
Permalink America: The First True Global Talmudic Empire

Richard Solomon | Throughout history, each evolutionary segment of linear empire incorporated its own symbols, archetypes, and myths to sell its messaging and justify its actions.. Rothschild Zionists currently run the US Anglo-Zionist empire, not just as behind-the-scenes financiers as was common in the past, but as “hands on the wheel” / “in full public view” managers. As a result, the empire’s metaphysical mass messaging uses the “mind-speak” of international Jewry. The Talmud* encourages theft, chicanery, duplicity, financial exploitation, torture, murder, slavery, and Jewish supremacism, making these traits the ideological glue that holds America together. Talmudic ideology combined with high-tech policing, greedy corporations, a ravenous military machine, and an all-powerful international banking cartel turned the US into the first true global Talmudic empire. (*Israel Shahak, “Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years”)


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