
Permalink Glenn Greenwald Destroys BBC Prestitute

BBC Newsnight exclusive interview with journalist Glenn Greenwald
on Edward Snowden, the PRISM revelations and mass surveillance

Pauline Neville Jones says there is no way Edward Snowden won't
have had to give up state secrets in Russia
[Hat Tip: Paul Craig Roberts]

Wikipedia: "In October 2013 on the BBC's Newsnight, Wark interviewed Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald about his reporting of the NSA and GCHQ cyber-spying programs leaked by Edward Snowden.[16] The interview was seen as openly hostile in which "Wark unabashedly made the case for the prosecution, interrogating Greenwald about his reporting and Edward Snowden."[17] Greenwald later wrote that Wark and other journalists have focused "almost entirely on the process questions surrounding the reporting rather than the substance of the revelations" about NSA surveillance and privacy invasions "and in the process made some quite dubious claims that come straight from the mouths of government officials."[18]" [More here]

Russia Today: Ex-NSA/CIA chief Hayden jokes of putting Snowden on kill list


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