Climate Change is a Malicious, Dangerous Myth
Dr Vernon Coleman

Before he was demonised and lied about for telling the truth about covid-19, The Ecologist said of Vernon Coleman: ‘No thinking person can ignore him.’
The Chief Climate Loonies (all 20,000 of them if COP26 is anything to go by) are meeting in a lovely holiday resort town in Egypt for COP27. My guess is that around 19,900 of them will have got there by aeroplane. I wonder how much electricity they will use for their laptops, iPads and magic telephones. (They never meet in Wolverhampton or Milton Keynes, do they? Maybe next time.)
It is the global warming hoax which is going to destroy us. It’s the mad green, fake environmentalists, sanctimonious and self-important, who are going to kill us by forcing us to cold turkey off fossil fuels and live in a cold, cruel world where the poorest will starve or freeze to death and where the chosen few, the self-appointed elite, will ignore reality, worship electricity (made from the diminishing fossil fuels) and create a pseudoscientific crisis out of thin air in order to oppress, suppress and banish humanity, decency, dignity and respect from our lives.