
Permalink Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Gilad Atzmon, Phil Nauta, Janine Bandcroft Mon. May 9, 2011 - Audio

[Gilad Atzmon @ Chris Cook's Gorilla Radio 9.5.2011 by Gilad Atzmon] Gilad Atzmon is known for his unsparing criticism of the policies of his former home-country, Israel and the complicity in those policies of his ex-compatriots and their supporters within the Sayanim community of diaspora Jews. He has been assailed from all sides for his uncompromising determination to speak out for human rights denied the occupied Palestinian people, remaining one of the most thoughtful and ardent proponents of justice for the victims of Israel, while his writing and lectures serve as clarion for a more humane world.

Gilad Atzmon is currently on the road, touring the USA to "meet with friends and supporters to talk about Israel, Palestine and the power of the beauty." He is using the tour to fund raise for various humanitarian causes concerning Palestine, and will join us from San Francisco in the first half.

Gilad Atzmon in Oakland on May 10
AWIP: Panel Event -Zionism, Jewishness and Israel, Is Now Online (Must Watch)


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