
Permalink US seeks to base its nuclear forces in UK – media

Washington will reportedly place dozens of F-35 jets and possibly nuclear weapons at RAF Lakenheath | The United States could seek to station nuclear weapons on British territory for the first time since 2008, according to Pentagon budget documents analyzed by a US think-tank and British media. American fighter jets capable of nuclear bombing raids are also slated for the same UK air base, the files suggest.  In a March funding request to Congress, the US military sought $50 million for a new “surety dormitory” at the Lakenheath Royal Air Force base in Suffolk, north of the British capital, the Telegraph reported on Wednesday.  RAF Lakenheath was one of three sites in Britain to house US nuclear weapons throughout the Cold War, holding 110 American warheads until a drawdown in 2008. Washington also supplied atomic bombs to UK forces under an initiative dubbed ‘Project E’ until 1992, soon after the fall of the Soviet Union.

Permalink UK Defense Minister Wallace Resigns After Four Years in Office

Wallace was appointed the UK's defense chief in 2019 under the government of then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson. | UK Defense Secretary Ben Wallace has sent a resignation letter to the country’s Prime Minister Rishi Sunak after four years in office, according to a document published by the British government on Thursday. Sunak, in turn, accepted the resignation, saying that he fully understands his desire "to step down after eight years of exacting ministerial duties." Commenting on Wallace’s resignation, Russian Foreign Minister spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, in turn, wrote on her Telegram page that time has come to “bid farewell to the character responsible for the contamination of Ukrainian lands with radiation through the supply of shells with depleted uranium to the Kiev; Agent 006 has ingloriously left the battlefield.” A British news network reported that Wallace had been replaced by the current Energy, Security and Net Zero Secretary Grant Shapps. Shapps was reportedly seen entering Number 10 on Thursday morning, giving a wave to the gathered journalists as he entered.  Additionally, the UK’s arms supplies to Ukraine included at least five million pieces of anti-personnel weapons, such as mortars and grenades, as well as 1,500 pieces of anti-aircraft weapons and 100 launchers for them.

Permalink Germany to Miss Climate Goals despite Spending over $500 Billion on Green Agenda

Germany is expected to fall far short of its ambitious “climate change” goals and will fail to comply with the globalist green agenda, according to reports. | Reuters is reporting that the German government is failing to meet the climate goals despite having spent more than $500 billion to reach them. Unfortunately for the taxpaying German public, the country isn’t even close to complying with the green agenda targets, even after the epic spending. Germany had pledged to meet targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 65 percent before 2030. The country also vowed to reach “Net Zero” carbon dioxide emissions by 2050. By 2025, the German government will have spent the equivalent of at least $580 billion toward achieving the goals that it is now forecasted to miss, according to Bloomberg.

Permalink Renowned Climate Scientists Warn Public: Green Agenda Based on ‘Hoax’

Two of the world’s most renowned climate scientists have spoken out to warn the public that the green agenda being peddled by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its globalist allies is based on a “hoax.” | As Slay News has extensively reported, governments around the world are scrambling to meet the “Net Zero” goals of the green agenda. This destructive agenda is being led by the WEF and other similarly-aligned unelected bureaucratic organizations such as the United Nations (UN) and the World Health Organization (WHO). The alleged goal of the green agenda is to fight the so-called “global warming/climate change/global boiling crisis.” However, meeting these goals means ramping up taxes, stripping the public of basic freedoms, and drastically lowering the quality of life for the general population.

The Great Global Warming Swindle - Full Documentary HD

Permalink New EU regulation forces social media platforms to censor ‘disinformation’ and ‘hate speech’

As of August 25, large online platforms operating in Europe will have to abide by the rules laid out in the Digital Services Act, or face an immense fine of up to 6 percent of their annual global revenue. | The European Union’s (EU) “Digital Services Act” (DSA) has taken effect today, granting the European Commission power to censor “disinformation” and “hate speech” online. As of August 25, large online platforms operating in Europe will have to abide by the rules laid out in the DSA, or face an immense fine of up to 6 percent of their annual global revenue. The EU Commissioner for Internal Market, Thierry Breton, even threatened to shut down social media platforms if they do not comply with the rules in the case of civil unrest, like the recent riots in France.

The Digital Services Act Will Give the EU Sweeping New Censorship Powers, Forcing X and Facebook to Remove Content that Challenges Mass Migration, Transgender Ideology or Net Zero (08/28/23)


Permalink Covid Was An Act Of War Against The Human Race - Dr David E Martin

Back in 2020, we were one of the few platforms that questioned the mainstream narrative and continued to speak with experts and insiders that had important information we felt the public needed to hear. One of those people was Dr. David E. Martin, the professor, researcher and author who many of you will remember as the star of the groundbreaking documentary Plandemic 2. That film was livestreamed here on our Digital Freedom Platform to over two million viewers, becoming the largest live broadcast of a documentary film in human history.

Permalink Ten OBVIOUS lessons every intelligent person should have learned from COVID 1.0 (that can save you from what’s coming with COVID 2.0)

Truly, you'd have to be an oblivious idiot at this point to think the government's COVID orders are intended to benefit the people. You'd also have to be an idiot to think that N95 masks stop COVID transmission, that social distancing works or that COVID vaccines prevent infections and transmission. | Yet, astonishingly, these are things that oblivious idiots still believe. These people also tend to believe that Joe Biden is the “most popular president ever,” that Big Pharma is run by angels who seek to help humanity, and that mainstream doctors are driven by medical science evidence rather than profit motives.  The great IQ test has commenced. COVID 1.0 was the training round, to present lessons in government tyranny and medical science fraud for all to witness. COVID 2.0 is the final exam to see who is stupid enough to still have not learned the lessons from the training round. However, this “final exam” is more like a final solution, and those who fail this round of the global IQ test will find their projected lifespan rapidly shrinking.

Hollywood predicted our fate in 1981 movie (Leo Hohmann)

Permalink Biden Looks to Prevent Future President From Ending Ukraine War

The US and its allies are negotiating deals with Ukraine for long-term military support that could be hard for a future president to exit | The Biden administration is working to reach a deal with Ukraine for long-term military support to keep backing the war with Russia that would be difficult for a future president to exit, The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday.  The effort is part of a commitment made by G7 nations at the recent NATO summit in Vilnius to negotiate their own bilateral security deals with Ukraine. Besides the G7 nations, 18 other countries have agreed to provide long-term military support for Kyiv.  The idea of the long-term commitment is to show Russia that it can’t wait out the Biden administration.

Permalink Drones Target Western Russian City Near Estonia Border

Russian authorities say they repelled a drone attack on an airport in Pskov | Russian authorities said early Wednesday morning that drones targeted an airport in Pskov, a Russian city about 20 miles from NATO member Estonia’s border that’s over 400 miles from Ukraine.  Mikhail Vedernikov, governor of the Pskov Oblast, wrote on Telegram that the Russian Defense Ministry was “repelling” a drone attack on the Pskov airport. He also said there were no casualties in the attack, based on “preliminary information.”  According to Russia’s TASS news agency, emergency services said four Il-76 transport planes were damaged in the attack. “As a result of the drone attack, four Il-76 aircraft were damaged. A fire broke out, and two planes burst into flames,” TASS reported.  According to RT, the Russian Defense Ministry also reported drone attacks in the Bryansk Oblast, which borders Ukraine, and the Oryol Oblast, east of Bryansk.  Over the past month, Ukrainian drone attacks inside Russia have significantly escalated. On Sunday, The Washington Post reported that US officials expect the operations to increase even more.  While the US claims it does not “enable or encourage” Ukrainian attacks inside Russia, The Economist reported Sunday that the Ukrainian drone attacks use intelligence gathered by Kyiv’s Western backers.

Russian Air Field in Pskov Hit By Drones - Reports CLAIM Launched from Estonia (NATO) | Analysis: The reality here is simple: Pskov is too far for drones to travel from Ukraine. They had to come from a lot closer. Russia knows where those drones came from, and if they came from Estonia, NATO has a very big problem.

Permalink Coup underway in Gabon – AFP

French journalists have reported the sound of gunfire in the capital, Libreville | A group of uniformed Gabonese soldiers have appeared on national television to announce the dissolution of all state institutions and the cancellation of the country’s disputed elections, after longtime leader Ali Bongo was declared the winner of last week’s presidential race.  The soldiers delivered a live address early on Wednesday morning, stating they would “defend peace by putting an end to the current regime” while claiming to speak on behalf of the “Committee for the Transition and Restoration of Institutions,” AFP news agency reported.  A spokesman for the group denounced the “irresponsible, unpredictable governance” of President Ali Bongo, claiming his 14 years in office had resulted in a “deterioration in social cohesion that risks leading the country into chaos.” Following the address, journalists with AFP also reported the sound of gunfire in Gabon’s capital, Libreville, though it is unclear whether clashes were underway.

Gabon army officers say they have seized power after election in oil-rich country (Reuters)
Gabon's military seizes power in country, overturns presidential election results (TASS)
Gabon's Soldiers Announce Cancellation of Elections, Dissolution of Institutions (Sputnik News)

Permalink Senior Jesuit priest and close friend of Pope Francis accuses Jesus of being ‘stymied and callous’

Fr. Spadaro SJ has long been known as a close advisor to the Pope, lending further weight to the scandal of his words which have been described as 'blasphemy.' | In a commentary published August 20 in Italy’s secular and left-wing paper il Fatto Quotidiano, Father Antonio Spadaro S.J. provided his personal take on the Gospel of the day for the Novus Ordo Mass calendar, taken from the Gospel of Matthew, 15: 21- 28 Recounting the passage of Christ’s encounter with the Canaanite woman whose daughter was afflicted by a demon, Spadaro accused Christ of being first “indifferent,” and then “stymied and callous.” Archbishop Viganò wrote that Spadaro’s commentary was published in the safe knowledge of the protection of Pope Francis, and that it was “the manifestation, the epiphany, as some ‘theologian’ of Santa Marta would call it, of a counter-church with its false dogmas, mendacious precepts, deceitful preaching, its corrupted and corrupting ministers.”

Spadaro's wicked blasphemy is beyond anything we have heard of in recent times. It is shocking! Jesus was, and still is, Love incarnate. He was s merely testing this Canaanite woman. The point is that healing is made possible by sincere faith. Jesus was the savior of the Canaanites too, not just the Israelites. The mental leap we are to make is to step away from tribalism (which is exclusive) and to accept the universal point of view. Faith is the important thing, not your ethnicity. -Ed.


Permalink War Against Anyone and Everyone in Nato Countries...

Dmitry Medvedev/Дмитрий Медведев (Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council) | Ukrainian criminals have announced that they have been coordinating strikes against anything Russian, "such as in Crimea." If this is true (and there is no reason to doubt it now), it is direct, legally relevant evidence of the West's complicity in the war against Russia on the side of Stepan Bandera's state. A clear [case of] casus belli, and an opportunity for Russia to act within the framework of jus ad bellum against anyone and everyone in NATO countries. Sad, alas. The predictions of the Apocalypse are getting closer.

 "In those days men shall seek death, but shall not find it; they shall wish to die, but death shall flee from them." (Rev. 9:6).
 "We are remembered as long as we disturb others." (V.I. Lenin).
 "Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you." (N.S. Khrushchev). (DeepL.com + grammarly.com)

Permalink Papua New Guinea: 150 dead after brutal tribal feud

(Photo: Torsten Blackwood / AFP)

More than 750 different tribes live in Papua New Guinea, and conflicts often involve them in feuds. Now a dispute has escalated, also because of modern weapons. President Marape wants to crack down. | Up to 150 people have been killed in clashes between warring tribes in Papua New Guinea in recent weeks. Police describe the violence in the northern province of Enga as a "bush fire that got out of control." According to local media, a special forces unit was sent to the region. It is authorized to use "lethal force".  Prime Minister James Marape described the riots as domestic terrorism. For the next parliamentary session in October, he announced a law that would provide for life imprisonment for those who instigate tribal violence. Papua New Guinea is one of the countries with the most diverse indigenous tribes. Around 750 different ethnic groups live in the Pacific island state. More than 800 languages are spoken that do not have a common root.  Conflicts between the indigenous peoples are not uncommon, especially in the highlands of Papua New Guinea. Tribes are so often engaged in political disagreements. However, the brutality of the recent clashes is new, according to experts. The Red Cross also blames access to modern firearms for the severity of the attacks.  The tribal feuds also have an impact on the rest of the country. Many struggles are accompanied by abductions, indigenous people are resettled in slums. Last year, armed groups also interfered in the election campaign. According to the UN, more than 15,000 people were abducted from the provinces of Enga, Hela and the Southern Highlands around and after the election.  The fact that a special unit with orders to shoot is now to ensure order in Enga is nevertheless worrying human rights groups. They fear that these powers may be too broad and that the security authorities will also attack innocent bystanders.

Permalink Child Killed in Russia’s Bryansk Region After Ukrainian Shelling

There are casualties in the Klimovo settlement of Russia’s Bryansk Region that has been under Ukrainian shelling on Tuesday, and a child is among the victims, Governor Alexander Bogomaz said. | "The armed forces of Ukraine fired on the village of Klimovo from the MLRS [Multiple Launch Rocket System]. According to preliminary information, unfortunately, there are casualties, including one child. As a result of the shelling, five civilians, including children, are injured. School buildings, several administrative buildings are damaged, some residential buildings are destroyed. Power supply is interrupted," governor wrote on his Telegram channel.  With the much-anticipated Ukrainian counteroffensive proving to be largely unsuccessful, the Kiev regime increasingly employs the terrorist strategy of striking fear into the population by attacking peaceful cities with no other purpose than demonstrating “success” at the expense of civilians killed and innocent people’ lives ruined.

Permalink EU summit to discuss membership of Ukraine – Michel

The bloc should aim to expand in 2030, the European Council head has claimed | The European Union intends to begin discussions on admitting Ukraine and several other countries as early as October, European Council President Charles Michel announced on Monday. Enlargement “is no longer a dream,” Michel told the officials from Albania, Bulgaria and former Yugoslav states gathered at the Bled Strategic Forum in Slovenia.  The bloc’s leaders will discuss enlargement at the next European Council meeting, said Michel, where they “will take a stand on the opening of negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova.” That meeting is scheduled for October.

‘Ukraine Cannot Become a Member of NATO’ Amid Conflict, EU Commissioner Says

Permalink Baltic PM digs in over Russia scandal

Estonia’s Kaja Kallas says she has no intention of resigning | The Estonian prime minister said on Monday that she would refuse to appear before two parliamentary committees probing her family's business activities, and denied any wrongdoing. Kaja Kallas is fighting for her political survival after Estonian media revealed that her husband, Arvo Hallik, held a stake in a company operating in Russia despite Western sanctions.  The scandal erupted last Wednesday, when ERR discovered that Arvo Hallik was a part-owner of Stark Logistics, a shipping firm that has continued to transport goods to and from Russia even after hostilities in Ukraine escalated in February 2022. Not only was this a possible breach of EU sanctions against Russia, but Kallas herself has been a hard-liner on supporting Ukraine, insisting that “all business with Russia must stop.”


Permalink Big Pharma Insider: ‘Pandemic Was a Military Bioterrorism Project’

A pharmaceutical industry insider has spoken out to claim that Big Pharma companies have been covering up a “military bioterrorism program.” | Sasha Latypova is a former pharmaceutical research and development executive. She has supervised more than sixty clinical trials of new drugs for the industry and understands every step of the regulatory protocols that govern bona fide studies and trials.  In an explosive statement, Latypova has alleged that Big Pharma’s main role in the Covid pandemic has been to “provide cover” for what is an engineered bioweapons “project.” Latypova says that, in early 2021, she observed that the strong safety surveillance signals of the new injectables being registered in the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) were not triggering the automatic stop and recall mechanism. She argues that the relevant regulatory bodies were showing no concern. This led her to conclude that there was malicious intent. After making the discovery, she set about examining minutely every aspect of the development, procurement, and manufacturing processes of the vaccines being rolled to the public.

Orientation for new readers (Katherine Watt)(Bailiwick News)
We Are at War in the US and Globally: A Summary of Everything (Sasha Latypova)(08/18/23)
Covid injections a ‘military project’ (Serena Wylde)(August 12th, 2023)
USA v. Dr. Kirk Moore et al. (Katherine Watt)(08/15/23)
Project NoNextGen — Inducing disease and weaponizing chronic fear of fake pandemics (Katherine Watt)(08/08/23)
On the interpretation of selective silence (Katherine Watt)(07/29/23)

Permalink India Buys 1 Million Barrels of Oil Using India Rupees - not U.S. Dollars

In July, reports surfaced that India and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) signed an agreement that allowed the BRICS member (India) to use rupees instead of the US dollar when trading with the Middle Eastern nation. Last week, the first sale took place. | Energy company Indian Oil made payments in rupees for purchasing one million barrels of oil from the state-owned Abu Dhabi National Oil Company.  India is not the only BRICS nation to purchase energy from the UAE without going through the US dollar. In March, the oil and gas company China National Offshore Oil Corporation reportedly paid in yuan to import 65,000 tons of liquified natural gas from the UAE.  Meanwhile, in May, China revealed that it signed $582.3 billion worth of global currency settlement agreements that will exclusively use the yuan. The UAE is one of the countries that inked the deal with the Asian giant along with Russia, Venezuela, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. The recent moves of China and India underscore BRICS’ global effort to abandon the US dollar.

The Western propaganda machine claims BRICS is a ‘challenge to NATO’ and a ‘mortal threat’ – is this true?

Permalink "Information Designed To Show ..." (Moon of Alabama)

Yesterday CNN published another Russiagate like nonsense story: "Newly declassified US intel claims Russia is laundering propaganda through unwitting Westerners." 💬 Russian intelligence is operating a systematic program to launder pro-Kremlin propaganda through private relationships between Russian operatives and unwitting US and western targets, according to newly declassified US intelligence. The information contained in the CIA release was 'designed' or construed to create a certain propaganda narrative. It wasn't just information that could be found or observed by a reporter but a curated collection of items put together to create a certain effect. Think about that for a minute and you will recognize that most of the 'news' one reads is made like this. Someone asserts that there is a need for to create a certain effect. A narrative is thought up that could lead to it. The some bits of facts or rumors are collected, sorted, filtered and then written up until the constructed narrative is thought to be likely to create the desired effect. This is then the declassified product and fed to the media which are willing to distribute such stuff.

Permalink The Digital Services Act Will Give the EU Sweeping New Censorship Powers, Forcing X and Facebook to Remove Content that Challenges Mass Migration, Transgender Ideology or Net Zero

The European Union’s Digital Services Act (DSA) comes into force today, obliging “very large online platforms” to swiftly take down what unelected European Commission bureaucrats decide to define as ‘disinformation’. | As Laurie Wastell points out in the European Conservative, the DSA obliges online platforms to swiftly take down so-called disinformation. From today, the EC has at its disposal an aggressive enforcement regime, such that if Big Tech companies fail to abide by the EU’s ‘Strengthened Code of Practice on Disinformation’, which requires swift censorship of mis- and disinformation, then they can be fined up to 6% of their annual global revenue, investigated by the Commission, and potentially even prevented from operating in the EU altogether.  In the words of EC President Ursula von der Leyen, it is vital that companies censor disinformation of this kind to “ensure that the online environment remains a safe space”. Safe for whom, one wonders — politicians or citizens?

Permalink Conflict in Ukraine reveals EU leaders’ subordination to Washington — ex-Italian PM Conte

"The strategy pursued so far in NATO, based on constant military supplies to Ukraine and the logic of escalation, did not lead to a military defeat for Russia," Giuseppe Conte said | NATO's strategy for the conflict in Ukraine, based on military supplies and the logic of escalation, has failed, while the crisis itself has exposed the EU's inability to show leadership and underlined its subordination to the US. Giuseppe Conte, former Prime Minister of Italy, now the leader of the Five Star Movement opposition political party, expressed this opinion on Saturday. 💬"The strategy pursued so far in NATO, based on constant military supplies to Ukraine and the logic of escalation, did not lead to a military defeat for Russia: there was no defeat of the Russian army in Bakhmut (Artemovsk, Ukrainian name - Bakhmut - TASS), there was no collapse its military units, there was no retreat during the Ukrainian counteroffensive. The economic and financial sanctions imposed on Russia did not lead to its bankruptcy and did not bring down its economy," Conte wrote on his Facebook page (banned in Russia, owned by the Meta recognized as extremist in Russia). "The isolation of Russia has by no means become a reality. On the contrary, the 15th summit of the BRICS group has just ended with a concrete prospect of its further expansion in 2024, which will cover 45% of the world's population and 38.2% of world GDP," Conte went on. According to Conte, 💬"the conflict in the heart of old Europe has revealed the inability of the European Union to develop an effective common strategy and show independent political and economic leadership, highlighting, on the contrary, the subordination of [European] rulers to the United States." As the former Italian prime minister noted, his party has always "been convinced of the fallacy of the desire to inflict a military defeat on the Russian Federation." Conte has repeatedly called for the start of peace talks on Ukraine. The Five Star Movement has long opposed sending weapons to Ukraine. This position indirectly caused it to leave the previous ruling coalition, which led to the fall of the previous government of Mario Draghi in the summer of 2022.


Permalink Dr. Michael Yeadon: Are the MRNA injections toxic by mistake or by design?

Former vice president at Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon: The real goal of the "pandemic" was total digital enslavement, using digital ID and CBDCs: "[The] logical endpoint [is] totalitarian control of everyone on the planet using digital techniques. This whole thing is a multi-year plan designed to smash civil society, to wreck the economy, and to introduce various digital controls, [including] digital ID." "If you accept this, you are in the first stages of the same funnel that cattle go down waiting [for] the stun bullet. So please say no, because there’s no escape from the totalitarian control that digital ID will grant. Whoever owns the database and controls the algorithm, controls you." Dr. Michael Yeadon’s presentation at an SVPTF webinar, Every Breath You Take: Big Brother’s Plan to Stalk You through the WHO, on Feb. 27, 2023. Dr. Michael Yeadon, PhD, former Vice-President and Chief Scientific Officer for Allergic and Respiratory Diseases worldwide for the drug company, Pfizer. He is the co-founder and former CEO of the biotech company Ziarco. Topic: Are the MRNA injections toxic by mistake or by design? Why is the WHO pressing them on the world?

Permalink WITH INVASION "IMMINENT" Niger EXPELS Ambassadors from France, Germany, USA, Nigeria, and Côte d'Ivoire

With military Invasion said to be "imminent" the military Junta that seized power in the country if Niger, has declared the Ambassadors of several countries as "persona non grata" and ordered they leave the country within 48 hours. Expelled are the Ambassadors of France, Germany, the United States, Nigeria and Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast). | The general public of Niger has rallied in support of the military takeover, saying former President Bouzam was corrupt and harming the country.  France, in particular, is very sensitive to losing its control over Niger, which it colonized. Niger is a rich source of Uranium, which France takes for nuclear power plants that supply seventy percent (70%) of the electricity in France. Meanwhile, most of Niger has no electric and its population has said publicly they are forced to live like slaves.  In addition to Uranium, Niger is also rich in Diamonds, Gold, and oil, yet the general public lacks even running water in much of the country because while all those natural resources are going to the West, no investment is made in infra-structure that would improve the lives of citizens.  The Military Junta is developing close ties with Russia, and a detachment of Private Military Company (PMC) troops from Wagner PMC is in Niger to protect its Capital city from foreign aggression.

Permalink Danish filmmaker attacked for ‘Russian lives matter’ comment

Lars von Trier had expressed horror at Danish PM Mette Fredriksen cavorting with her Ukrainian counterpart inside an F-16 | The ‘Dancer in the Dark’ and ‘Antichrist’ filmmaker took to Instagram to react to a meeting between Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and Danish Prime Minister Mette Fredriksen, both of whom posed for photographs inside an F-16 jet fighter. 💬 “Like someone head over heels in love, [they] posed in the cockpit of one of the scariest killing machines of our time, grinning from ear to ear,” von Trier wrote, responding to the news that Denmark would be donating F-16s to Ukraine after Zelensky had demanded them for months.  Von Trier’s post was quickly slammed by the Ukrainian government. National Security and Defense Council head Aleksey Danilov posted a screenshot of the text to X (formerly Twitter), declaring that “behind every living Russian terrorist, there is a dead Ukrainian,” while insisting that Ukraine exists “in a cruel reality in which Russians are murderers.”

Permalink Commentary by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Ms. M.V. Zakharova, on the situation in Moldova

We have repeatedly expressed serious concern about the provocative pumping of Western weapons into Moldova. We are forced to pay attention to this subject again in connection with the ongoing deliveries of military equipment from the United States to Chisinau - the latest such shipment arrived in the republic in early August. According to the information published in the media, it concerns equipment and machinery for demining, small arms, including sniper rifles and machine guns, various types of grenades, as well as technical means of reconnaissance. In addition, it is noted that the issue of placement of American weapons depots in Moldova, which, according to Moldovan analysts, can be subsequently used to meet the needs of the AFU [Armed Forces of Ukraine], is currently being studied. It is obvious that the "collective West", despite the neutral status enshrined in the constitution of Moldova, continues to actively involve it in the conflict in Ukraine. We have already repeatedly warned officials in Chisinau of the disastrous consequences of such steps. We note the consistent transformation of Moldova into a logistical appendage of the Kyiv regime. At the same time, we cannot but be concerned by the information that the issue of the delivery of military cargo through Moldovan territory is being worked out. ⚠️ In this connection, we should like to warn [the] official Chisinau against becoming more deeply involved in the process of "supporting" Ukraine, which will not only jeopardize stability and security in the region, but will actually turn Moldova into an accomplice in the war crimes of the Kyiv regime. (Translation: DeepL.com + Proofreading: grammarly.com)

Permalink Ex-Georgian leader Saakashvili fully responsible for 2008 war – Medvedev

Reckless decisions have made Saakashvili a pariah in his own country, the former Russian president has said | Former Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili has paid the price for instigating the 2008 conflict with Russia, ending up as a pariah in his own country, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said in an interview with RT and TASS news agency on Friday.  The five-day war erupted on the night of August 8, 2008, when the US-backed Saakashvili sent troops into Georgia’s breakaway region of South Ossetia, shelling the base of Russian peacekeepers in the process. Moscow recognized the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, another breakaway region, on August 26, shortly after defeating the Georgian Army.  Medvedev was president at the time, and ordered the Russian forces to intervene when the Georgian Army attacked Russian peacekeepers, who had been stationed in South Ossetia since the 1990s. He said that Saakashvili bears full responsibility for the bloodshed of 15 years ago.

West pushing everyone towards WWIII, ignoring signals from Moscow – Medvedev (TASS)
Unlearned lessons. Dmitry Medvedev analyzes the events of 2008 (Dmitry Medvedev)(08/25/23)


Permalink BRICS to welcome six new members, a ‘historical milestone’

Bigger BRICS family serves as powerful response to West-led hegemony, advocates for fair, multi-polar world | The BRICS countries welcomed six new members from three different continents on Thursday, marking a historic milestone that underscored the solidarity of BRICS and developing countries and determination to work together for a better future, officials and experts said. The expansion of the BRICS, as a new starting point for multilateral cooperation, will play a positive role for more equitable and just global governance, experts said.  The BRICS countries have decided to invite six countries - Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates - to become new members of the grouping, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said on Thursday. It will be the first expansion since 2010 and the new candidates will be admitted as members on January 1, 2024, according to media reports.

Western countries not welcome at BRICS – Moscow (RT.com)
Johannesburg BRICS declaration (FULL TEXT) (RT.com)

Permalink No Meat at All, No Car, Three New Items of Clothing a Year and One Short Flight Every Three Years – All by 2030

Dystopian future in black and white – funded by the UK Government | In seven years you might not be allowed to own car, only be allowed to buy three new pieces of clothing per year, take one short-haul return flight every three years and consume no meat whatsoever, thanks to plans drawn up by a group chaired by Sadiq Khan.  Documents that many may not be aware of show him as the chairman of C40 Cities, which describes itself as a ‘global network of nearly 100 mayors of the world’s leading cities that are united in action to confront the climate crisis’.  So-called ‘ambitious targets’ include reducing the number of new clothing items each person is allowed to buy to three per year and banning private car ownership by 2030 – plans which would surely mean an end to many businesses, thus trashing the economy further than it already is.

Permalink Putin comments on Prigozhin plane crash

The Russian president described the Wagner chief as “a talented man” | Evgeny Prigozhin was a man of many talents who made a “significant contribution” to the struggle against neo-Nazis in Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday, commenting on the plane crash that reportedly killed the Wagner Group head. Speaking with journalists at the Kremlin, Putin said that he had known Prigozhin since the early 1990s, and described him as “a man of complicated destiny. ” Prigozhin was on the passenger manifest of the Embraer private jet that crashed on Wednesday in the Tver Region, en route from Moscow to St. Petersburg. All seven passengers and three crew members perished. Authorities are still working to identify the bodies, but Prigozhin is presumed to be among them, along with six other Wagner leaders. Putin expressed his sincere condolences to their families and vowed that the investigation into the crash would be thorough.

IN BRIEF: Prigozhin listed as passenger on private jet that crashed north of Moscow (08/24/23)

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