Anthony Fauci’s Reign of Terror Changed America Forever
Fauci made the world dumber, baser, lonelier, and less free | The history books are filled with profiles of evil men who wanted to be God. In this respect, Anthony Fauci is nothing special. But his hagiographers are at this very moment buzzing with activity. They are working to ensure that posterity remembers Fauci as he wants to be remembered—as a benevolent and infallible man, a saint, and not the Luciferian charlatan he really is. Let the living bear witness to the truth before it is buried. ● Anthony Fauci is responsible for incalculable human misery. The dehumanizing dystopia we have been living in since March 2020 is his creation. The stupid arrows on the floor, the muzzled, anonymous faces, human beings left to die alone in dreary hospital rooms: these are Fauci’s true legacy. He made the world dumber, baser, lonelier, and less free.