
Permalink STUNNING Testimony: Pfizer Never Tested COVID "Vax" to "Stop Transmission" of Virus! We were all lied to ! ! !

PFIZER never tested to see if their so-called vaccine would stop transmission | In utterly stunning sworn testimony before the European Parliament, a Director of Pfizer admitted they NEVER TESTED their so-called COVID "Vaccine" for its ability to "stop transmission" of the virus. People around the world were lied to, their freedom restricted, because they were not "vaccinated" and allegedly could therefore spread the virus.  Countries throughout Europe and even in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, prevented people from going outside, socializing, using public facilities if they were not vaccinated. People all over the world were told they could be "spreaders' without the vaccine. That was a lie because the vaccine was NEVER TESTED for any ability to stop the transmission.  Some countries implemented "Vaccine Passports" and went table-to-table in restaurants to see if people were vaccinated. They were told "show us your vaccine passport" by police.  Oh, and by the way, as we all see now, the vaccine didn't seem to stop transmission -- at all. The "vaxxed" could still get the virus. They could still spread it to others.


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