
Permalink Talia Joy Castellano Dead: Inspirational YouTube Star Dies After 6-Year Battle With Cancer

Talia Joy Castellano, the charming teen that inspired thousands with her YouTube make-up tutorials, died at 13 of cancer. - With wise beauty tips and an inspirational story, Talia became an Internet sensation and captivated many with her extensive cosmetic knowledge as well as her experience fighting two forms of aggressive cancer: neuroblastoma and preleukemia. On Tuesday, a message appeared on the teen’s Facebook page announcing her death.

Last summer, doctors told Talia her condition had left her with four months to 1 year to live. On Monday, a Facebook post updated fans saying the teen had been in the hospital for almost 6 months. On her YouTube channel, taliajoy18, Talia demonstrated great skill with matte bronzer, eyeliner, false eyelashes and more. Despite losing her hair to chemotherapy, the teen’s profile shows a photo of Talia with “Make Up Is My Wig” colorfully written on her head. The teen's YouTube channel, which included make-up tutorials and personal video blogs about her cancer treatments, has over 750,000 subscribers. "YouTube, and all the support that I get from everyone telling me that I'm inspiring and not to give up, it really makes you stop and think about how many people there are that love you... You're not there alone," Talia told Shira Lazar, co-founder of WhatsTrending, in August 2012.


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