
Permalink Secret Meeting in London: Plotting to Wage War on Syria without UN Authorization

Somewhere between being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and the consolidating farce of the presentation in Oslo [on Monday], recipients were plotting another freedom and democracy bringing “humanitarian intervention”, illegal regime change and the destruction of a country in order to save it. Remember Libya was “not going to be another Iraq” disaster, “lessons have been learned”? Libya’s ruined towns and social structure of course, chillingly resemble Iraq. Now, it is Syria’s turn, but Syria will “not be another Libya”, yes mistakes were made, but lessons have yet again been learned. Today’s (London) Independent cover story reports the: “plan for (the) international coalition to provide air and naval support, plus military training for the opposition”, commenting that :“Western intervention is now deemed necessary as civil war has reached ‘tipping point’ “ and of course: “Britain, France and US agree ‘no boots on the ground.’ “ This is the outcome of a secret meeting in London recently, hosted by Sir David Richards, who heads Britain’s armed forces. Participants in the scheming were: “the military chiefs of France, Turkey, Jordan, Qatar, the UAE and” (surprise) “a three star American General.” The paper records: “Strategy was discussed at length”, with other UK government Ministries “and their counterparts in allied states” also holding meetings – read plotting another overthrow of massive illegality, of a sovereign leader and government.

Syrian Free Press: Syrian Television ~ (Eng/Fra/Esp) ~ VIDEO News/Nouvelles/Noticias
SANA: Syria Denies Rumors about Army Using Scud Missiles against Terrorist Groups
SANA: A Number of Citizens, including Children and Women, Killed, in Car Bomb Explosions
Russia Today: US sending Patriot surface-to-air missiles to Turkey
Stephen Lendman: Propaganda War on Syria Rages
Julie Lévesque: Fabricating WMD “Evidence”: Israeli Covert Operation inside Syria
AWIP: Five Killed, 23 Injured in Three Terrorist Bombings Targeting Interior Ministry Building


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