
Permalink US culture moulds natural born killers: US scholar

The spate of mass murders and shooting sprees across the US are the outcomes of the American culture not the mere result of a self-motivated action, an American scholar says.

In a Tuesday article published on Press TV Website, Dr. Eugene Michael Jones criticized the official accounts of shooting rampages in the US, including that of the recent massacre at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, which suggest that such threats are posed by “lone gunmen.” What these reports do not reveal is that the “American culture creates its own ‘natural born killers’ from the pool of alienated white men in their twenties,” he pointed out. According to the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, only in 2012 there have been 22 mass shootings across the US. Jones argued that such killing sprees in the American society are “a result of a toxic mixture of feminism, which belittles men in everything from TV commercials to affirmative action programs, video games which teach them how to kill without remorse, pornography, which makes it impossible to relate to members of the opposite sex, and Jewish comic book superheroes, like X-men, who convey approval for revenge on society by the people it has marginalized.” He also lashed out the FBI for its questionable role in handling cases of mass murders, saying the agency “is one of the prime suspects in cases like this.”

“The same thing has been happening over here for almost as long as we have had our own internal secret police, which is to say, as long as we have had the FBI sending out agents provocateurs and creating the mayhem we thought we were paying them to prevent,” Jones pointed out.


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