 after she was let go from her position as a biostatistical research scientist.  According to the judge’s filing, BlueCross BlueShield “did not prove by a preponderance of the evidence either that it had offered a reasonable accommodation to Plaintiff or that it could not reasonably accommodate the Plaintiff’s religious beliefs without undue hardship.”  Benton had worked at the insurance company from 2005 till 2022 prior to the company rolling out the vaccine mandates during the pandemic, according to the Washington Examiner. As the former insurance employee had worked remotely without complaint for a year and a half, she detailed within her case that her position not only didn’t interact face to face with many people, but she only had a client list of 10 to 12 people each year, News Channel 9 reported.

Permalink ‘I will never get over feeling I killed my son’: Anti-vaccination activists refuse to be 'silenced’

Vaccination skeptics say the US government has joined with pharmaceutical companies to shut them down, and the veil of silence over the true dangers of inoculation is secretly killing hundreds of children each year. | When she checks on one of her three living children sleeping, Krystle Cordingley will sometimes see not their faces, but the "grey and lifeless" face of her son Corbyn, whom she found dead in his bed 14 hours after a flu vaccination. That was over five years ago.

💬 "I'm broken. I am not suicidal or unable to function, but my heart will always be shattered. I will forever feel guilty for being the one that took my son in to be vaccinated, and I don't know if I will ever get over the feeling that I killed him," says Cordingley, who now dedicates her life to fighting against vaccination.


Permalink Marjorie Taylor Greene: ‘The COVID vaccines are killing people’

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s post stating, ‘The Covid vaccines are killing people,’ has gone viral, with 4.5 million views and over 40,000 likes. Many prominent personalities, including well-known doctors, have shared Greene’s post. | A social media post by U.S. Representative Majorie Taylor Greene (MTG) stating, “The Covid vaccines are killing people,” has gone viral on X, formerly known as Twitter. The post from July 3 currently has 4.5 million views and over 40,000 likes. Many prominent personalities, including well-known medical doctors, shared Greene’s post while repeating the statement, “The Covid vaccines are killing people.”


Permalink Schwab: Humanity Must Be ‘Forced Into Collaboration’ With Globalist Elites

World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab told delegates at a conference in China this week that humanity needs to be “forced into a collaboration” with globalist entities. Speaking at the WEF’s ‘Annual Meeting of the New Champions’, often dubbed the “Summer Davos,” in China, Schwab stated that in order to drive the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” forward, elites must aggressively drive their agenda home. “To drive future economic growth we must embrace innovation and force the collaboration across sectors, regions, nations, and cultures to create a more peaceful, inclusive, sustainable, and resilient future,” Schwab proclaimed.

💬 "The historical mission of our world revolution is to rearrange a new culture of humanity to replace the previous social system. This conversion and re-organization of global society requires two essential steps: firstly, the destruction of the old established order, secondly, design and imposition of the new order. The first stage requires the elimination of all frontier borders, nationhood and culture, public policy ethical barriers and social definitions, only then can the destroyed old system elements be replaced by the imposed system elements of our new order. The first task of our world revolution is *Destruction*...."
💬 "All social strata and social formations created by traditional society must be annihilated, individual men and women must be uprooted from their ancestral environment, torn out of their native milieus, no tradition of any type shall be permitted to remain as sacrosanct, traditional social norms must only be viewed as a disease to be eradicated, the ruling dictum of the new order is; nothing is good, so everything must be criticized and abolished, everything that was, must be gone."
💬 "After destruction of the old order, construction of the new order is a larger and more difficult task. We will have torn out the old limbs from their ancient roots in deep layers, social norms will be lying disorganized and anarchic so they must be blocked against new cultural forms and social categories naturally re-emerging. The general masses will have been first persuaded to join as equals in the first task of destroying their own traditional society and economic culture, but then the new order must be forcibly established through people again being divided and differentiated only in accordance with the new pyramidal hierarchical system of our imposed global monolithic new world order." ~ Nahum Goldman, founder of World Jewish Congress, "The Spirit of Militarism" (1915)

Permalink Bishop Strickland: The Vatican is more interested in silencing Viganò than addressing his allegations

While Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò is excommunicated, the same Vatican tolerates and even supports figures like Theodore McCarrick and others who abuse and challenge Church teaching. | We find ourselves at a strange moment in Church history when Archbishop Viganò is excommunicated swiftly while Theodore McCarrick remains unexcommunicated after years of his crimes against the Church have come to light. We should look closely at a Vatican that operates in this manner. Rather than addressing the serious questions and allegations Archbishop Viganò raises, he is summarily removed from the Church with an apparent motive to silence him. Meanwhile McCarrick and a lengthy list of others have promoted a culture that ignores or wants to change Church teachings and their voices are allowed and even overtly supported. It seems we are left with only stones to cry out for justice because the voices of faithful disciples are mute, ignored, or even silenced.

We must become saints to defend the Latin Mass (Life Site News)(VIDEO)
Vatican says Archbishop Viganò ‘guilty’ of schism and excommunicated (07/06/24)


Permalink Vatican says Archbishop Viganò ‘guilty’ of schism and excommunicated

Pope Francis' Vatican announced it had found former Nuncio to the U.S. Archbishop Viganò 'guilty of the reserved delict of schism' on July 4, and that consequently he is automatically excommunicated. | The Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) announced July 5 that it had declared former U.S Nuncio Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò to be guilty of “schism” and automatically excommunicated. In a statement issued without warning to the Holy See press corps, the DDF stated that its Congress met on July 4 to decide against Viganò. [...] Under the terms of the latest edition of Canon Law, one who is excommunicated is prohibited from offering the sacraments. On June 20, Viganò revealed that the DDF had, by way of a letter dated June 11, begun an “extrajudicial penal trial” against him, accusing the prelate of “the crime of schism.”

LifeSiteNews launches petition praying for Archbishop Viganò after excommunication (Life Site News)
Archbishop Viganò: I accuse Bergoglio of heresy and schism (Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop / Life Site News)
EXCLUSIVE: Archbishop Viganò confirms he has not and will not attend Vatican ‘schism’ trial (06/27/24 )

Permalink Election In Britain

Moon of Alabama | Jeremy Corby, no longer in Labour, has been reelected. So have been five MPs who campaigned on a pro-Gaza position. | The Tories have lost the election in Britain. Labour, under Keir Stamer, did not win the election. It received less votes than it had received under Jeremy Corbyn in 2017 and 2019. The turnout was low. The overwhelming voter sentiment was 'anything but Tory'. There was no enthusiasms for Labour and Stamer's program. Labour, under Corbyn, had been a real worker party with socialist tendencies.  The deep state, with the help of the Israeli embassy, had launched a media campaign against Labour alleging that it was hiding anti-semitic tendencies. Corbyn made the huge mistake of not fighting back against it. In the end he was kicked out despite Labour's healthy election results. [...] Stamer is a controversial figure. He seems to have been placed in his position by the deep state. His previous position was the Chief of the Crown Prosecution Service. He had a major role in indicting and incarcerating Julian Assange. After being installed he has moved Labour to the right. It is now occupying a pro-capitalism center-right position.

June 02, 2024: “We have to Deal with the Anti-Vaxxers” says Keir Starmer. (Global Research)
Israel’s Mossad: Yinon Agenda, Terrorism, & Global Dominion (Helena Glass)

Permalink The 15 Stages of Denial Among Recipients of the Covid-19 "Vaccine" (Bio-Weapon)

  1. It's the cure!
  2. It's not the cure, but it prevents you from getting Covid and spreading it to others.
  3. It doesn't prevent you from getting Covid, but it prevents you from getting sick.
  4. It doesn't prevent you from getting sick, but it prevents you from getting REALLY sick.
  5. It doesn't prevent you from getting REALLY sick, but it prevents you from dying.
  6. It doesn't prevent you from dying, but it prevents most people from dying.
  7. Hey, it's still a net benefit! Trust the science!
  8. Okay, well, at least it doesn't actively harm people! Roll up your sleeve for the updated shot.
  9. Okay, well, at least it doesn't harm THAT many people! I'm sorry. I'm busy and not rolling up my sleeves anymore.
  10. Okay, it's poison, and it causes “Covid” (I.E., illness and deaths that are blamed on “Covid”), and it doesn't actually do anything beneficial whatsoever. There are zero (0) benefits, only costs. The cure is so much worse than the disease. We got bamboozled every step of the way.
  11. It's poison and a bio-weapon, but it only kills a few people, and everybody I know is okay.
  12. Well, I know a few people who were killed, suffered adverse events or are now neurologically impaired, but it's pretty much all over now.
  13. Okay, more and more people are dying in the medium term, and the people I know who took the jab are starting to sweat the long term, but it will stop when these greedy pharma companies are reined in from still administering shots.
  14. It's true that the military was involved in orchestrating the whole thing, but the people in the military (who agree to kill anyone they are told to for money) care about us, and it's only because they want to prepare us for an era of biological warfare.
  15. The “Vaccines” have killed 17 million - 20 million+ people, with more dying every day from medium-to-long term side-effects, including myocarditis, blood clots, and turbo cancers, vs. the supposedly seven million that were killed by “The Covid.” The “Government” is run by an inter-generational organized crime system centered around banking and central banking. They have been tax-farming the population and stealing the value out of everyone’s money using a technique called fractional reserve banking that is causing the massive inflation we are seeing as economic warfare against a population that is waking up to the illegitimacy and criminality of “government.”



Permalink Globalist front man Klaus Schwab tells elitist followers they must ‘force’ humanity into a world ruled by AI and other dehumanizing technologies

Leo Hohman | World Economic Forum founder and director Klaus Schwab, speaking at the WEF’s recently concluded summer meeting in China, has informed his elitist followers that ushering in the globalist agenda will require humanity to be “forced” into a “collaboration” with the unelected organization. And the time for forced collaboration has now arrived. | Schwab made the declaration during his opening remarks at the WEF’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions, also known as the “Summer Davos,” in Dalian, China.  He praised China for its economic policies, which are seen by the globalists as the model of top-down centralized planning in a high-tech surveillance state run through smart cities, smart EVs, smart homes, smart appliances, smart meters, AI, digital IDs and CBDCs, all of which hold one thing in common — they come with on-off switches not under the control of the end user, which is we the people. In their ideal world, we live as slaves at the privilege of our masters. We get out of line, they can cut off our electric power, our electric car, our electronic digital money, everything.  Schwab told the elitist participants gathered in China that they must “force” humanity into a “collaboration” with the unelected WEF. why Schwab told his globalist comrades at a previous meeting two years ago to expect an “angrier world.”


Permalink How the German Foreign Office collaborated with asylum NGOs and pressured foreign embassy officials to grant entry visas to thousands of fake refugees with forged passports

eugyppius | Prosecutors in Berlin and Cottbus have opened criminal investigations into the widening scandal. | Today, I invite you to follow me down a little mass migration rabbit hole. We will investigate a small part of the machinery that is bringing the migrants to Germany, in all of its utter bizarreness, and at the end we will speculate briefly about why all of this strange stuff is happening. Our point of departure is this little story that broke a few days ago:



Permalink In 2025, all draftable U.S. WOMEN will be force-vaccinated with deadly mRNA spike proteins

In 2025, all draftable U.S. WOMEN will be force-vaccinated with deadly mRNA spike proteins by the Medical/Military Industrial Complex | There’s a lot more to the draft these days than just readying and sending soldiers into the meat grinders of the political mass-embezzlement schemes, a.k.a. the military industrial complex. Now Big Pharma has its teeth sunk in deep, and every military member drafted next year, including all “eligible” women, will surely face the wrath of the mRNA-Industrial Complex.  Did you know that 98 percent of all U.S. military forces, meaning the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard and National Guard, got the deadly Covid-19 “clot shot” mRNA spike protein “vaccines?” They sure did. Over 6.5 million experimental, untested, gene-and-cell-altering mRNA stabs were administered to U.S. military members, modifying their cells to produce endless protein prions that cause rubbery vascular clots, myocarditis, pericarditis, spontaneous abortions and turbo cancer.  And just in case you were wondering, yes, the Secretary of Defense made the toxic jabs MANDATORY for service members after the nefarious FDA “approved” them (they never really did) for mass-injection (as a biological weapon of mass destruction). Service members who refused to get the useless, worthless, unsafe, ineffective prion injections were DISCHARGED from the military. The military told the fully unvaccinated to do the “right thing” and that it was a “lawful order” that must be “obeyed” because it is a “valid medical readiness requirement.” Oh, really?


Permalink White Christians being replaced in Europe – Orban

German politician Manfered Weber is the “Beelzebub” behind this population replacement, the Hungarian prime minister has claimed

💬 "A “militant” faction of pro-migration politicians is overseeing the “replacement” of white European Christians with Muslim immigrants, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has declared.  “In Europe there is an exchange of populations, the number of white, Christian, traditional – let’s say European – people is decreasing, the number of migrants being imported and the number of people belonging to the Muslim community born here is radically increasing,” Orban told Kossuth Radio on Friday."

German politician Manfred Weber, who leads the centrist European People’s Party (EPP) in the European Parliament, is the “beelzebub” responsible for this alleged scheme, Orban continued, adding that European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is Weber’s “little servant girl” responsible for its implementation. [...] Orban was criticized in the German media for his comments on Friday, with Munich’s Merkur newspaper accusing him of spreading “conspiracy myths” about immigration.



Permalink Covid vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths

Covid vaccines could be partly to blame for the rise in excess deaths since the pandemic, scientists have suggested. Researchers from The Netherlands analysed data from 47 Western countries and discovered there had been more than three million excess deaths since 2020, with the trend continuing despite the rollout of vaccines and containment measures. They said the “unprecedented” figures “raised serious concerns” and called on governments to fully investigate the underlying causes, including possible vaccine harms. Writing in the BMJ Public Health, the authors from Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, said: “Although Covid-19 vaccines were provided to guard civilians from suffering morbidity and mortality by the Covid-19 virus, suspected adverse events have been documented as well.

Excess mortality across countries in the Western World since the COVID-19 pandemic: ‘Our World in Data’ estimates of January 2020 to December 2022 (British Medical Journal)


Permalink UK: Breaking: NIGEL FARAGE Calls for Public Inquiry re COVID Jab

"We were told take the vaccine, the so-called "vaccine" and you won't catch Covid, take the vaccine and you won't pass Covid on, both of those things were totally, completely untrue. We were told the vaccine was safe in every way, frankly it had not been through anything like the normal testing...and now we know there are elderly pensioners on their seventh jab, that's not the kind of vaccine you and I grew up with, you have a vaccine once and were inoculated for life. So I do think there needs to be a massive investigation not just into harms that were caused by the vaccines, all vaccines cause side effects., but there does seem to be an alarming number of people, young men in particular, who have developed myocarditis and other heart conditions."


Permalink Covid vaccines may have contributed to excess deaths – study

Researchers have called for deeper probes into side effects and links to mortality rates | More than three million excess deaths were registered in Western countries during the first three years of the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new study that suggests that Covid vaccines could be partly to blame.  According to the research from Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, published in the journal BMJ Public Health earlier this week, a total of 3,098,456 excess deaths were reported in 47 countries between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2022.  In 2020, 1.03 million excess deaths were reported in the first full year of the pandemic, the study found. The year 2021, when the first vaccines were rolled out, saw over 1.25 million excess deaths, and in 2022 – when Covid-related restrictions were lifted – over 808,000 excess deaths were recorded, according to preliminary data cited in the study.


Permalink On the ugliness of corrupted law as a barrier to seeing it

Katherine Watt | Orientation for new readers - American Domestic Bioterrorism Program - Tools for dismantling kill box anti-law | Hedley Rees is engaged an attempt to smear me and Sasha Latypova, and our work, at his Substack. I’ve posted several comments in the thread, some of which are below.  One reason why the smear campaigns are intensifying, I speculate, is that I’ve been writing more for a few months about the non-regulation of the entire worldwide biological product/vaccine manufacturing regulatory system, which has enabled the systematic poisoning of babies and children, since smallpox in early 1900s, polio in 1950s, and the metastizing “childhood immunization schedule” since then.  It’s all been immunotoxic junk for the whole time, not just since 2020 and the Covid vaccines.  As more people understand these legal facts and stop trusting US-FDA as de facto global regulator, taking vaccines and vaccinating their children, vaccine-related depopulation and enslavement projects will face new headwinds.


Permalink Covid Shots Are SOLE Cause of Soaring Child Heart Failure, Top Study Confirms

A major new study has just confirmed that Covid mRNA shots are the sole cause of the soaring cases of heart failure among children. | As Slay News has been reporting, cases of cardiac-related deaths and heart failure such as myocarditis and pericarditis have been soaring around the world since the Covid injections were rolled out to the public in early 2021. Myocarditis and pericarditis are inflammatory conditions of the heart and are generally considered to be rare, especially among children. Severe cases can lead to serious complications and even death. Both conditions are known side effects of the Covid mRNA shots.


Permalink Leaked Video Shows Moderna CEO Telling Fauci “We Should Fake a Pandemic” – One Month Before COVID

Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel told former NAID Director Anthony Fauci to “fake a pandemic” just one month before the COVID-19 pandemic was unleashed. | Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel told former NAID Director Anthony Fauci to “fake a pandemic” just one month before the COVID-19 pandemic was unleashed.

💬 “At the end of the day we talked to Tony [Fauci] about something I’ve always been passionate about, which is outbreak and pandemic readiness because I knew the mRNA technology could go so fast,” Bancel can be heard admitting in the video.  Infowars.com reports: “And so I say one day we should mock up an outbreak where you guys send us by email a sequence of a virus you pick and we start the clock watch and we see how quickly we can give you GNP dose to get into the clinic.”  “You guys take into the clinic, and I told them we should be able to do that in less than 60 days, and they were all laughing, saying you cannot do a GNP product in less than 60 days.”

Bancel also explained how his visit to the World Economic Forum’s annual Davos Summit in 2020 left him believing a pandemic of some kind was imminent. [He] also revealed Moderna’s “woke” company culture after admitting the company put the brakes on vaccine trials because there were “too many white people in the study.”


Permalink ⚡Dr. David Martin: The WHO Is A Criminal Racketeering Organization

Dr. David Martin spoke at European Parliament, Strasbourg France Reveals Evidence of WHO Criminal Racketeering and Global Genocide. Sep 2023. Dr. Martin: "WHO is a Criminal Cartel Involved in Criminal Conspiracy Resulting in Global Terrorism For The Purpose of Profiteering and Global Genocide." Dr. Martin reveals COVID-19 and the COVID Vaccines to be bioweapons created for the sole purpose of profit and mass murder. Vaccines are a Eugenics Global Depopulation Mechanism. The World Health Organization is a front organization for Bill Gates who funds it by 86% and is attempting to take over sovereign nations' health for sinister and dark purposes. If Nations cede their sovereignty to Bill Gates through the WHO then expect another pandemic to be declared immediately most like H5N1 Avian Influenza Bird Flu with a Bill Gates sanctioned new vaccine being pushed possibly by forced mandates.

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