Putin promises ‘lightning’ response to strategic threats to Russia
President warns that Russia won’t hesitate to use ‘weapons that no other country’ possesses to defend itself
Russian president Vladimir Putin has warned outside forces against interfering in the Ukrainian conflict, promising a “lightning-speed” response to such actions, with the use of Moscow’s most advanced weaponry.
💬 “If someone decides to intervene in the ongoing events from the outside and create unacceptable strategic threats to us, they should know that our response to those oncoming blows will be swift, lightning-fast,” Putin said in an address to lawmakers on Wednesday. “We have all the tools to do this. Tools that no one except us can brag about. But we’re not going to brag. We’ll use them if such a need arises,” the president said, without specifying which tools could be deployed.
Moscow has repeatedly slammed the deliveries of lethal aid to Ukraine, saying they only destabilize the situation and hamper the prospects of peace. On Tuesday, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov accused NATO of “essentially going to war with Russia through a proxy and arming that proxy.”
Владимир Путин в очередной раз подчеркивает: 💬 "Если кто-то захочет вмешаться в ситуацию на Украине со стороны и будет создавать угрозу стратегического характера – удары будут молниеносными. Все решения по молниеносным ударам в случае угрозы стратегической безопасности РФ приняты". (Chronicles of the Conflict)(VIDEO)
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U.S.-Led NATO Is at War Against Russia (Finian Cunningham)(Strategic Culture Foundation)
The Chinese are actively reacting [positively] to Vladimir Putin's statement (In Russian)