ON PANDEMIC BABIES (Quinta Columna React)
Black-Eyed Babies: In a new interview for the radio program Dirección Correcta, La Quinta Columna has referred to the so-called 'pandemic babies,' those babies who have been conceived during the pandemic and who, in addition, are the product of parents inoculated with the COVID-19 vaccine.
Now that 9 months have passed since the vaccination campaign began in countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States, some alarming videos have begun to go viral showing babies with a different appearance and who appear to be on a lower cognitive spectrum than average.
Of course, it's part of La Quinta Columna's research to pay attention to these videos and see if we start seeing more babies with complications like the one in the video they have shown.
Until it's as evident and massive as the magnetic arms are, it will not be possible to say with certainty that these babies are the product of the intervention of graphene and other components present in vaccines that affect reproductive functions. But there are suspicions. More HERE