
Permalink Assassination

"APB: At Least Two Missing “Law Enforcement Personnel,” [APB] Last Seen at Ibragim Todashev Homicide Scene".

The 'law enforcement personnel' written out of the story are, of course, the assassination team. To summarize, the FBI was disturbed by the first interview, as Todashev indicated he knew the brothers were set up. It was thus imperative to:

1) reinterview Todashev to find out what he knew, and more importantly, identify whoever else knew; and 2) liquidate Todashev.

Why didn't they just arrange for a drive-by shooting, or a home invasion/murder? They needed to interview him to find out who else they had to murder, and then immediately liquidate Todashev before he could talk to anyone else. The incompetence of the liquidation was probably caused by Todashev realizing what was going to happen, fighting for his life rather effectively (as he was a trained fighter), resulting in the panicked murder, and a most ludicrous attempt at a cover-up.

Tom Carter: The death of Ibragim Todashev
Stephen Lendman: Murder, Inc: Official US Policy
Bill Van Auken: The FBI murder of Ibragim Todashev—the man who knew too much?

Permalink US Supreme Court allows police to take DNA samples of arrestees

The Fourth Amendment says that the “right of the people to be secure in their persons, house, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated.”

The US Supreme Court ruling on Monday that police can collect DNA samples from arrestees is another major attack on constitutional rights and an expansion in the powers of the state. The 5-4 decision has vast implications not just for facilitating the growth of the state database of genetic information—which currently includes more than 11 million individuals—but for the basic right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures. The decision allows for the collection of DNA information of individuals who are not convicted of a crime, and are therefore presumed innocent, to be used as evidence in cases for which the state has no reasonable suspicion that they are guilty. It speaks to the decay of liberalism that it was left to the arch-reactionary Scalia to make certain valid points, from a libertarian perspective, in opposition to the majority ruling. Reading his decision from the bench, Scalia noted that the majority was carrying out a “sleight of hand” by justifying the collection of DNA data as necessary for identification.

“Make no mistake about it: because of today’s decision, your DNA can be taken and entered into a national database if you are ever arrested, rightly or wrongly, and for whatever reason.” He added that “the proud men who wrote the charter of our liberties would not have been so eager to open their mouths for royal inspection.”

Permalink Top 1% Own 39% Of All Global Wealth: Hoarding Soars As We Hurtle Toward Economic Oblivion

According to a study that was just released by Boston Consulting Group, the wealthiest one percent now own 39 percent of all the wealth in the world. Meanwhile, the bottom 50 percent only own 1 percent of all the wealth in the world combined. The global financial system has been designed to funnel wealth to the very top, and the gap between the wealthy and the poor continues to expand at a frightening pace. The global elite continue to hoard wealth and heap together enormous mountains of treasure in these troubled days even though the economic suffering around the planet continues to grow. So exactly how have the global elite accumulated so much wealth?

Permalink Circumcision Cartoon In Norwegian Newspaper Angers Jewish Groups

Jewish groups have spoken out against a cartoon published in a Norwegian newspaper that portrays circumcision as an act of barbarism. The European Jewish Congress (EJC) called the depiction a “hate crime” and is considering legal action, while the Anti Deformation League (ADL) called the cartoon “sickening” and “deeply offensive”. The cartoon, which was published in Norway’s Dagbladet newspaper on Tuesday, shows a Rabbi with a devil’s pitchfork stabbing a baby in the head. A woman is cutting off the child’s toe, while blood spurts over a religious book. In the caption the woman tells a policeman: “Mistreating? No, this is tradition, an important part of our belief!” The officer retorts: “Belief? Oh yes, then it is all right.”

Dagbladet: Dagbladets tegneserie vekker internasjonal oppsikt [29.05.13]

Permalink Kerry and Blair’s $4 Billion Mystery Plan for Palestine: Crony capitalism under the guise of peace?

It is hard to imagine that any plan overseen by Blair and his associates will bring much relief to ordinary Palestinians subjected to the toxic blend of military occupation and neoliberal experimentation. - Upon arriving, Kerry took in speeches by two billionaires who sought to claim leading roles in the cause of peace: the Israeli high tech baron Yossi Vardi, and Munib Al-Masri, the Palestinian oligarch known as the “Duke of Nablus” for his Italian revival style mansion, which sits on a hill above the poverty stricken Balata Refugee Camp. Next, Kerry arranged a handshake between Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli President Shimon Peres, bringing two unelected figures together for a symbolic photo-op intended to summon fond memories of the halcyon days of Oslo. And finally, the Secretary stood at the lectern to tell his rapt audience about “a plan for the Palestinian economy that is bigger, bolder and more ambitious than anything proposed” in the last two decades. In a speech brimming with optimism, Kerry introduced an ambitious initiative that promised to turn the whole situation around.

Permalink Jordan Takes a Disappointing Turn Toward Censorship

We knew it would happen. After months of anticipation, Jordanian authorities have initiated a ban on news sites that have not yet registered and been licensed by the Press and Publications Department, effectively blocking more than 300 news websites. According to local media organization 7iber (which means “ink” in Arabic):

The mandatory registration was enacted as part of amendments made to the Press and Publications Law back in September 2012, which spurred controversy due to its various articles that have been deemed as a government-led effort to restrict free speech online. The amendments included articles that would hold online news sites accountable for the comments left by their readers, prohibiting them from publishing comments that are deemed “irrelevant” or “unrelated” to the article – a restriction that caused several prominent sites to turn off their comments sections. Online news sites would also be required to archive all comments left on their servers for at least six months.

Permalink Day one of Manning trial focuses on intent of WikiLeaks source

The military trial of admitted WikiLeaks source Bradley Manning began Monday morning in Fort Meade, Maryland, more than three years after he was arrested in Iraq.

Manning, a 25-year-old soldier who reached the rank of private first class in the United States Army, has been in pretrial custody since May 2010. He could spend the rest of his life in prison if a military judge convicts him at the end of the trial for providing support to al-Qaeda. In a small courtroom outside of Baltimore early Monday, Army prosecutors painted a picture of Pfc. Manning that portrayed him as a traitor that released files to WikiLeaks with intent to cause harm to the US. Manning’s defense counsel David Coombs insisted otherwise, however, and rejected the government’s argument that the soldier made contact with the anti-secrecy website in order to bring harm to the country he had taken an oath to protect.

‘US government now wants to put him away for life’
Kristinn Hrafnsson: ‘Ridiculous Manning trial proves demand for whistleblowers’
"Anti-WikiLeaks hacker group" attacks RT.com as Manning trial begins

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