
Permalink Thousands expected for commemoration of slain director

RAMALLAH (Ma'an) -- Jenin Freedom Theater Director Juliano Mer-Khamis will be buried on Wednesday, in Kibbutz Ramot Menashe, following three funeral processions in Haifa, Jenin and Ramallah on Tuesday morning. Hours after the artist was gunned down in his car outside of the theater in the Jenin refugee camp, some 50 Palestinian artists and actors gathered in Ramallah's central square to protest against the killing. They held up signs saying Mer-Khamis's murder was "a loss for Palestine." Theater students released a statement on Tuesday morning, saying "Juliano, your mother’s children have passed away, your mother Arna has passed away and so did you - but your children are going to stay, following your path on the way to the freedom battle, and we will go on with your revolution’s promise, the Jasmine revolution. "The Revolutionary message will not pass away.

+972: Activist, actor, director Juliano Mer Khamis assassinated in West Bank
Gilad Atzmon/AWIP: Juliano Mer-Khamis was murdered today in Jenin


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