
Permalink The Jewish Takeover of Canada: The Case of Arthur Topham

Lasha Darkmoon Has Canada been taken over by Jews? It would seem so, if the relentless persecution of Canadian patriot and freedom fighter Arthur Topham is anything to go on. || Canadian patriot and freedom fighter Arthur Topham is to be hauled before the Canadian courts next year on trumped-up charges. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Arthur is an innocent man. His trial date has now been set. He will appear in court on 26 October, 2015, and his trial will last for two weeks until 6 November. If found guilty, this man who has said and done nothing that you and I have not said or done a thousand times, will be torn from the embrace of his wife, his family and his friends and be thrown into prison. It will be a major miscarriage of justice if this should occur. The forthcoming trial of Arthur Topham is therefore much more than the trial of one man. Canadian justice will itself be on trial. If you are concerned for Arthur Topham and would like to see him treated fairly, please sign this PETITION

If Arthur is to be condemned in a Canadian court for “hate speech”, it will only be because Canada has now fallen under the dominant influence of a powerful ethnic group who have somehow managed to turn Canada into an Israelified police state.

Richard Edmondson/Nahida Izzat The Expression of Hatred for Gentiles


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