Sierra Nevada / Fjell

R. B. Johannessen

—As the frozen body believed to be a World War II airman
slowly thaws after decades encased in a glacier, forensic experts
say a picture is emerging of a fair-haired man in an Army uniform
who suffered broken bones when his aircraft crashed in the wilderness.
He is believed to be an airman lost in a 1942 crash in Sierra Nevada.

Sierra Nevada

After the bitter rain
and the hard snow,
the days fell softly
on the forsaken body.

A broken pine branch
touched his hair.
His collar moved slightly
in the constant wind.

Not even a crow disturbed
the frozen remains,
or the silence.


Etter bittert regn og isende sne,
falt lys og mørke mykt over
den bortkomne skikkelsen.

En nedblåst furugren berørte håret;
kraven beveget seg litt
i den stadige vinden.

Ikke en gang et ravn
uroet den døde,
eller brøt stillheten.


[*] Translated into Norwegian by R.B. Johannessen.. The author also writes in 'Spiritual Matters' here. AWIP:


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