
Permalink Man's family isn't buying the official story that he died from drinking a glass of water

A man died in a central China detention house with cut-off nipples, injured penis and a hole in his head, while police claimed he died from an acute disease after drinking a cup of water. Wang Yahui died three days after being taken into custody as a theft suspect in Lushan County, Henan Province. The police informed Wang's family on February 22 that he had died from an acute disease, but Wang's family found it hard to believe when they saw the damaged body, Chongqing Evening News reported yesterday. Wang's aunt surnamed Wu told the newspaper that the relatives saw big bruises on Wang's back. His nipples were ripped off, skull was fractured, and his penis was covered with injuries. Wu said Lushan police told the family that Wang died during an interrogation but collapsed only after given a cup of hot water.


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