
Permalink The Climategate Investigation

Last month, while the American media were distracted by the health care vote in Congress, the British Parliament published the results of its investigation into East Anglia University's Climate Research Unit (CRU) that has been at the center of the anthropogenic global warming (AGW) controversy. It seems that many were hoping that no one would read this report, at least not beyond the milquetoast executive summary. Buried deep within the report is a compelling piece of evidence. In volume two, there is a memorandum submitted as evidence from Lord Lawson of Blaby, chairman of the Global Warming Policy Foundation, which was in response to four very significant questions from the investigating committee. This memo confirms the claims by many global warming skeptics that the scientists at CRU were trying to hide data and silence the skeptics. Climate Realists: Is Michael Mann Seriously Off his Head? Cfact: Top UN scientist complains about YouTube video, claims defamation. Marc Morano argues that everything in the video about Mann's unscientific methods is true. AWIP: Global Warming Emerging Science and Understanding -VIDEO.


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