NOT Zaporozhye NPP . . . South Ukraine NPP ??? - Being Used to Store US Weapons and Intelligence HQ
Hal Turner | The chatter about an attack upon a nuclear power plant inside Ukraine has ramped-up exponentially of late, and many of us believed the chatter was about the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) but it's not. Turns out it is about the South Ukraine Nuclear Power plant because it is being used to store US/NATO high-tech weapons, and is now the Intelligence HQ for NATO in the war. ● The US and NATO are creating all this bluster about invoking NATO Treaty Article 5, "Collective Self-Defense" if there is a tactical nuclear explosion in Ukraine OR IF there is an attack upon a nuclear power plant which causes radiation leakage. ● Russia made clear from the beginning of its Special Military Operation to de-militarize and de-NAZIFY Ukraine that they already know NATO Conventional military forces are superior to Russian Conventional forces. But, President Putin pointed out, Russia is also a nuclear power and many of Russia's weapons are far superior to those held by NATO. He then made clear that if Article 5 Collective Self Defense is invoked against Russia, the Russian Federation would have no choice but to use its nuclear weapons for self preservation. ● As of today, June 23, 2023, Ukraine is LOSING the conflict very badly. We are now over three full weeks into Ukraine's much-vaunted "Spring Counter-Offensive" and it has achieved precisely nothing. In fact, Ukraine is doing so badly that media in Europe (Germany) is now poking fun at them, saying "It's not a counter-offensive, it's a crash test." Given the utterly dismal failure of Ukraine's ongoing counter-offensive, the powers in NATO realize that Ukraine's _____ O N L Y _____ hope is if NATO troops enter the conflict on the side of Ukraine. But there's a problem: Russia has not attacked any NATO country. So there is no legal basis for NATO to take action. ● Turns out, the real nuclear power plant which may be the actual target, is the South Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant (SUNPP). Why is this likely the "real" target? Because Ukraine and NATO are using this plant to store NATO High-tech weaponry such as HIMARS, ATACMS and the like. Ukraine and NATO are also using this plant as an Intelligence Headquarters, in which all NATO Surveillance, Reconnaissance, and targeting coordinate info is shared with Ukraine. (More) [+ See item below.]