Land of Spooks and Shills and Sheeple

Donald Jeffries

Trust is hard to find — Trust is a rare commodity in today’s world. Maybe it always has been. I remember trusting some older males who were relatives or neighbors, as a child. Then later as an adult, I’d hear from my sister and others about how these fine upstanding men had propositioned them, or touched them inappropriately.

Moral trust is one thing. We all fail to some degree on this count, because we are all sinners. My head will probably always be turned by a good-looking female. It’s just instinctive. I remember a great comedy skit with Richard Pryor, where he was sitting in a crowd with his wife/girlfriend, who was glaring at him, upset over him checking out other women. Then his head turns again, and he tells her, “Can’t you see how strong that shit is? I know you’re gonna be mad, but I still can’t stop it!” While it bothers me when I attend a wedding where the divorced bride’s children from her first marriage are ringbearers or flower girls (mumbling to myself, “I can’t stop thinking she said ‘I do’ to someone else just five years ago’), I understand human weakness. Judge not lest ye be judged.

It’s political trust that’s on my mind. If you listen to me Saturdays at 12 noon on “America Unplugged” with Billy Ray Valentine and Tony Arterburn, you may have heard our discussion this past Saturday on Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin. It was obvious by the comments in the chat, and later on YouTube, that most people disagreed with me. I was arguing that, whatever Carlson’s real motivations, I usually agree with what he’s saying over 90 percent of the time. Yes, I’m aware that his father was the head of Voice of America, and that he once tried to get into the CIA. That he scoffed at 9/1 “truthers” and other “conspiracy theorists.” Maybe his bow tie was too tight. Is he just playing the role of mainstream “skeptic?”

I’m not accustomed to being the least skeptical person in the room about anything. I was a born skeptic. A doubter of all official narratives. But if the alt media is just going to attribute all good reporting, and sensible commentary to a hidden agenda, then what is the point of even addressing any issue? Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, Rand Paul, RFK, Jr., all compromised.

America 2.0: Taxation Without Representation

Donald Jeffries

I no longer have an argument against anarchy. There isn’t an authority in this crumbling land that is worthy of our respect. They are all illegitimate.

Our Founders never envisioned that those selected to represent the interests of the people would be career politicians. They pictured statesmen, who were interested in public service, not lining their pockets. They never thought of writing term limits into the Constitution. Those enjoying the free ride surely aren’t going to implement them.

In 1944, John T. Flynn, best remembered as the “cancelled” head of the New York chapter of the America First Committee trying to prevent our entrance into World War II, wrote the book Meet Your Congress. It was not just an expose on how bad Congress already was, but a plea for the legislative branch to flex their muscles, and check the unbridled power of the judicial branch and the imperial presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt. The Constitution established three separate but equal branches of government, which was supposed to prevent too much concentrated power in any one place. But early on, the legislative branch took a clear back seat to the judicial branch, when John Marshall simply invented Judicial Review.

When Abraham Lincoln took office, and overstepped his constitutional authority with reckless abandon, the template for the imperial presidency had been set. There has never been an imperial Congress.

The Perpetual War on Free Speech

Donald Jeffries

The Founding Fathers made the Constitution palatable by including a Bill of Rights. Without the First 10 Amendments, the Constitution is just what its early critics, including Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson, said it was; a dangerous consolidation of power far less representative of liberty than the Articles of Confederation.

The First Amendment was always a huge concern with "statists" of every era. Those who thirst for power, and will compromise themselves to attain it, have never looked favorably upon those critical of them. John Adams, the second president of the United States, passed the Alien and Sedition Acts for just this reason. He bristled at criticism. Fortunately, Thomas Jefferson succeeded him in office and scrapped this tyrannical concept. But the notion reared itself again in 1860, with the election of Abraham Lincoln. Adams was a civil libertarian compared to Lincoln. “Honest” Abe didn’t pass any new Alien and Sedition Acts; he just shut down over two hundred newspapers that opposed any of his unconstitutional actions.

Woodrow Wilson revived these odious acts during World War I. Eugene Debs and others were imprisoned for opposing the pointless shedding of blood, and America’s participation in it. The Supreme Court, in perhaps its worst ruling ever, upheld Wilson’s right to jail antiwar protesters. Great “liberal” justice Oliver Wendell Holmes coined the phrase “yelling fire in a crowded theater” to justify such heinous oppression, placing an ugly asterisk on free speech. No concerned American asked at the time, just how protesting a war could be construed as yelling fire in a crowded theater. This expression gained great renown across the land and is forever on the lips of those who seek to censor dissent.

A Rigged System From Top to Bottom

Donald Jeffries

George Orwell Meets Lewis Carroll

Just the other day, New York Attorney General Letitia James issued a remarkable statement. “Before this trial even began, the judge ruled in our favor and found that Donald Trump did engage in years of significant financial fraud,” James boasted publicly. This is associated with just one of Donald Trump’s absurd legal cases.

Let what this laughable, biased prosecutor said sink in for a moment. She admitted that the honorable judge had “ruled in our favor” before the case had gone to trial. Even for this collapsing Banana Republic, it’s a shocking precedent to openly brag about such a serious breach of basic legal protocol. James, whom Trump has called “racist,” recently stated, “The Donald Trump show is over.” James has referred to Trump as an “illegitimate president,” and said “his days are numbered.” She lashed out at Trump at many rallies, even declaring, “We’ll bring him down!” Upon being elected in December 2018, James vowed, "We will use every area of the law to investigate President Trump and his business transactions and that of his family as well." In this case, Trump is accused of exaggerating the value of his assets.

We the People vs. the Sheeple

Donald Jeffries

Despite my self-evident cynicism and my reflexive skepticism, I am basically a trusting soul. Even though I know how corrupt and unreliable so many people are, still I instinctually give them the benefit of the doubt. Until proven otherwise, I assume most people aren’t dishonest, and take them at face value.

This kind of delicate balancing act is how I manage to issue blanket condemnations of the “Sheeple,” while still being concerned about the welfare, and the rights of The People, which includes those who are oblivious to the criminal tyranny all around them. It’s not easy being a populist, of promoting power to The People, when so many of them are brainwashed enough to lash out at messengers like me, who are simply trying to defend their civil liberties. Who knows how many of them would support throwing people like me into the FEMA camps, for pointing out how badly they’re being screwed? They’ve been conditioned to act like Pavlovian dogs, waiting for the bell to ring.

The odd thing about the Sheeple, who constitute a clear majority in decaying America 2.0, is that most of them are skeptical of salesmen, or salespersons, for example. Salestranspersons. They blanch at anything that seems “too good to be true.” They hate “get rich quick schemes.” Even if they were offered a perfectly legitimate check, for a substantial amount of money, without any contract to sign that roped them into something nefarious, they would still regurgitate the adage, “There’s no such thing as a free lunch.” The Sheeple really, really hate “free lunches,” even when they’re doing the eating. I thoroughly documented how there are “free lunches” in this rigged economy, in my book Survival of the Richest. But “free lunches” are only for the elite.

My Lifelong War With the "Healthcare" System

Donald Jeffries

My rather unusual childhood clearly left its imprint on me. If I’d had younger, more active parents, and siblings closer to my age, perhaps I wouldn’t have been as drawn to daydreaming, and over analysis. I spent a lot of time in self-reflection, and in my own thoughts. Which was odd for a very social extrovert like me.

I saw our “healthcare” system up close and personal, from the time I was very small. My father never even went through six months of apparent health during my childhood. He spent almost as much time as a patient at Fairfax Hospital than he did at home. As a seven year old, I watched the Beatles’ first appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show in the Fairfax Hospital lobby, because that’s where my father was. Both of my parents would eventually die at Fairfax Hospital, ten years apart. And I would work there for over thirty years, before moving on to other facilities within the same corporation that became Inova Health System. I gave them 44 years- my entire adult working life- before they fired me in 2018 for helping a handicapped co-worker.

So my childhood was dominated by sickness and hospitalization. My mother was also in the hospital a handful of times when I was a child. My father had so many major surgeries that his chest and stomach were covered in hideous scars. Maybe that’s why I’m so repelled by the Frankenstein scars on the chests of underage “trans” girls. At least one of those operations was what they used to quaintly call “exploratory.” This was when they had no idea what was going on inside someone, so they cut them open to see. In the cases of a few family members, I remember hearing my parents talk about how they saw the cancer immediately, so they “sewed them right back up.” It was all very frightening to a child, and obviously added to my growing list of fears.

My father grew to hate the world, but he never turned his bitterness on the medical system that consistently failed him. He loved his ridiculous Dr. O’Brien, who used to drive my mother crazy by combing his hair when listening to their complaints. Like most doctors, he wound up not living to a ripe old age. I’ve heard the allegations that doctors have the shortest life expectancies of any profession, but haven’t been able to verify that. At any rate, every time my father was hospitalized, whether he added to his record number of operations or not, he came back the worse for the wear. A little less capable of doing something he was able to do before. More debilitated every time. In all those years, the medical profession never helped him. Never made him better.

African American Fatigue Syndrome

Donald Jeffries

I’m going to christen a new disease here. We’ve heard of other dubious maladies, from Post Partum Depression to Executive Burnout to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I have fatigue, too. A special “variant” perhaps. I am tired of being subjected to nonstop African American adoration. I’m not Black and I’m not proud. I’m a victim.

Don’t get me wrong. I still usually wind up defending most Black people in America, because their poverty rate is undeniably disproportionately high. And I always stand up for the poor. I wrote a book about how they are thoroughly screwed by our rigged economic system, Survival of the Richest. But that is entirely separate from the anti- White agenda, which uses the historical frustrations of Blacks to crack down on free speech and all of our civil liberties. I’m always for the little guy. That includes little Black guys. I believe in equality of opportunity, and equality under the law. But “equity” is a “Woke” bastardization of this, and I’m fatigued by it.

As has become common in our virtue signaling society, I am claiming victimhood status. Just like all the little Black girls once had their self-esteem crushed by all those White Barbie dolls, I am crushed- well, fatigued- by all the alpha male Black figures in sports and entertainment. And politics. I am fatigued by all the Black police chiefs and judges in films and on television, and the utter lack of Black criminals onscreen. I am fatigued at all the Black news anchors. I am fatigued at all the Blacks in advertising of every kind. I have never seen a White face in all the years I’ve been doing online banking. Well, except for interracial couples. They are everywhere in media. And I’m really fatigued about it.

Where are all the Hispanic news anchors? Or actors onscreen, with a lovely blonde hanging all over them? How about Native Americans? Why was it, and is it, just fine to have them segregated on reservations, where they are mired in poverty and crippled by alcoholism? As someone with a trace of American Indian heritage, that really fatigues me. Where are all the Asian recording artists? Middle Eastern meteorologists on the Weather Channel? Our media is utterly dominated by one particular minority group, which isn’t even our largest. And the essence of my syndrome stems from the fact they didn’t achieve this status through merit. Which is why I’m so fatigued.

Blessed are the Bullied and Ignored

Donald Jeffries

I was struck early on in life by the nonsensical nature of of power. As a teen, I marveled at Shakespeare’s brilliant observation, “Man, proud man, dress’d in a little brief authority, most ignorant of what he’s most assur’d- his glassy essence- like an angry ape plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven as makes the angels weep…”

Now, I naturally object to power, but I think that’s primarily because of all the extremely flawed authority figures I’ve had. I can really only think of one or two supervisors that I could stand, in forty five years of working. I was born a rebel, but I really think I would have been perfectly respectful if I’d been managed by Huey Long or John F. Kennedy types. When you’re young and naive, you expect those in power to be consistent and fair. It didn’t take long for me to recognize that this just wasn’t the case. I saw far more evidence of favoritism than competence. People with power abusing it, against the advice Uncle Ben gave Peter Parker. Perhaps others had different, more positive experiences.

The dictionary defines “meek” as “quiet, gentle, and easily imposed on.” That doesn’t sound too bad, does it? Don’t we all like gentle people? It takes a quiet person to mesh with extroverted talkers like me. Meek people don’t know how to say “no,” thus are “easily imposed on.” Salespersons lick their chops at the prospect of pushing them into buying whatever it is they’re selling. Even if they figure out they’ve been ripped off, or taken advantage of, the meek won’t complain. They certainly won’t file a lawsuit. The meek are never on offense. When forced to react, they do so as submissively as possible.

I unhappily discovered as a child that those in charge, of families and workers, and voters, were seemingly all hard-hearted. Tough. Strict. I learned this from personal experience, and reading too many fairy tales. The works of Charles Dickens- whom I consider the greatest writer to ever lift a pen- are replete with this. Oliver Twist, David Copperfield and company spent miserable childhoods being shuttled between one abusive adult or another. Where was the kindness in the adult world?

Denying Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad America 2.0

Donald Jeffries

The word “denial” has historically meant the withholding of something, even from one’s self (self-denial), or to doubt the truth in a statement or opinion. It eventually came to mean a refusal to recognize widely accepted “reality.” It has become a cornerstone Orwellian term in the giant mental asylum that is America 2.0.

When revisionist historians began disputing the details of the Holocaust, laws were passed pretty much everywhere except here (shockingly), which resulted in the prosecution and imprisonment of those who were labeled “Holocaust Deniers.” Over the past few years, after the COVID psyop and the laughably fraudulent 2020 election, the “denier” term was expanded to include other Thought Crimes. Disputing anything about COVID or the blessed vaccine was now “COVID Denial.” Complaining about voter fraud in 2020 made you an “Election Denier.” So vote, pay your taxes, but don’t “deny.” It’s become illegal.

They haven’t bandied the terms about much, but for all intents and purposes, those questioning Sandy Hook are “Sandy Hook Deniers,” and those who dare to mention Pizzagate are “Pizzagate Deniers.” They also throw up the “Climate Change Denial” and “Science Denial” thing quite a bit. Some years ago, none other than RFK, Jr. suggested that “Climate Change Deniers” be locked up. He has walked that back a bit, saying he meant heads of large corporations or something, but it’s still a disquieting thing to say. No one should be imprisoned for their views, regardless of how distasteful some might think they are. You certainly can’t have true free speech when anyone, anywhere can be prosecuted for their thoughts. I “deny” Thought Crimes.

The American Loneliness Phenomenon

Donald Jeffries

Dysfunction and propaganda building an ugly "new normal"

Note- this article was originally published last year on my blog. I think it has become even more relevant. There are a lot of archived articles there that subscribers here may be interested in.

Polls tell us that 27 percent of Americans aged 60 or older live by themselves, more than anywhere else in the world. Older people in other countries, on the other hand, most often live with an extended family, as was once common here. Even older married couples tend to live without anyone else; more childless married couples, or those without children at home, live in the United States than in the rest of the world. We’re number one! USA! USA!

I’ve been thinking about what is a very real epidemic of loneliness, especially in America. Rugged individualism has gone wild. A lot of this is due to the unfortunate prevalence of dysfunctional immediate and extended families. I know very few families where there isn’t an often inexplicable dispute between parents and children, siblings, grandparents, aunts and uncles, or cousins. Many of the lonely I have known personally have been in this situation. Rejected by their parents, or having rejected them. Not talking to a sibling or sibling for years, even decades. Ostracized from their children or grandchildren. Facing the sad prospects of old age alone. Is this what anyone really wants?

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