2020: A PROPAGANDA MASTERPIECE, PART THREE - The Coup of '63 to Covid 2021
In Episode 23, the third and final part of "2020: A Propaganda Masterpiece", Professor Mark Crispin Miller of New York University illustrates how the sudden overthrow of political freedom and bodily sovereignty, nominally triggered of necessity by the emergence of a deadly novel pathogen, has in truth been heading straight for us since November 22, 1963, when President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. From the revolutionary resistance of the sixties to the "Fourth Industrial Revolution" of 2021; from a little-known elite movement of the early 20th century that was committed to ridding the world of the "feeble-minded", to the monolithic policy of mass injection embraced by governments the world over today..:as the 21st century reaches adulthood, Mark Crispin Miller presents the hidden history you ignore at your peril. A Conversation with Mark Crispin Miller, Professor of Media Studies at New York University, June 10th, 2021 - Brooklyn, New York—Updated through September 24, 2021. Interviewed by John Kirby. Research and editing by Evan Dominguez. BitChute
NHS hiring actors to play Covid-19 hospital patients 24th Sept [Crisis Actors?]
Searching for it, I found traces of it everywhere on the Internet, but what I realized was that they had already scrubbed the damn thing, as you can see here. -- The Wayback Machine had caught hold of it though...-Ed.
The Great Reset Explained in FIVE Minutes
An excellent and quick summary of what The Great Reset is, how it links to the COVID 'crisis', and how it will turn the world into a brutal global dictatorship if we do not stand up against it. Great for sharing with friends and family who just don't get what is happening to the world. Via: Dave Cullen (GAB), Computing Forever (BitChute)
“No Soul, No Free Will.” – The End of Humanity?
“The idea that humans have free will, or a soul — these are over!” Technocrats have not just declared war on humanity, they have declared victory in that war. From your vote in the election, to your diet, to your medical choices, these are no longer your decisions to make as the elites openly celebrate that they now know better and exercise near perfect control over our lives. We still have the opportunity to NOT comply en masse with this rewrite of humanity — but we must be ALL IN, RIGHT NOW. Please follow Ice Age Farmer on telegram: https://t.me/iceagefarmer
WATCH on Odysee: https://odysee.com/@iceagefarmer:42/no-soul,-no-free-will.-the-end-of:a
WATCH on Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/34AVwjWe8joH/
COVID Shots, DNA & Transhumanism, With Dr. Carrie Madej
FABULOUS interview with Dr. Carrie Madej taking us through a Power-Point presentation on nano-technology in the CV19 vaccines and the transhumanist agenda. HIGHLY relevant to understanding the agenda behind the fake pandemic and the subsequent drive to inject something into every human being. Recorded April 29, 2021. Hosted by Alex Newman of The New American.
The 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Explained in Under 5 Minutes
From the one and only...James Corbett. This one's interesting too: COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity. His site is here: The Corbett Report.
MUST WATCH: Ernst Wolff - Uncovering the Corona Narrative - Aug 2021
Source: John Waters: 'A Carefully Prepared Apocalypse'. John's Substack HERE. Transcript in English HERE