
Permalink Étrange, indeed

Xymphora: Étrange, indeed It appears that the authorities picked a guy who complained about French Zionist neocolonialism, obtained his DNA from where his ratting 'friend', who had been watching him for 13 years, sheltered him, drugged him, and scattered his anarchist writings around (note the change in the story to back off the claim that the writings attempted to explain the attacks, and to remove the specific claim that the alleged shooter had spoken to the informant about the shootings - it is a common technique in conspiracies to release the original story with very specific claims of guilt, thus imprinting the idea in the minds of the public, and then quietly back off the specific claims so that nobody can challenge them later). I suspect that three separate French government agents were involved in the three separate attacks, none of them Abdelhakim Dekhar. Commentators have noticed that Abdelhakim Dekhar does not resemble the shooter in the slightest. And what is a leftie doing shooting up the offices of Libération? But he does have an evocative name. This essentially homeless and probably crazy patsy - but with a useful history and evocative name - managed to ditch all the clothing evidence which connected him to the various crimes for which he will be punished so that French Zio-colonialism may continue.


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