‘Medical emergencies’ in Berlin’s road traffic accident stats are piling up
Since the 1970s, the number of road deaths in Germany and Austria has dropped by almost 90 percent. But now there are apparently signs of a trend reversal – and a nasty suspicion is doing the rounds.
After the person involved in the accident has been admitted to hospital, a hitherto very rare explanation then emerges, which, as is well known, has also been accumulating on sports fields for a good year: the patient suffered a “medical emergency”. Mostly heart attacks are diagnosed, more rarely strokes and pulmonary embolisms. The number of unreported cases is still unclear. [...] The bottom line is that in the second year of the vaccination campaign, vaccinated people could become a greater risk factor than drunk drivers. It is therefore necessary to systematically examine accident statistics for accumulating vaccination consequences.
West encouraging Kiev to attack Russia with NATO-supplied weapons, says diplomat
According to Maria Zakharova, Kiev has taken this as a guide to action: over the past few weeks, the Ukrainian armed forces have shelled Russian border territories, resulting in casualties and destruction.
Western countries are openly calling on Ukraine to attack Russian territory using the weapons they supply to Kiev, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said at a briefing on Thursday.
💬 "We have already commented the other day on statements by British Deputy Defense Minister [James] Heappey about okaying Ukraine's strikes on Russian military targets," she said, "In other words, the West is openly calling on Kiev to attack Russia, even with weapons received from NATO countries."
Putin promises ‘lightning’ response to strategic threats to Russia (04/27/22)
No Ambiguity About Who’s Winning the Battle of Ukraine (Stephen Lendman )
It’s not US/NATO or its Ukrainian proxy troops. They’re being systematically degraded and eliminated by superior Russian military strength and tactics. According to Nightvision: “Not only are there dozens of daily surrenders on every front, but huge” numbers of Ukrainian fighters are being eliminated. Reality forced Kiev to press reservist conscripts into action against Russian forces, ones “with little training” or stomach for war. On Monday, Russian forces destroyed electrical power-generation stations in Krasnoye, Zdolbunov, Zhmerinka, Berdichev, Kovel, and Korosten railway hubs. Located in Ukraine’s West, they’re out of action, no longer able to resupply Ukrainian forces by rail. Rail lines and bridges from west to east in the country were destroyed. (More)
Ex-NATO analyst paints a completely different picture of Ukraine war| Jacques Baud | There are three reasons for this war: the expansion of NATO, refusal of the West to implement the Minsk agreements and the large-scale attacks on the civilian population of Donbass over the past eight years. (The Postil Magazine)
A Recap Of The War In Ukraine - by Gonzalo Lira (ThreadReader)
The Ukraine War: It's Over [?]
Gonzalo Lira: 💬 With Anthony Blinken suggesting that Ukraine and Russia should resume negotiations, the US is signaling that they know the war is lost. NATO will NEVER get into this war, even if there's a Ukraine provocation in Transnistria—because NATO knows it will lose to Russia. So expect a lot of other international news—Iran, China, Solomon Islands, etc.—to start taking up the attention bandwidth. The only play for the Biden administration at this point is to distract and divert, and make people forget about Ukraine. You have to understand what Blinken and Lloyd Austin's visit with Zelensky in “Kiev” (probably Poland) really was—It was a kiss-off. It was the signal to the Zelensky regime that US/NATO will not supply heavy weapons or planes, and will not get into this war. It's over. (via ABN)
A Recap Of The War In Ukraine - by Gonzalo Lira (ThreadReader)
A /pol anon delivered an outstanding précis of what has happened in Ukraine just prior to the war (GonzaloLira1968)
Poland is preparing the annexation of western Ukraine [?]
US/Poland May Occupy Wstern Ukraine (21st Century Wire)
Poland has secret plan for Ukraine, Moscow claims| RT.com | Intelligence obtained by Russia suggests that Poland and the US are working on a plan for Warsaw to regain control of Ukrainian areas that Warsaw considers as “historically belonging” to it, Moscow's Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) chief Sergey Naryshkin has said. According to the alleged plan, the first stage of this “reunification” will see Polish “peacekeepers” deployed in western Ukraine under the pretext of “protection from Russian aggression,” Naryshkin outlined in a statement on Thursday. The details of the operation are now being discussed between Warsaw and the US government, he claimed, adding that the operation is designed to be executed without a NATO mandate, and only volunteer states taking part.
Mission Creep: UK calls for a 'global NATO'
The world order created after the Second World War and the Cold War isn’t working anymore, so the West needs “a global NATO” to pursue geopolitics anew, UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss argued, in a major foreign policy speech on Wednesday. Truss also urged the US-led bloc to send more “heavy weapons, tanks” and airplanes to Ukraine, and said China would face the same treatment as Russia if it doesn’t “play by
the[our] rules.”
Global NATO Threatens China |Vox Popoli| This proposal floated by the Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom may be one of the most shortsighted, suicidal geopolitical visions ever articulated in the written history of Man, as the West is rapidly being replaced by the growing power of the NorthEast. In other worlds, the New World Order aka the neo-liberal rules-based world order aka Globohomo has failed, so naturally what is needed is more of that which has failed. This response isn’t even remotely surprising in the abstract, as doubling down is what idiots and fools always do instead of examining the reasons for their failure and rethinking both their assumptions and their approach. But it is surprising in the particular, as Russia, China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and now Algeria have made it clear that they will not submit to the globalists’ demands that they deliver natural resources to their Western customers on demand while simultaneously being subject to having their economic access to those same customers controlled by the globalists.
UK Govt Threatens to Ban Twitter And Potentially Jail Elon Musk If He Allows Free Speech
The UK on Tuesday threatened to ban Twitter altogether and potentially jail Elon Musk if he violates their incoming "Online Safety Bill" by allowing free speech on his platform. The move came just hours after the EU threatened to ban Twitter entirely if Musk allows free speech on the platform and the US threatened to "reform" Section 230 to hold social media companies "accountable" for the "harms they cause."
NEW Controlled Food System Is Now In Place And They Will Stop At Nothing To Accelerate Their Control
Imagine a day where farmers markets no longer exist, you can’t drive over to your local farmer to buy produce or cuts of meat, and the only food growing outside of the globalists secured indoor vertical farming and lab grown meat facilities, is in your windowsill, garden, or greenhouse.
💬 “Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”
This famous quote by Henry Kissinger is ringing more and more true by the week. The globalists already control the majority of the money, are moving ever so swiftly to convert the energy system over into systems they are all invested in, and have been taking drastic measures to control the food industry while running much of it under the radar. If they control the seeds they control the food, and if they control the food they can use the digital ID to control consumer access to the food. While a rash of fires suddenly destroy food processing, meat, and fertilizer plants, during a time where farmers are hurting and supply chain issues are kicking in, an entire traceable food infrastructure system has already been built in multiple cities and is making its way across the globe.
Russia Cuts Off Poland, Bulgaria
In response to Russia refusing to ship natural gas to countries that refuse to pay in a currency deemed acceptable to Russia, European leaders are threatening to utilize even harsher rhetoric in response. Europe is being taught a hard, but necessary lesson in the difference between hard power and soft power, which is the difference between actual power and empty words. And it is paying a steep price for being the lapdog’s lapdog, which is another word for chew toy.
It is all just a game: Russia has cut gas to Poland. Poland then announced that it will no longer buy Russian gas because they refuse to pay in rubles. But what Poland means is that they will buy Russian gas from Germany in euros, which Germany would have paid for in rubles. Russia makes money anyway. (Alam Firmansyah)