'Journalism is Not a Crime': Experts Lambast EU Media Freedom Act
The European Media Freedom Act envisages installing spyware on journalists' phones for the sake of "national security". Sputnik sat down with some international observers to discuss how the provision correlates with the act's name and basic European principles. | 💬 "There is no legitimate reason to spy on journalists," Lucy Komisar, an investigative journalist based in New York, told Sputnik. "Remember, this law targets people identified as journalists, not as spies or terrorists or criminals. Journalism is not a crime, unless Julian Assange does it. The real reason is to protect government officials from journalists reporting on officials’ misguided policies, abuses and corruption. It’s quite ironic in view of the EU’s self-congratulatory rules trumpeted as protecting peoples’ data from tech companies. Stealing data when a company does it is bad, stealing audio and written text when a government does it is just fine."