
Permalink Emily Oster proposes “a pandemic amnesty” ???

eugyppius | Getting your head kicked in by riot police because you had the temerity to protest against indefinite population-wide house arrest. Or being fired from your university job and banned in perpetuity from the premises because you uploaded a video to social media complaining about the onerous and expensive testing requirements imposed upon unvaccinated staff. Or being confined to your house and threatened with fines because of personal medical decisions that had no chance of impacting the broader course of the pandemic in the first place. But somebody called this woman genocidal in French and she’s ready to move on, so it’s all good.  Emily Oster may have said a few reasonable things in the depths of her pandemic moderation, but she can take her proposal for pandemic amnesty and shove it all the way up her ass. I’m never going to forget what these villains did to me and my friends. It is just hard to put into words how infuriating it is, to read this breezy triviliasation of the absolute hell we’ve been through. The pandemicists and their supporters crossed many bright red lines in their eradicationist zeal and ruined untold millions of lives. That doesn’t all just go away now.

"Bygones Should Be Bygones" (The Nebulator -Telegram)

Contra | Libs Want ‘Pandemic Amnesty.’ Give Them Punishment. | Some liberals are pleading that we forgive and forget all they have said and done since Covid reached the United States. In The Atlantic, Brown University economist Emily Oster admits the pandemic “precautions were totally misguided.” “But the thing is: We didn’t know,” she pleads. But we, in fact, did know—and we should neither forgive nor forget what they’ve done and continue to do.


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