
Permalink Around 13 million deaths worldwide, currently

Canadian scientist Denis Rancourt and his colleagues have confirmed from studies and monitoring of side effects that COVID-19 vaccines cause death. | Canadian scientist Denis Rancourt and his colleagues have confirmed from studies and monitoring of side effects that COVID-19 vaccines cause death. Around 13 million deaths worldwide, currently. The rate of vaccine-induced deaths in relation to the number of doses given, called the vaccine-dose fatality rate (vDFR), has been measured to be as high as 1% in India and in poorer states in the USA where “vaccine equity” campaigns have been run. In Australia, it was measured to be 0.05%. This data didn’t take into account the age of the people vaccinated.  Denis’s research looks at how the fatality rate changes based on age, using data from Israel and Australia and the results show that it’s much higher for older adults and it increases quickly with age, doubling roughly every 5.2 years.


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