
Permalink The Guantanamo Files

“Obama, like Bush has claimed that the laws don’t apply to him.”

President Obama has turned out to be George W. Bush’s imperial twin, largely identical on “war on terror” policies – as the recently released Wikileaks files on Guantanamo attest. Both presidents rate as hypocrites and liars. “The Obama administration remains committed to continuing the Bush era military tribunals, using hearsay and evidence acquired under torture as evidence.”

Once again, the truly civilized world owes a great debt of thanks to the Wikileaks team. In revealing the extent of mistreatment and torture they have reminded us that once again that the United States may pay lip service to the rule of law, but in fact wants nothing to do with that concept.

President Obama told the world as much in his comments about Bradley Manning, the soldier charged with making documents available to Wikileaks and who has been detained in conditions that can also be described as torture. The president, who is given great kudos for having taught constitutional law, publicly stated that Manning has no presumption of innocence. “We’re a nation of laws. We don’t let individuals make their own decision about how the laws operate. He broke the law.”

“The United States may pay lip service to the rule of law, but in fact wants nothing to do with that concept.”


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