Seeing and Resisting the Agents of Chaos
“The basic problem of the Christians in this country in the last eighty years or so, in regard to society and in regard to government, is that they have seen things in bits and pieces instead of totals.” ~ F. A. Schaeffer, A Christian Manifesto
I’m quite sure that were he alive today, Francis Schaeffer would have seen through the fog of nonsense dished out to us every day by Globalist Pravda (aka the mainstream media), and would see that something extremely evil is being carried out in plain sight. I’m equally sure that he would have been even more grieved with the inability of his fellow Christians to join the dots than he was back in his day.
Let me start with an assertion, and then proceed to show how I think this is panning out. A relatively small group of people — let’s call them the Globalist Cabal — are currently engaged in an agenda to transition all of humanity from an old paradigm to a new paradigm. Although they have been working on this for decades, their plans burst out into the open two years ago with the announcement of an apparently novel virus (which was in fact a coronavirus manipulated in US-funded laboratories to include a synthetic Spike Protein), followed by an almost lockstep response of Governments across the world with measures that had never been tried or tested before, and which were self-evidently wicked and harmful.
Although I am in the dark about many of their end goals, I have seen enough to be able to confidently assert that it involves the transformation of our economy, the transformation of our society and – most importantly – the transformation of people. The transformation of the economy is to a Central Bank Digital Currency. The transformation of society is to a Social Credit system, in which people are allotted or denied credits by the state. The transformation of people themselves — Transhumanism — is two-fold, involving a depopulation agenda as well as the synthesising and synchronising of humans with the digital world.
I have little time for those who still claim these are conspiracy theories. Those behind these agendas are carrying them out as we speak and they no longer take much care to hide where they believe we are headed. So if you really think these are conspiracy theories, you can always take it up with the likes of the Bank of International Settlements and World Economic Forum as they — not some geek in a basement — are the source of many of these claims.