COVID shots intended to reduce world’s population by poisoning ‘billions’
‘The deaths that are meant to follow the vaccinations will never be able to be pinned on the poison. They will be too diverse, there will be too many, and they will be in too broad a timeframe for us to understand that we have been poisoned,’ said Dr. Shankara Chetty. (Article on AWIP)
Finally! Medical Proof the Covid Jab is "Murder"
Please share this very important article with everyone you know. Also, please help save lives and send this article to hospitals, doctors' surgeries, care homes, schools, newspapers, journalists, etc. (If you are reading this on vernoncoleman.com then please go to the new website vernoncoleman.org where you are able to share this article).
Dr. David Martin - Follow the Patents, Then You Will Understand Covid
Dr. David Martin Exposes the Names and Faces of the People Who Are Killing Humanity : David has put the names and faces of all of the major players in the theater of the COVID War onto one slide, which he says is important, because “We energize the forces of darkness when we anonymize them and when we see their faces on a screen, we realize that they’re merely individuals that have lost the social contract with humanity.” Extra link here.
Rosa Koire - Agenda 21 & Agenda 2030 - Sustainable Development
Rosa Koire, who sadly passed away earlier this year, with others established The Post Sustainability Institute to study the impacts Agenda 21/2030 is having on liberty. Koire explains the full meaning of “sustainable development” in a 16-minute video and it’s highly recommended you watch it. (Tap News)
How To Overcome Adversity
Know thyself. Find your purpose. Pick a noble aim. Face adversity voluntarily to get to that aim. Understand that discomfort is inevitable and embrace the obstacles as lessons. Hold on to what is good in this world. No matter how bad things seem, nothing is permanent. We’re all fighting our own personal battles.
Do I have something meaningful to add to this idea of overcoming adversity? Just this. I’m working at it. And am aware that many of us are doing this type of work (overcoming adversity) as well. It’s not easy. It’s said, roughly speaking, nothing easy is worth doing. In the end this rough patch will smooth itself out and we’ll (I’ll) be stronger and wiser for overcoming. – sigh...(PFYT2)
UK - Funeral Director Wesley - I just see the dead babies in the fridges
+ Another Funeral Director (John O'Looney): Deaths Skyrocketed '300%' After Covid Vaccine (Video) + UPDATE
MUST WATCH: Monopoly - Who Owns The World?
Every individual of good heart needs to be prepared with knowledge to properly assess our current situation and decide to defend themselves, their family, their area and sovereignty, and reclaim our lives, liberty, and land. This is the brass tacks of the reality we find ourselves in. No speculation. Facts. MONOPOLY reveals in a brilliant way how a small group of super-rich people own everything in our world. They use their power and wealth to control governments, health organizations, the news media, and basically manipulate the entire world according to their plans. MONOPOLY shows what their agenda is, and what we can do to protect our lives, and build a better world.
Official SOS from Australia
An International S.O.S. From Australia: On December 4th 2021 at 12pm midday, we call for an international ‘SOS from Australia’ event. On this date we call upon politicians, international leaders and all concerned citizens to respond to our SOS. Note that whatever tyranny and oppression you see in Australia is destined for your country if we aren’t able to stop it. It seems evident Australia is ‘ground zero’. International leaders We respectfully ask you to consider supporting the requests laid out in this document. If the requests are not met, your citizens are no longer safe here. [...] Australians are facing unprecedented Government actions that have robbed us of our fundamental rights and freedoms – all enforced with extreme aggression by the Police Force. Many Australians no longer feel safe in our once-democratic country. We have tried every peaceful and diplomatic means available to have our voices heard; however we have been ignored. Australian citizens have held regular protests asking for Human Rights and the Rule of Law to be restored These democratic demonstrations have been met with unparalleled Police suppression. [...] [Web site here:] Reignite Democracy Australia