
Permalink British activists say elderly care is ‘chronically underfunded’

Some elderly and disabled people will be condemned to a life of “misery and fear” unless the government acts now to reform the social care system, campaigners warned Tuesday - In an open letter to Prime Minister David Cameron, a coalition of 78 campaign groups and charities called for an urgent overhaul of a system they say is “in crisis” and “chronically underfunded”. The group urged the premier to make social care reform his “personal mission” and to take tough decisions on funding to ensure all those who need care receive it. “The system is a lottery — some of us will be lucky enough to never need care, but there are many of us who need support at some stage in our lives to carry out everyday tasks and could lose everything: our savings, our dignity, our independence,” said the letter, published in the Daily Mail and signed by organisations including Age UK and Saga. It went on to warn of a “vicious circle” in which limited resources were focused only on those in greatest need, adding: “This only worsens the crisis in care, as many older or disabled people are left without support — in quiet desperation, trying to cope alone, often ending up in hospital or crisis care.”

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