Australia Senator Confirms: COVID Vax Contains Nanotechnology; self-assembling inside PEOPLE. Calls it "Genocide"
Malcolm Roberts is an Australian politician. He is a member of One Nation and has been a Senator for Queensland, Australia since 2019. He also served in the Senate from 2016 to 2017. Roberts was elected to the Senate at the 2016 federal election, running second in One Nation's ticket in Queensland behind party leader Pauline Hanson. In 2017, during the Australian parliamentary eligibility crisis, he was disqualified from parliament for holding British citizenship by descent in breach of section 44 of the constitution. He was re-elected to the Senate at the 2019 election as One Nation's lead candidate in Queensland. Appearing on the TV Show "Maria Zee Uncensored" Roberts dropped bombshells of information about the COVID-19 vaccines. He told viewers there is proof of nanotechnology inside the Pfizer vaccine. He then showed images of what appear to be self-assembling nanoparticles in both the vaccine itself, and inside the blood of humans injected with the vaccine. Roberts went on to call these "Genocide."
“Miscarriage 50% in vaccinated women. Miscarriage 75% in vaccinated women in the 1st trimester”
Seattle Children’s Hospital Study Finds Persistent Heart Abnormalities in Teens Following Second Pfizer Shot