Dmitry Trenin: The US and its allies are playing 'Russian Roulette'. You'd almost think they want a nuclear war
If the Ukraine conflict continues on its current trajectory, it will end in a total disaster for humanity | Professor Sergey Karaganov's recent article brought into public focus the thorny issue of the use of nuclear weapons in the Ukraine conflict. Many reactions to the piece boil down to the well-known reasoning that there can be no winners in a nuclear war and thus it cannot be fought. ● It is likely that [the] US strategy is based on the belief that the Russian leadership would not dare use nuclear weapons in the current conflict, and that its references to the nuclear arsenal at its disposal are nothing more than a bluff. The Americans have even been calm – at least outwardly about the deployment of Russian non-strategic nuclear weapons in Belarus. Such "fearlessness" is a direct result of the geopolitical changes of the last three decades and the change of generations in power in the US and the West in general.
■ Ukraine as 'Big Israel' and the Heavenly Jerusalem Project (08/12/22)(VIDEO) | So what did Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy mean exactly when he declared Ukraine will become a “big Israel with its own face” last week? This is an interesting deep dive into Ukraine as the new Israel, and the Heavenly Jerusalem Project. This theory has been functioning for many years in the circles of analysts, experts and also politicians. One of the first to introduce this theory was Henry Kissinger, the secretary of state during the times of President Nixon and Ford, who in 2012 stated that in 10 years there would be no Israel. In short, it looks like the State of Israel will cease to exist in 2022.
The real threat caused the search for a new Promised Land. It was found in Ukraine. Over 1000 years ago, the Khazar state existed on Ukrainian territory, the only state where rabbinical Judaism was the official religion. Jews from all over the medieval world flocked to the Khazarian rabbinate until the tenth century, when the State collapsed. And it is to this land that the originators of the Heavenly Jerusalem project want to resettle. Today it is the Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporovsky, Kherson, Mykolaiv and Odessa oblasts - almost a quarter of Ukraine. The Heavenly Jerusalem project is endorsed by the mysterious figure of Ukrainian politics, Igor Berkut. Former Soviet soldier, commander of reconnaissance in Afghanistan. After a mysterious scholarship in the United States, he co-owned a Kazakh bank, which he sold to the Russians. Founder of the insignificant party "Great Ukraine". The owner of a Ukrainian, Israeli, Kazakh and most likely Russian passport. And it is he who presents new revelations.
■ NATO to fight Russia "to the last Ukrainian" — deputy chief of Russian presidential staff ( | Editor's Comment:] The Anglo-Zionist empire ("the West") is preparing Ukraine (Khazaria) for the Zionist Jews. Vladimir Putin has said: “We have heard many times that the West wants to fight us to the last Ukrainian. This is a tragedy for the Ukrainian people, but it seems that everything is heading toward this.” As far as this editor can tell, what Zionist America really intends to do, is that they are fighting Russia to the last non-Jewish Ukranian. That's the quiet part. They want Ukraine to be a land without non-Jewish Ukrainians. Zionist Khazars don't consider Gentiles to be humans at all. The way the Khazars look at it, is that none of the Gentiles' lives matter. Non-Jewish Ukrainians are gentiles, so they've got to go. That is, they need to be killed, and as many as possible at that. — So all this talk about nuclear war etc. is distracting from the real agenda here. The disaster for humanity that Dmitry Trenin is talking about really is that a huge number of Ukranians are being exterminated for the benefit of the Zionist Khazars ("Israel"). When Zionist America and hapless Russia have completed this dirty work for them, all this talk about "a nuclear holocaust" will subside, and the Zionist Khazars + Big Money will move in and take over big chunks of what used to be called Ukraine. This is the end game, and this whole thing truly is a complete and utter tragedy for humanity.