
Permalink Ukraine Massing Troops Along Belarus Border

Ukraine has begun massing a large number of military troops along the border of Belarus. Possibly a ploy to drag Belarus into conflict, give NATO excuse to enter. | The Belarus National Guard is reporting a heavy buildup of Ukrainian military forces along its border with Ukraine. This includes what is described as "an unprecedented amount of Recon troops." Ukraine has also "Pre-emptively fortified its border" with Belarus.  There is no stated reason for this sudden development, and thus speculation is rampant. One speculation is that Ukraine will enter Belarus to take it; then use Belarus as a bargaining chip with Russia to get back Ukrainian land that Russia has taken.  Another speculation is that Ukraine is trying to provoke Belarus into entering the conflict, which would then be used as an excuse for NATO to enter Ukraine. (Except Ukraine is not a NATO member and even if Belarus entered the conflict, it does not give NATO any right to enter.) Whatever is being cooked-up, is happening fast. Stay tuned.

Belarus warns massing of Ukraine forces at borders risks escalation (Al Mayadeen)
Ukrainians are massing troops to the border with the Republic of Belarus. (Pravda-EN)
Ukraine Situation Report: Kyiv Moves More Troops To Belarus Border (The Warzone)

Permalink EU bureaucrats ‘want war with Russia’ – Orban

The Hungarian prime minister has accused Brussels of making “bad political decisions” on the Ukraine conflict | The EU leadership is pushing the bloc towards war with Russia, while neglecting the interests of their own people, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has claimed.  In an op-ed published in the Magyar Nemzet newspaper on Saturday, Orban warned that the EU is facing a series of crises, including economic challenges and the heightened threat of terrorism.

💬 “To make matters worse, the Brussels bureaucracy that lives in a bubble has made a number of bad political decisions in recent years,” the prime minister argued. “Europe is increasingly being dragged into a war, in which it has nothing to gain and everything to lose.”  “The bureaucrats in Brussels want this war. They see it as their own, and they want to defeat Russia. They keep sending the money of the European people to Ukraine. They have shot European companies in their feet with sanctions. They have driven up inflation and they have made making a living difficult for millions of European citizens.

Вучич рассказал об истинных желаниях Запада (Известия)
Вучич заявил о заинтересованности Запада в территориях России и ее ресурсах (TACC)
EU’s pick for chief diplomat ‘a rabid Russophobe’ – Kremlin (06/29/24)

Permalink Biden's Decision On Campaign Depends On His Inner Circle, Will Meet at Camp David - Reports

US President Joe Biden will not drop out of the race for US president unless his closest circle decides so, the Axios news portal reported following a poor performance of the American leader in the first presidential debate. | The report noted on Saturday that a call for Biden to drop out of the race from his inner circle would be shocking and sudden.  The inner circle reportedly includes Biden’s wife, Jill Biden, his younger sister Valerie, adviser Ted Kaufman and a small group of White House advisers.  Later on Saturday, NBC reported that Joe Biden will be meeting with his family at Camp David to discuss the future of his campaign, citing "five people familiar with the matter." Those sources said First Lady Jill Biden will be most influential in steering Joe.

Biden campaign’s future hinges on his wife – NBC (RT.com)
Biden not to drop out of presidential race over performance at debates (06/29/24)

Permalink ICC Decision on Arrest Warrants For Israeli Officials Delayed By UK

The International Criminal Court’s (ICC) decision over potential arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant will be delayed for weeks after the UK requested a review by the court on whether it has jurisdiction over Israeli citizens. | The request by the UK tracks closely with arguments made by the Israeli government that international agreements take precedence over the ICC. The Oslo Accords stipulated that the Palestinian Authority has no criminal jurisdiction over Israelis. Since the Palestinian Authority requested that the ICC open an investigation, Israel argues that it violated the agreement. The UK holds a special “friend of the court” status that enabled them to issue the request. Israel is unable to because it is not a member of the court.


Permalink Biden not to drop out of presidential race over performance at debates

The media also noted that members of Joe Biden’s campaign say that the current US president has no intention to drop out of the second round of debates with Donald Trump on September 10 | US President Joe Biden has no intention to leave the presidential race over the unsuccessful, from the standpoint of other party members and experts, performance at the televised debates, Biden campaign spokesperson Seth Schuster told The Hill. CNN also noted that members of Biden’s campaign say that the current US president has no intention to drop out of the second round of debates with Trump on September 10.

New York Times editorial board urges Biden to quit the 2024 race (RT.com)
Kamala to Be ‘Leapfrogged’ in Quest to Find Biden Replacement (Sputnik)
US House Speaker Johnson says Biden’s cabinet should remove him from office (TASS)
Poll shows 60% of Americans want Biden replaced as presidential candidate (TASS)
US Congressman Gosar Says Biden Debate Performance Shows He's Unfit to Be President (06/28/24)
Advanced Dementia Patient, Enduring Symbol of Sclerotic Late-stage Liberal Democracy (eugyppius)
Implications of Trump-Biden "Debate" Are Staggering - for both the USA and the World (Hal Turner)

Permalink Zelensky Talks Ukraine CAPITULATION! Says too many wounded and dead; doesn't want war for years

Volodymyr Zelensky, former President of Ukraine whose term of Office expired on May 21, went on TV yesterday and made clear Ukraine has too many wounded and dead; they do not want the war with Russia to continue | His English language skills are not the best, but what he says is quite dramatic:

💬 “We don't have too much time because we have a lot of wounded and dead people on the battlefield and among civilians. That's why we don't want to have this war continue for years. We want to prepare this joint plan and put it on the table for the next peace summit.”

Where is the so-called "main-stream media?" Why has not a single TV Network in the United States or Europe reported this?

Zelensky preparing ‘plan to end war’ (RT.com)

Permalink EU’s pick for chief diplomat ‘a rabid Russophobe’ – Kremlin

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, a hardliner on Russia, is set to take over the bloc’s foreign policy later this year | Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, who has been nominated to lead the EU’s foreign policy, has a history of hostile attitudes towards Russia, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said.  A hardliner on Russia, Kallas was officially nominated to replace Josep Borrell on Friday. Her candidacy must be approved by the newly elected European Parliament, which will convene for the first time next month – a procedure widely seen as a formality.

Kremlin: Estonian PM and EU FM nominee a 'rabid Russophobe' (Al Mayadeen)
‘She eats Russians for breakfast’: Who is Kaja Kallas, the EU’s next foreign policy chief? (RT.com)
Look who's here! (Dmitry Medvedev)

NATO state’s PM calls for breakup of Russia (05/21/24)
Estonian premier emerges as frontrunner to become new NATO chief: Report (04/03/24)
Biden backs Dutch PM Rutte for next NATO chief (02/22/24)

Permalink Iran threatens ‘obliterating war’ if Israel attacks Lebanon

"Iran deems as psychological warfare the Zionist regime’s propaganda about intending to attack Lebanon", the Iranian mission to the UN said | The Iranian mission to the UN issued a stern warning to Israel that a full-on attack on Lebanon would kick off a war of annihilation.  "Albeit Iran deems as psychological warfare the Zionist regime’s propaganda about intending to attack Lebanon, should it embark on full-scale military aggression, an obliterating war will ensue. All options, including the full involvement of all Resistance Fronts, are on the table," the mission said on X.  In mid-June, the Israeli military approved an operational plan for an offensive in Lebanon. Following the ongoing operation against Hamas in Gaza, the military plans to the forces of Hezbollah, which, like Hamas, is acting against Israel, occasionally shelling the Jewish state from the north.

UK has sent 74 warplanes from Cyprus to Lebanon since March (MATT KENNARD)
Israeli Defense Minister Vows to Return Lebanon to ‘Stone Age’ (06/28/24)

Permalink UK has sent 74 war planes from Cyprus to Lebanon since March

MATT KENNARD | Number of RAF aircraft landed in Beirut by Britain, a key backer of the Israeli military, has surged in recent months amid threats of a new offensive, but their purpose remains unclear.

 Ministry of Defence refuses to divulge number of flights but Declassified constructs timeline
 Most RAF flights are Voyager aircraft which can carry nearly 300 soldiers
 Declassified understands flights are “primarily facilitating senior military engagement”
 Hezbollah has warned Cypriot government not to aid Israel

Britain has sent over 80 military transport planes to Lebanon’s capital, Beirut, since the bombing of Gaza began, Declassified can reveal. All the flights have gone from RAF Akrotiri, Britain’s sprawling air base on Cyprus which has long been a staging post for bombing missions in the Middle East. It sits 150 miles, or 45 minutes flight time, from Beirut.  There has been a steady stream of flights since the Israeli assault on Gaza began in October, but the number rose dramatically in April with 25 flights going from Akrotiri to Beirut. May saw the same number of flights, with another 14 so far this month.   The spike in flights – now totalling 84 since October – comes amid soaring tensions between Israel and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah.

Permalink How the German Foreign Office collaborated with asylum NGOs and pressured foreign embassy officials to grant entry visas to thousands of fake refugees with forged passports

eugyppius | Prosecutors in Berlin and Cottbus have opened criminal investigations into the widening scandal. | Today, I invite you to follow me down a little mass migration rabbit hole. We will investigate a small part of the machinery that is bringing the migrants to Germany, in all of its utter bizarreness, and at the end we will speculate briefly about why all of this strange stuff is happening. Our point of departure is this little story that broke a few days ago:

Permalink It Was the Media, Led by the Guardian, That Kept Julian Assange Behind Bars

Jonathan Cook | Western governments, politicians, the judiciary, and the media all failed Assange. Or rather, they did what they are actually there to do: keep the rabble – that is, you and me – from knowing what they are really up to. | [The media's] job is to build narratives suggesting that they know best, that we must trust them, that their crimes, such as those they are supporting right now in Gaza, are actually not what they look like, but are, in fact, efforts in very difficult circumstances to uphold the moral order, to protect civilisation. For this reason, there is a special need to identify the critical role played by the media in keeping Assange locked up for so long. The truth is, with a properly adversarial media playing the role it declares for itself, as a watchdog on power, Assange could never have been disappeared for so long. He would have been freed years ago. It was the media that kept him behind bars.


Permalink Israeli Defense Minister Vows to Return Lebanon to ‘Stone Age’

The White House reversed course and now says a ceasefire in Lebanon cannot be contingent on a deal in Gaza | Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said Israel was prepared to send Lebanon back to the “Stone Age” with a massive bombing campaign. The White House desperately tries to avert a major war in the Middle East but is not making progress.  After three days of meetings with top officials in Washington, Gallant told reporters that Israel preferred diplomacy but was also willing to utterly destroy Lebanon. “We do not want war, but we are preparing for every scenario. Hezbollah understands very well that we can inflict massive damage in Lebanon if a war is launched,” he said. Israel could bomb “Lebanon back to the Stone Age, but we don’t want to do it.”  Gallant’s remarks come as daily tit-for-tat exchanges between Hezbollah and Israel risk escalating into a major war that could see the US, Iran, and other militias across the Middle East enter the fray. After announcing it had “operational plans” ready for an attack, Israel has started to move some military assets from near Gaza to its northern border.

US approves transfer of 500lb bombs to Israel as preparations for Lebanon war underway (The Cradle)

Permalink Day 262 | During the past 24 hours

Permalink Israel’s leaked plan for annexing the West Bank

Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich’s plan to annex the West Bank would see over 60% of the territory becoming a part of Israel. But Palestinian experts say it is “already happening.” | The issue of Israel’s creeping annexation of the West Bank has resurfaced in recent days after a leaked recording of Israel’s finance minister Bezalel Smotrich revealed a “dramatic” plan to impose permanent Israeli control over the West Bank “without the government being accused of annexing it,” as Smotrich was recorded saying.  Smotrich’s statements, recorded by the Peace Now Israeli NGO and published by CNN and the New York Times, were made during a speech he gave to settler leaders earlier in June. Smotrich was recorded saying that he had elaborated a plan in the past year and a half and exposed it to Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu, who was “fully onboard.”  The plan centers around transferring administrative authorities in the West Bank from the Israeli army to the civil authorities of the Israeli government. Smotrich said that he oversaw the creation of an entire administrative body directly linked to the government and that members of this body were already embedded in the Israeli army’s Civil Administration.

Permalink US Congressman Gosar Says Biden Debate Performance Shows He's Unfit to Be President

Numerous Democrats have expressed concerns about Biden’s poor performance and its implications for the future of his candidacy, according to CNN, which hosted the debate. Trump and Biden are set to debate again on September 10 in an ABC-moderated event. | US Congressman Paul Gosar in a statement to Sputnik said US President Joe Biden's debate performance demonstrated he was mentally unfit to be US president. 💬 "With tonight's debate, Joe Biden stammered the quiet part out loud: he is mentally unfit to be President of the United States," Gosar said. President Joe Biden's claim that the US southern border is more secure under his administration compared to former President Donald Trump's is nonsense, former acting US Customs and Border Protection Deputy Commissioner Ronald Vitiello told Sputnik.

Dems freak out over Biden’s debate performance: ‘Biden is toast’ (politico)
Biden stumbles amid fierce attacks from Trump (Los Angeles Times)
Trump and Biden accuse each other of ‘encouraging’ Putin (RT.com)

Implications of Trump-Biden "Debate" Are Staggering - for both the USA and the World (Hal Turner) | I did not get to watch the Trump-Biden Debate last night because I was doing my live radio show while the debate took place. From what I have seen in video snippets, it was an unmitigated DISASTER - for both the United States, and for the world. What everyone got to see last night is what many of us have known from the beginning: Biden is not running the country because he is incapable of doing so. His lack of mental faculties, likely from Dementia, is unquestionable. This begs the question "Who is it that's actually running the country?" It's a fair question.

Permalink Disrespect for immunity of countries could be step toward war — Medvedev

ICC judges issued arrest warrants for Shoigu and Gerasimov on June 25 in connection with the situation in Ukraine. | Failure to recognize that countries and their officials have immunity can sometimes be a step toward war, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said. Medvedev said the warrants run counter to international law.

💬 "Russia, like most countries of the world, including, incidentally, the United States of America and the largest countries - China, India - is not a party to this theatrical institution called the ICC," he said. "Attempts to apply to us the norms of an international treaty, to which we are not a party, are obviously senseless. They are part of foreign policy, and an absolutely aggressive one. But the consequences, as I have already said, can be very bad for the entire humanity. Those who generate these decisions should think about this."

Last year, the ICC issued arrest warrants for Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian Children's Rights Commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova on charges of alleged unlawful deportation of Ukrainian children.


Permalink Pro-Western group calls for assassination campaign in Russia

Ex-Duma MP Ilya Ponomarev claims 5,000 determined fighters are enough to seize power in the country | A former Russian State Duma MP has claimed that he will pressure NATO leaders to assassinate members of President Vladimir Putin’s inner circle and overthrow the Russian government, The Times reported on Wednesday.  The British newspaper spoke to Ilya Ponomarev, a self-styled representative of the “Russian resistance.” He outlined his plan to submit a document during the 75th NATO summit in Washington next month that justifies the use of force against those close to Putin.  Ponomarev, who lives in exile and claims that some serving Russian MPs are part of his movement, told The Times that the term ‘combatant’ should cover “government officials who organize or finance the war [with Ukraine], businessmen who produce arms, propaganda warmongers.” The targeted assassination of such people on Russian soil would then be legal, he argued.  The former politician claims to speak on behalf of Kiev-backed militant forces that staged incursions into Russian regions bordering Ukraine before the Russian presidential election in March. The groups also claimed credit for the murders of military blogger Vladlen Tatarsky and journalist Darya Dugina.

SITREP 6/23/24: Coordinated Terror Attacks by Ukraine and Friends Seek to Sow Instability (Simplicius)

Permalink SITREP 6/23/24: Coordinated Terror Attacks by Ukraine and Friends Seek to Sow Instability

Simplicius | Today what appeared to be a large coordinated series of terror provocations was carried out by Ukraine and Western intel assets. Just a couple reports ago I wrote about how it’s been openly declared that Ukraine may resort to naked terrorism against Russian schools, so we know the pivot toward a purely asymmetric terror war has already been on the cards | In accordance with that, today Ukraine launched a coordinated ATACMs strike on beachgoers in Sevastopol, reportedly injuring ~150+ or more, and killing half a dozen, though that death toll may rise as per usual. At the same time, a jihadi terrorist cell was activated in Dagestan, which went on a killing spree targeting Orthodox Christian churches, as well as a Synagogue, with one of the Orthodox priests reportedly having his throat slit. Also, an attack occurred on the Abkhazia border with multiple dead as well. Keep in mind this is just days after an ISIS cell staged an attack in a Rostov prison, though fortunately the only victims there were the jihadis themselves. The newly activated spree is clearly meant to provoke religious strife and ethnic tensions within Russia at its vulnerable Caucasian flanks.

The Last Wunderwaffe (W. Schryver) + Russia strikes Ukrainian airfields set to house Western-supplied jets – MOD
To Negotiate or Not to Negotiate [i] (Black Mountain Analysis)
Nuclear War Ahead? [i] (Black Mountain Analysis)

Permalink Israel war on Gaza live: 24 hours of ‘bloody, brutal’ attacks on civilians

   Israel’s warplanes, artillery strike densely-populated civilian areas in Gaza’s north, centre and south over previous 24 hours, killing dozens, with Israeli ground troops “systematically demolishing residential homes” in southern city of Rafah: Al Jazeera’s correspondent in Gaza.
   “The bodies of thousands of the missing children remain buried under the rubble,” UNICEF deputy chief tells the UN Security Council in a briefing on Gaza.
   Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant says “significant progress” was made on US support for Israel’s “force build-up” and weapons supply during trip to Washington, DC.
   “It’s unbearable,” says Khaled Shakshir, a volunteer hospital technician at Al-Aqsa Hospital in Gaza’s Deir el-Balah as equipment, including anaesthesia machines, break down.
   At least 37,718 people have been killed and 86,377 wounded in Israel’s war on Gaza since October 7. The revised death toll in Israel from the Hamas-led attacks stands at 1,139, with dozens of people still held captive in Gaza.

Palestinian Resistance IEDs [Improvised explosive device] leave 17 Israeli soldiers wounded in Jenin (Al Mayadeen)

Permalink Israel court ends draft exemptions for ultra-Orthodox Jews

Israel's Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that the state must begin drafting ultra-Orthodox Jewish seminary students into the military, a decree which creates new political strains for embattled Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. | Netanyahu's Likud party said the Supreme Court's ruling was "perplexing," given ongoing efforts in parliament to agree on a new conscription law that would address the problem.  The prime minister's coalition government relies on two ultra-Orthodox parties that regard conscription exemptions as key to keeping their constituents in religious seminaries and out of a melting-pot army that might test their customs.  Leaders of those parties said they were disappointed with the ruling but issued no immediate threat to the government. However, the prospect of the military, backed by Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, starting to draft seminary students could widen cracks in Netanyahu's increasingly brittle coalition.

Permalink With Assange banned, wife urges others to dig out info from US gov.

A requirement as part of the plea deal is that WikiLeaks remove any unpublished material on the US that they or their affiliates hold. | Australian journalists are being asked by WikiLeaks founder and journalist Julian Assange's wife, Stella, to file freedom of information (FOI) requests with the US government to obtain details on its criminal case against him - as his plea deal prohibits him from doing so. In a statement released on Julian Assange's first full day back in Australia, his wife and legal team thanked legislators, the prime minister, and supporters locally and globally whose 14-year effort led to his release. [...] A requirement as part of the plea deal is that WikiLeaks remove any unpublished material on the US that they or their affiliates held. According to Assange's US attorney Barry Pollack, WikiLeaks' published material was over ten years old, and he was unsure whether they still had unpublished records but noted that Assange fulfilled his obligations.


Permalink Police detain general who led attempted coup in Bolivia — TV

The television channel showed the general leaving the building of the General Staff escorted by police | Bolivian General Juan Jose Zuniga, who led an attempted coup, has been detained, Bolivia TV reported. The television channel showed the general leaving the building of the General Staff escorted by police. Before getting inside the police car, the general tries to share his vision of the situation with journalists. According to the general, he spoke with President Luis Arce on June 23 and the head of state asked to help him boost his popularity.

Bolivia's Interior Minister Presents Detained General Zuñiga to Media (Sputnik)
‘Attempted coup’ reported in Bolivia (VIDEOS) (RT.com)
What is known about coup attempt in Bolivia (TASS)


Permalink NATO countries approve Rutte's candidacy for five-year term as Secretary General

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte will replace Norway’s Jens Stoltenberg in October 2024 | Ambassadors of 32 NATO countries have approved the candidacy of Mark Rutte, who lost the Dutch election for the post of prime minister, to serve as the alliance's chief for the next five years, the press service reported.  "On Wednesday [June 26], the North Atlantic Council decided to appoint Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as the next Secretary General of NATO," the press service said after the ambassadors’ meeting in Brussels. Rutte will replace Norway’s Jens Stoltenberg in October 2024.  Stoltenberg has been NATO's chief for ten years, an absolute record. His five-year term has been extended four times for one year.

NATO confirms new chief (RT.com)
Outgoing Dutch Premier Rutte becomes next NATO chief (Anadolu)

Permalink In 2025, all draftable U.S. WOMEN will be force-vaccinated with deadly mRNA spike proteins

In 2025, all draftable U.S. WOMEN will be force-vaccinated with deadly mRNA spike proteins by the Medical/Military Industrial Complex | There’s a lot more to the draft these days than just readying and sending soldiers into the meat grinders of the political mass-embezzlement schemes, a.k.a. the military industrial complex. Now Big Pharma has its teeth sunk in deep, and every military member drafted next year, including all “eligible” women, will surely face the wrath of the mRNA-Industrial Complex.  Did you know that 98 percent of all U.S. military forces, meaning the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard and National Guard, got the deadly Covid-19 “clot shot” mRNA spike protein “vaccines?” They sure did. Over 6.5 million experimental, untested, gene-and-cell-altering mRNA stabs were administered to U.S. military members, modifying their cells to produce endless protein prions that cause rubbery vascular clots, myocarditis, pericarditis, spontaneous abortions and turbo cancer.  And just in case you were wondering, yes, the Secretary of Defense made the toxic jabs MANDATORY for service members after the nefarious FDA “approved” them (they never really did) for mass-injection (as a biological weapon of mass destruction). Service members who refused to get the useless, worthless, unsafe, ineffective prion injections were DISCHARGED from the military. The military told the fully unvaccinated to do the “right thing” and that it was a “lawful order” that must be “obeyed” because it is a “valid medical readiness requirement.” Oh, really?

Permalink ⚡ Assange declared a free man, boards plane headed to Australia

Australian journalist and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is a free man after taking plea deal in a US court. | A US judge has sentenced WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to time served, with no supervised release, following his guilty plea to a charge of conspiring to unlawfully obtain and disseminate classified information related to the national defense of the United States. Assange has been imprisoned in the high-security Belmarsh prison in London since April 2019 after British police were allowed to raid the Ecuadorian Embassy where he had secured asylum since 2012. [...] The United States has sought to put Assange on trial for publishing US military secrets and evidence of war crimes in the American wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. He is accused of publishing some 700,000 confidential documents relating to US military and diplomatic activities, starting in 2010.

All 20,000 Leaked Democrat National Committee Emails DELETED form Wikileaks Server; Part of Assange Plea Deal
Assange freed as part of plea deal: As it happened (RT.com)
US Federal Judge Accepts Assange's Plea Deal, Declares Him 'A Free Man' - Reports (Sputnik News)
⚡ Assange released from a British prison and left Britain on plane (06/25/24)
America's Dark Day (Scott Ritter)
Pursuit of Assange Shows ‘Every Citizen on the Planet’ Subject to US Persecution (John Miles)
Journalism under fire: Jailed for exposing Jordan (The Cradle)


Permalink ⚡ Assange released from a British prison and left Britain on plane

WikiLeaks confirmed the information of the American court on the conclusion of the transaction on the pleading of guilt between Assange and the Prosecutor's office of the United States | "He (Assange - approx. TASS) left the prison of the maximum security regime Belmarsh on the morning of June 24, after 1,901 days in its walls. The High Court of London released him on bail, and in the afternoon he was released to Stansted airport, where he boarded a plane and flew from the UK," - stated in the message of the organization in the social network X (formerly Twitter). WikiLeaks also confirmed the information of the American court on the conclusion of a plea deal between Assange and the US prosecutor's office. At the same time, according to the organization, it was not yet "officially finalized."

After Bangkok Stopover Julian Assange Will Be Heading To A Little-Known Pacific Island Next (Forbes)
Julian Assange 'pays $500,000 for chartered flight to Australia' as free man after striking US plea deal
Julian Assange's wife Stella 'elated' he is set to be freed (Reuters)

Permalink Israeli war minister talks 'phase three' of Gaza war during Washington visit

The Israeli-born Hochstein, a senior adviser for energy and investment to President Joe Biden, traveled to Lebanon last week amid an exchange of threats between Hezbollah and Israel. The US has vowed to support Israel if it launches an invasion of Lebanon. | During a visit to Washington on 24 June, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant told US special envoy Amos Hochstein that moving to “Phase C” in the Gaza war will affect all fronts, the Times of Israel reported. Phase C refers to an end to major Israeli offensives in Gaza and transitioning to fight a longer-term, low-level counter-insurgency war against the Hamas military wing, the Qassam Brigades.

Permalink Israel targets US public with massive propaganda campaign: Report

Israel is covertly funding a massive propaganda campaign to target the US public, including through the passage of legislation to restrict US citizens’ right to free speech when criticizing Israel and its ongoing war on Gaza, The Guardian reported on 24 June. | The UK newspaper reported that there are 80 programs already underway as part of the massive propaganda campaign known as the “Voices of Israel.” The program is funded and run by the Israeli Ministry of Diaspora Affairs, led by MK Amichai Chikli. The program was designed to carry out what Israel calls “mass consciousness activities” targeting the US and European public.

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