Is Everybody Over Covid?
After everything that has happened since the start of the pandemic, it’s been really hard for me to deal with everyone acting like the shutdowns and mandates never happened.
● I was coerced to take the vaccine, which I knew was a bad idea, but I thought I couldn’t keep a job at that point (and I really regret this if anyone can help counsel me with making this decision)
● So many people turned into tyrants telling us what we could or could not do. Lost many relationships
● All the information coming out after lockdowns and mandates largely proved those ideas false, but the media and government totally ignore this I really was never conspiratorial before this, but since 2021 I’ve really lost faith in all our systems and institutions. Even people in general, I struggle socializing. Anyone else struggling?ws
■ Japan plans to roll out world’s first self-replicating mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (BadMedicine.Ne)
■ Official Covid vaccine death count 50% higher than thought (Cains News)
■ CIA Agent Testifies "We Invented mRNA As A Bioweapon With Gates And WEF (06/08/24)