There is NO CONTRACT for Natural Gas Between GAZPROM in Russia, and Germany
Union (EU) and others, be made in Russia's currency, the Ruble, as opposed to the EURO or the U.S. Dollar. Germany has said their contract provides for payment in EUROS or DOLLARS, and as such, they will not pay in Rubles. But Germany's contract for gas is with GAZPROM GERMANIA in Berlin, and NOT with GAZPROM in Russia!
The contract(s) that Germany has to buy natural gas, are between Germany and GAZPROM Germania, GmbH, a **separate** corporation and conglomerate headquartered in Berlin. That separate Conglomerate was a 100% subsidiary of GAZPROM in Russia, but it operated as its own company. On Friday, GAZPROM in Russia, terminated its relations with GAZPROM Germania, GmbH.
Now, follow this: There are allegedly NO CONTRACTS between GAZPROM (in Russia) and GAZPROM Germania, GmbH because the latter was a 100% subsidiary of GAZPROM and all business dealings were voluntary. Now that GAZPROM in Russia has ended all relations with GAZPROM Germania, GmbH, the latter will not have any gas to sell to its contract customers!