
Permalink House Republican Introduces Bill To Give Biden Sweeping Authorities To Wage War in Ukraine

On Sunday, Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) announced a new Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF). If passed, the AUMF will allow President Joe Biden to deploy American troops to defend Ukraine if Russia uses chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons. [...] The bill titled "To authorize the use of United States Armed Forces to defend the territorial integrity of United States allies," allows the President to determine if Russia has used WMDs. The AUMF terminates once the "President certifies to Congress that the territorial integrity of Ukraine has been restored."

Permalink PANDAMNED [Official trailer]

PANDAMNED shines on the COVID era from a human perspective, stirs at the foundation and pulls it through at the meta-level. The patterns become visible of what is really going on and it exposes the options of what our choices are! Honest but tough. Subtitles: German, English, Dutch

Permalink Klaus Schwab’s daughter wants governments to use COVID policies for climate change...

💬 “Clearly, the system… is not sustainable,” began Nicole Schwab, speaking at an InTent roundtable. “So, I see it as a tremendous opportunity to really have this Great Reset and to use these huge flows of money, to use the increased levers that policymakers have today in a way that was not possible before to create a change that is not incremental, but that we can look back and we can say, ‘This is the moment where we really started to position nature at the core of the economy.'”

Expose The Agenda... (04/30/22)

Permalink French Election FRAUD Puts 2020 To Shame — Millions Of Uncounted Le Pen Ballots Found [VIDEO]

If you thought the U.S. election in 2020 was bad, it’s nothing compared to the sham election that just went down in France. Emmanuel Macron, a former Rothschild banker and World Economic Forum “Young Global Leader,” may have been crowned the “winner”, but millions of Le Pen voters lost their ballots and rights on Sunday. In France, if a ballot is damaged, it cannot be cast. So the political establishment, who are desperate to install Macron in office for another five years, arranged for the destruction of millions of Le Pen ballots.

Massive Fraud in French Presidential Elections…[?] (04/30/22)
Macron “Reelected” the Old-Fashioned Way? (Stephen Lendman)

Permalink WATCH: AP Accompanies Zelensky's SBU Thugs As They 'Kidnap Ukrainians Who Speak Out Against The Regime'

Although the Zelenskyy government has broad support, even among many Russian speakers, not all Ukrainians oppose the invasion. Support for Moscow is more common among some Russian-speaking residents of the Donbas, an industrial region in the east. An eight-year conflict there between Moscow-backed separatists and Ukrainian government forces had killed over 14,000 people even before this year’s invasion.

Permalink Media Are Now Whitewashing Nazis They Had Previously Condemned

Moon of Alabama | Recently the New York Times, like many other 'western' outlets, has changed its language when reporting about the fascist Ukrainian Asov Battalion. What was once "a Ukrainian neo-Nazi paramilitary organization" which even the FBI said is notorious for its “association with neo-Nazi ideology” was first relabeled as merely "far right" before it became a normal "unit in the Ukrainian military". [...] It is not that Azov has de-radicalized over time. It has in fact grown more extreme. Azov has infiltrated other organizations, especially some units of the Ukrainian regular military, the national guard, the police and the internal secret security organization SBU. Azov is by far not the only fascist (para-)military organization in Ukraine. There is the Aidar battalion, the Right Sector, the C-14 'youth' organization of the fascist Svoboda party as well as a dozen other such organization. These groups are not only not prohibited as they should be but get encouraged and partially financed by the Ukrainian government. The infiltration of the security services and government has dangerous consequences for the Ukrainian public.

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