
Permalink Police detain general who led attempted coup in Bolivia — TV

The television channel showed the general leaving the building of the General Staff escorted by police | Bolivian General Juan Jose Zuniga, who led an attempted coup, has been detained, Bolivia TV reported. The television channel showed the general leaving the building of the General Staff escorted by police. Before getting inside the police car, the general tries to share his vision of the situation with journalists. According to the general, he spoke with President Luis Arce on June 23 and the head of state asked to help him boost his popularity.

Bolivia's Interior Minister Presents Detained General Zuñiga to Media (Sputnik)
‘Attempted coup’ reported in Bolivia (VIDEOS) (RT.com)
What is known about coup attempt in Bolivia (TASS)


Permalink Breaking News: U.S. Sends Los Angeles Class, Fast-attack Submarine to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

As the world focuses on the arrival of a Russian Naval group on a "visit" to Havana, Cuba, the United States has sent the USS Helena, a Los Angeles Class, Fast-Attack submarine, to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba...for a...visit. | US Southern Command announced: 💬 "The fast-attack submarine USS Helena is in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba as part of a routine port visit as it transits the U.S. Southern Command geographic area of responsibility while conducting its global maritime security and national defense mission. The vessel's location and transit were previously planned."

Hal Turner: So now, all those Russian surface vessels, can be torpedoed by the USS Helena. The Helena can be torpedoed by the Russian Submarine "Kazan" which accompanied the Russian surface group. And all of them are in Cuba, right now. No big deal, what could go wrong?

Russian Ships Arrive in Cuba in Latest Blow to US Hegemony (Sputnik News)


Permalink Russian Ships Entering Cuba Give US a Dose of Its Own Medicine

On Wednesday, a squadron of Russian ships, including a frigate capable of firing hypersonic missiles will arrive in Cuba as part of an international partnership program. A nuclear-powered and capable submarine will also be making the trip, along with support vessels. | The decision to send Russian ships to Cuba is giving America a taste of what they do to the rest of the world, international relations and security expert Mark Sleboda.

💬 “I think we can definitely see this as a direct Russian reply to the general US declaration of conducting what it calls ‘Freedom of navigation’ exercises. Although, as far as we know, no one has challenged the freedom of navigation,” Sleboda explained. “They patrol their navy up and down off Russia’s and China’s and Iran’s coast, saber-rattling and threatening as part of their policy of containment.” [...] The Russian trip to Cuba is “a reminder to the US… that two can play this game,” explained Slaboda. “It needs to be said that in [BALTOPS 2024] the US sent B-52 Stratofortress bombers from the United Kingdom. They conducted– according to Russian reports– a simulated nuclear attack on the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad.”

The United States has frequently run “military exercises” off the coast of its nominal adversaries, including China, North Korea, Iran and Russia. Earlier this week, NATO kicked off BALTOPS 2024 in the Baltic Sea, the largest exercise in the program’s history.

Russian Military Ships to Visit Cuba on June 12 (Sputnik News)
US Is Shadowing Russian Warships Heading to Cuba (Antiwar.com)


Permalink Colombia's Petro says Netanyahu will go down in history as 'genocide perpetrator'

'Dropping bombs on thousands of innocent children, women and the elderly does not make you a hero,' Petro says | Colombian President Gustavo Petro blasted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday, saying he will "go down in history as a genocide perpetrator."

💬 "Mr. Netanyahu, you will go down in history as a genocide perpetrator. Dropping bombs on thousands of innocent children, women and the elderly does not make you a hero," he said in a post on X in response to Netanyahu's antisemitism accusation. "You remain alongside those who murdered millions of Jews in Europe. Genocide, whether it is related to religion or not, is genocide. At least stop the onslaught that is continuing," he said.

Netanyahu trades insults with Colombia president over Gaza war (The Telegraph) | "Israel will not be lectured by an antisemitic supporter of Hamas," Netanyahu wrote in a post on X on Saturday.


Permalink South American country seeks ICC arrest warrant for Netanyahu

Colombia’s president has slammed the Gaza war as a “genocide” | Colombian President Gustavo Petro has urged the International Criminal Court and the UN Security Council to take action to prevent a “genocide” of the Palestinian people in the Gazan city of Rafah.  Israel’s war cabinet approved a “measured expansion” of the military operation in Rafah on Friday, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledging to push ahead with the offensive despite the US threats to curtail military aid.

💬 “Netanyahu will not stop the genocide,” Petro wrote on X (formerly Twitter) on Friday, reacting to the Israeli leader’s declaration. “That implies an international arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court.”

The Colombian leader went on to suggest that the UN Security Council should “consider the establishment of a peacekeeping force in the territory of Gaza.” In a Labor Day speech in Bogota earlier this month, Petro vowed to cut diplomatic relations with Israel’s “genocidal” leadership, expressing solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza whose “children have died, dismembered by bombs.”  Rafah in southern Gaza is the territory's last major population center still not under Israeli control. Hundreds of thousands of internally displaced Palestinians have taken shelter there in recent months. Earlier this week, Israel bombarded the city and sent troops and dozens of tanks into the eastern districts in what it described as a “limited” operation.


Permalink Israel: arming and supporting fascism around the world since 1948

Thomas Fazi | For decades, Israel has supported many of the world's most brutal dictatorships, contributing to the repression and suppression of democracy and popular movements across the globe | Aside from the United States, no other single country has contributed to the repression and suppression of democracy and left-wing popular movements around the world as much as Israel has. As Loewenstein notes:

💬 "The Global South has been controlled and pacified with (principally) Israeli and US weapons. … Israel has worked closely with Washington for decades, often operating in places where the US preferred covert support rather than public backing."

This is particularly evident in region that the US has long considered its backyard, Latin America, home to some of the most savage dictatorships of the Cold War era — virtually all of which were politically and militarily supported by Israel, including at least one government that openly targeted and persecuted Jews.


Permalink Trinidad & Tobago young woman kills herself after adverse effects from Pfizer shot; Italian swimmer personal trainer kills himself

Suicide surge due to devastaing harms from mRNA technology basis COVID gene vaccines e.g. Pfizer & Moderna? Yes,100%, we are seeing a disturbing escalation in catastrophic stories killing themselves. | What we lost was lives, freedoms, liberties across over 3 years. Governments maximally abusing us with power they took fraudulently. For a fake fraud ‘IFR’ (infection fatality rate) of 0.05% so called ‘pandemic’. 0-19 years, IFR 0.0003%, near zero. We cannot find one healthy child in the US, Sweden, Germany etc. that was exposed to COVID and died from COVID. Not one. Across 3 years of COVID.


Permalink Somoza may be a son of a bitch, but he's our son of a bitch

Dmitry Medvedev (Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council) | Somoza may be a son of a bitch, but he's our son of a bitch. (a phrase attributed to Franklin Delano Roosevelt)
    U.S. lawmakers are derailing funding for Israel's and Ukraine's military spending for this year. The reasons are technical and... not quite technical. It is clear that everything will resume in the new year. However, it is an important symptom of the development of the disease.
    If the story with Israel is obviously technical, because this country is more important to the U.S. Congress than its own, the Ukrainian regime is more complicated. As has been repeatedly noted in this channel, America easily betrays "its sons of bitches" when they become useless. It seems that this period is definitely coming for Kiev. And it's not just the Republicans and Democrats squabbling on the eve of the U.S. presidential election. They're just fed up. They are fed up - they eat too much money, steal wildly and do not achieve military success. Plus, the Israeli-Palestinian mess happened. In short, support for the "son of a bitch" is nearing its inevitable end. Not overnight, of course.
    There will be a lot of money, and schizoid incantations about democracy, and bravura assurances of the coming victory on earth, and false beliefs in alliance for all times, and so on and so forth. But the situation is clear: the time to go to oblivion for the next American " son of a bitch" is coming.
    The problem is that this Bandera spawn never realized who he [really] is...(DeepL + LanguageTool)

US support for Ukraine is 'nearing inevitable end,' Medvedev says (TASS)


Permalink Candidate in Ecuador's presidential election Fernando Villavicencio shot dead

A candidate in Ecuador's forthcoming presidential election who has campaigned against corruption and gangs has been shot dead at a campaign rally. | Fernando Villavicencio, a member of the country's national assembly, was attacked as he left the event in the capital, Quito, on Wednesday. He is one of the few candidates to allege links between organised crime and government officials in Ecuador. A criminal gang called Los Lobos (The Wolves) has claimed responsibility. Los Lobos is the second-largest gang in Ecuador with some 8,000 members, many of whom are behind bars. The gang has been involved in a number of recent deadly prison fights, in which scores of inmates have been brutally killed.


Permalink Weapon US gave Ukraine spotted in cartel hands – Mexican media

A Gulf Cartel member was filmed with what Milenio TV said was a Javelin anti-tank missile | A militant wearing the insignia of Mexico’s notorious Gulf Cartel (Cartel Del Golfo, CDG) was filmed in the state of Tamaulipas carrying a US-made anti-tank missile launcher. Milenio TV identified the weapon as a Javelin, thousands of which were sent to Ukraine by the Pentagon.  Footage filmed in Matamoros on Monday and aired on Tuesday evening by the news channel Milenio TV showed a man with CDG patches armed with a Kalashnikov rifle and a missile they said was the Raytheon-made FGM-148.  Over 10,000 Javelins from Pentagon stockpiles have been sent to Ukraine since last February, to the point where the US military has begun to run out of the missiles itself. Milenio presenter Azucena Uresti noted on Twitter that the estimated value of a Javelin launcher on the black market was anywhere from $20,000 to $60,000, while the average cost of a missile was about $30,000. Keen-eyed military experts believe the weapon in the Milenio footage may actually be the AT-4, a Swedish-made disposable anti-tank launcher, which is also in use by the US military and likewise supplied to Ukraine by the thousands.  Russia has repeatedly warned the US and its allies not to “stuff” Ukraine with weapons and ammunition, both because this risked a direct confrontation and since nonexistent controls would result in the weapons ending up in the criminal underworld.


Permalink About Those Pesky Volcanos Again...




Permalink Brazilian leader ready to mediate between Putin, Zelensky

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva also proposed establishing a broad international format of talks that could be similar to the G20 to discuss peace in Ukraine | Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said he would be ready to mediate talks between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Ukrainian counterpart Vladimir Zelensky, if needed. 💬 "If I can help, I will help. But if the need arises to hold talks with Putin and Zelensky, I will be ready to discuss peace settlement efforts, no problem. What we really need is to bring together a group of people powerful enough to be respected at the negotiating table. And we should engage with both of them," da Silva said at a joint news conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Monday.  The politician also proposed establishing a broad international format of talks that could be similar to the G20 to discuss peace in Ukraine. The Brazilian leader said he had already discussed this with Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron and that he intended to raise the issue at negotiations with US President Joe Biden in February and with Chinese leader Xi Jinping in March.


Permalink Peru Mourns ‘Massacre’ of 17 as Calls Grow for US-Backed ‘Coup Regime’ to Step Down

A shockingly bloody day of violence threatened to upend the new coup-borne regime’s grip on power as Peruvians reacted with horror to the deadliest day so far in the political struggle that has rocked the country for over a month. | Thousands of Peruvians took to the streets throughout the country on Tuesday as memorial services were held in the city of Juliaca for the 17 people killed Monday in what victims families’ are calling a “massacre” by the Andean country’s security forces. At least two of the deceased – a boy and a girl – were reportedly children. According to a health ministry official in the Puno region of Peru, another 68 victims suffered injuries in Monday’s violence.  Videos showing several of the killings circulated widely on social media Monday night, as condemnations rolled in from across the globe. 💬 “In the name of the sacred right to life, of the rights of indigenous peoples recognized by UN and international organizations, in the name of peace and social justice, we demand that the massacre of our brothers in Perú stop,” wrote former Bolivian President Evo Morales, who was labeled ‘persona non grata’ and barred from entering the country just hours beforehand.  It was by far the deadliest day of the chaos that has wracked Peru since its first working-class indigenous president, Pedro Castillo, was overthrown last month. Castillo has been jailed ever since, following what leaders of countries throughout the region have condemned as a coup d'état.



Permalink Peru's Ex-President Castillo Says US Ordered That Troops Be Deployed to Suppress Protests

The Peruvian authorities have taken troops to the streets to suppress protests after the visit of the US ambassador to the Government Palace as Washington pursues profits in the country's mining projects, impeached President Pedro Castillo said on Thursday.

💬 "Compatriots, attention! The visit of the US ambassador to the Government Palace was neither for free nor in favor of the country. At the meeting, the order to take the troops to the streets and massacre my defenseless people was given, and, among other things, to pave the way for the extraction of minerals, such as from Konga, Tai Maria, and other [mines]. Peruvian media will not only keep silent about this but will also easily deny it," Castillo said in a hand-written note published on his Twitter.

On December 7, Peru's parliament impeached former President Pedro Castillo. Prime Minister Dina Boluarte took an oath as the country's new president within two hours of the impeachment vote, vowing to serve out the rest of Castillo's term until July 2026. Castillo, who had tried to dissolve the parliament before the vote, was arrested after the impeachment procedure and the Peruvian prosecutor's office launched a criminal case against him on charges of a coup attempt and crimes against the state. These events have sparked a wave of protests across the country. Demonstrators denounce the post-impeachment government and call for an immediate presidential election and termination of the country's parliament.


Permalink Peru's new president proposes early elections amid deadly protests

Peru authorities confirmed two deaths during ongoing protests demanding fresh elections and the resignation of new President Dina Boluarte, as thousands of demonstrators were reported on streets across the country Sunday. | The latest: Boluarte responded to the calls by announcing in a televised address a proposal for Congress to bring forward the next general elections to April 2024, per AP. 💬 "My duty as president of the republic in the current difficult time is to interpret, read and collect the aspirations, interests and concerns, if not of all, of the vast majority of Peruvians," Boluarte said, according to AP. "So, interpreting in the broadest way the will of the citizens... I have decided to assume the initiative to reach an agreement with the congress of the republic to advance the general elections." Context: The 60-year-old former vice president was sworn in last Wednesday until 2026 — when the presidency of her impeached predecessor, Pedro Castillo, was due to end. The big picture: AP reports police and protesters clashed in Lima as hundreds demonstrated there, with many calling for the release of Castillo, who was arrested on charges of rebellion after he said he was dissolving Congress ahead of his impeachment vote. There have been tense scenes in rural areas that are strongholds of the 53-year-old left-wing former schoolteacher Castillo, who is from a poor Andean mountain district.


Permalink Lula Defeats Bolsonaro in Brazilian Election

Former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva clinched victory over his right-wing rival Jair Bolsonaro in a tightly contested second round of the Brazilian election on Sunday. The country’s election authority announced Lula’s narrow win with 50.9% of the vote to Bolsonaro’s 49.1%. 💬 “This isn’t a victory of mine or the Workers’ Party... It’s the victory of a democratic movement that formed above political parties, personal interests and ideologies so that democracy came out victorious,” Lula told a cheering crowd of supporters in Sao Paulo on Sunday night.  The president-elect acknowledged that following such a tight race a challenge to his future mandate will be “immense,” and stressed that 💬 “it is necessary to rebuild the very soul of this country, recover generosity, solidarity, respect for differences and love for others.”  Lula, who is set to take office on 1 January 2023, promised to be a president for all 215 million Brazilians, not just those who voted for him. 💬 “There are not two Brazils. We are one country, one people – a great nation.”  Bolsonaro has yet to publicly concede defeat. The incumbent repeatedly warned during his campaign that he would contest the results if he were to lose by a narrow margin, calling into question the reliability of Brazil’s electronic voting system.  After polls closed nationwide at 5pm local time (8pm GMT), initial results showed Bolsonaro ahead. However, just as in the first round, his lead eventually narrowed as more votes from da Silva’s strongholds were counted. In the first round on October 2, da Silva received over 48% of the vote, which was not enough to claim immediate victory.  Lula da Silva, who represents Brazil’s Workers’ Party, has focused his campaign on overcoming social inequality and alleviating poverty. Among the measures he proposes are raising taxes on the rich, widening the social safety net, and increasing the minimum wage.


Permalink Video: Haitians Demonstrating Against Henry, US-Canadian ‘Invasion’ Ignored by Western Media

As the United Nations positions for yet another military intervention into Haiti, Western media has ignored the massive demonstrations in the island nation against both Acting Prime Minister Ariel Henry and the possible arrival of new foreign troops.

Thousands have demonstrated in Haitian cities for months, calling for Henry’s resignation after he arbitrarily rejected the transfer of power to a provisional government and decided to stay in power after his mandate expired in February. Those demonstrations have intensified in recent days after Henry appealed to the international community to help him restore order.  According to the protesters, the new intervention is not aimed at suppressing violent criminal gangs or at alleviating other public health issues, such as a cholera outbreak, but rather to keep in power their hand-picked successor to President Jovenel Moise, who was assassinated last year.


Permalink Argentina VP targeted in apparent assassination attempt (VIDEO)

Argentina's police have detained a Brazilian armed man, 35, who was trying to assassinate Argentine Vice President Cristina Kirchner, the TN broadcaster reports.  The handgun was loaded but did not go off, according to the report.

An assailant aimed a pistol directly at Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner's head (RT.com)


Permalink Chavez Was Murdered By the US - Hit Pinned On Chavez's bodyguard

Chavez advisor Eva Golinger has previously suggested that Chavez was murdered by the US, though she pinned the hit on Chavez's bodyguard, Leamsy Salazar (who defected to the US after Chavez's death).

💬 «It is enough to know that one man who had for several years been one of his closest aides, who was often alone with him and brought him his food, coffee, and water, is now a protected witness in the United States. Soon Leamsy Salazar’s covert actions and close collaboration with intelligence agencies in Washington will be revealed».

The Murder of Chávez. The CIA and DEA Cover Their Tracks?:💬 «Everything that Washington was trying to achieve during the administration of Hugo Chávez is today being realized in his absence. The cancerous illness from which Chávez suffered was unusually aggressive and suspicious, and every day turns up more evidence that it is possible Chávez was murdered».


Permalink Regime Change In Cuba

Paul Craig Roberts Normalization of relations with Cuba is not the result of a diplomatic breakthrough or a change of heart on the part of Washington. Normalization is a result of US corporations seeking profit opportunities in Cuba, such as developing broadband Internet markets in Cuba. Before the American left and the Cuban government find happiness in the normalization, they should consider that with normalization comes American money and a US Embassy. The American money will take over the Cuban economy. The embassy will be a home for CIA operatives to subvert the Cuban government. The embassy will provide a base from which the US can establish NGOs whose gullible members can be called to street protest at the right time, as in Kiev, and the embassy will make it possible for Washington to groom a new set of political leaders. In short, normalization of relations means regime change in Cuba. Soon Cuba will be another of Washington’s vassal states.


Permalink US and Cuba to normalise diplomatic relations and end decades of hostility

The United States and Cuba have ended decades of cold war hostility by agreeing to normalise diplomatic and travel relations after 18 months of secret talks on prisoner releases brokered by the Vatican. The surprise breakthrough came after a 45-minute phone call between Barack Obama and Raúl Castro on Tuesday finalised the release of Alan Gross, a US government aid contractor held for five years in Cuba, which accused him of being a spy. But as he was dramatically flown back to the US on Wednesday accompanied by three congressmen, it became clear that a far larger deal had been agreed between the two countries, not just to release other prisoners and spies, but to restore ties between the countries that have been frozen since 1967.


Permalink US agency infiltrated Cuban hip-hop scene to spark youth unrest

Investigation finds USAid recruited musicians ‘to break information blockade’ as part of covert social Project. Hip-hop has emerged as the latest covert weapon in the US government’s hapless attempts to unseat Cuba’s communist government. Like its previous efforts, including exploding cigars, Cuban Twitter and the botched Bay of Pigs invasion, the attempt to co-opt rappers ended in ignominious failure, new documents have shown. For more than two years, the American development aid organisation USAid has been secretly trying to infiltrate Cuba’s underground hip-hop movement, according to records obtained by the Associated Press. The idea was to use Cuba’s rappers “to break the information blockade” and build a network of young people seeking “social change” to spark a youth movement against the government of President Raul Castro.


Permalink Ecuadorian President Says His Accounts Under Cyber Attacks From US

Ecuadorian President reportedly announced that his accounts have been a target of cyber attacks that came from the United States. According to the president, these attacks were aimed at gaining access to personal data. He noted that the attacks targeted the computers of the people closest to him. The newspaper added that back in October Correa said that "organized networks" carried out several cyber attacks from Colombia trying to extract information from the government. In September, Ecuadorian authorities announced plans to set up a Cyber Defense Command, which is to be established by mid-2015. The $8 million of funding was to be used to recruit staff and provide necessary software and hardware.


Permalink Israel in Mexico: Murdered Students and the Failed State - Joaquin Flores

US-Israel in Mexico: Murdered Students and the Failed State


Permalink Study: Brazilian cops killed more than 11,000 people in 5 years

Brazilian police killed more than 11,000 people between 2009 and 2013 for an average of six killings a day, a public safety NGO said Tuesday. The study by the Sao Paulo-based Brazilian Forum on Public Safety said police nationwide killed 11,197 people over the past five years, while law enforcement agents in the United States killed 11,090 people over the past 30 years. "The empirical evidence shows that Brazilian police make abusive use of lethal force to respond to crime and violence," the report said. There were 416 people killed last year in Rio de Janeiro state, giving it the highest per-capita rate for 2013. The study also said 50,806 people were killed in all homicides last year, about one person every 10 minutes. Nearly 70 per cent of the homicide victims were black and more than half were ages 15 to 29, it said. In addition to using excessive force, Brazilian police frequently execute suspects, said Bruno Paes Manso of the University of Sao Paulo's Center for the Study on Violence. He called it "a practice rarely investigated."


Permalink For 23rd time, U.N. nations urge end to U.S. embargo on Cuba

The U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday voted overwhelmingly for the 23rd time to condemn the decades-long U.S. economic embargo against Cuba, with many nations praising the island state for its response in fighting the deadly Ebola virus that is ravaging West Africa. In the 193-nation assembly, 188 countries voted for the nonbinding resolution, titled "Necessity of Ending the Economic, Commercial and Financial Embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba." As in previous years, the only countries that voted against the declaration were the United States and an ally, Israel. The Pacific island nations Palau, Marshall Islands and Micronesia abstained. The voting result was identical to last year's.


Permalink Fidel Castro: An uncertain future

There is much that we are unaware of, and little do we know of our own ignorance. I read Hawking’s second work, “The Universe in a Nutshell,” written, according to him, in a more comprehensible language for those unfamiliar with the topic, and I highlighted many of the ideas which most interested me. Throughout its evolution mankind has never had, nor ever could have had, a clear idea of its own existence, because it simply did not exist, it simply evolved at the same rate as everything else that existed. This is a reality which is not intended to antagonize or offend anyone. Everyday we can learn something new. Help others and wherever possible, help ourselves.

Yesterday I listed to a speech by the new Secretary General of NATO, the former Prime Minister of Norway, who assumed the position on October 1, only six days ago. How much hate in his face! What an incredible effort to promote a war of extermination against the Russian Federation! Who are more extreme than the Islamic State fanatics themselves? What religion do they practice? After this, will it be possible to enjoy eternal life at the right hand of the Lord?

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