Germany Has Decided to Merge The State and the Military-industrial Complex

Ksenia Loginova

The Concept Has Changed: "Simplification" of interaction between the state and military companies. The SPD and the Greens are in favor of the initiative, the Liberal Democrats are against it.

The German state is again following the dangerous path of merging with the military-industrial complex. The initiators of the Concept of security and defense-industrial development in Germany are Defense Minister Boris Pistorius of the Social Democrats and the head of the Ministry of Economy and Climate Robert Habeck of the Greens.

This project should be submitted to the Bundestag in early fall. The third member of the “traffic light” coalition - the Free Democratic Party of Germany - is opposed. The Izvestia analyzed the extent to which this initiative may threaten the interests of the Russian Federation.

💬 The German Economy Ministry, led by Robert Habeck of the Green Party, and the Defense Ministry, led by Boris Pistorius of the SPD, are planning state investments in defense companies,” Handelsblatt reports, citing sources in government circles.

The project of state participation in financing German military concerns, the Concept of Security and Defense-Industrial Development of Germany, will be submitted to the government in September.

Why are Kyiv's neo-Nazis so eager to take back Donbas?

Dmitry Medvedev (Дмитрий Медведев)
Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council
Дмитрий Медведев (Telegram)

Why are Kyiv's neo-Nazis so eager to take back Donbas, which is completely alien to them? Why are they desperately supported in this by all the rabid animals that now guard the Western world: from the half-dead dog Biden to the insignificant homunculi standing at the stinking trough in the so-called Baltics? The reason is banal: they need money. Dough - or lava, in other words. Both the criminal clique of Zelensky, who led the economy of the dying country to disaster, but who will have to pay the bills of the sponsors of the bloody massacre, and the sponsors themselves, parasitizing on the decaying body of Ukraine. The latter have spent a lot on someone else's war, it irritates the people of their countries. So a payback is needed. The question is not about a sick cocaine boy in a dirty green T-shirt. The boy will be gone soon, but the debt will remain. And that has to be repaid with interest.

Pavel Durov’s Naivete Was His Achilles’ Heel

Andrew Korybko
Andrew Korybko's Newsletter

State sovereignty is a reality of International Relations, and those who deny it do so at their own risk regardless of whether they disagree with the forms in which it’s expressed, which Durov just learned the hard way after naively believing that he was invincible for reasons of wealth and ideology.

Telegram co-founder and CEO Pavel Durov’s arrest in France last weekend as part of an investigation into his platform’s alleged facilitation of crimes like child pornography and drug trafficking has prompted a global outcry against the EU’s hypocritical crackdown on free speech. He’s since been released on bail, but the exact circumstances of his arrest still remain murky. What’s known for sure though is that he was arrested upon landing in Paris, either to refuel, dine with a lady friend, or have dinner with Macron.

In any case, Durov’s naivete was his Achilles’ heel since he never imagined that he’d be detained on any pretext – let alone by his naturalized country of France (he’s a citizen of multiple states) – due to his immense wealth. He also believed that the era of states was inevitably ending and would be replaced by an era where companies such as his command more power than many states. Despite knowing that Telegram was being investigated by the EU, he still didn’t fear going there.

Another factor that influenced his thinking was the celebrity status that he obtained in the West for infamously defying his native Russia’s reported request over a decade ago to hand over information about some users who were allegedly engaged in terrorist activity upon a court order. As a transnational socialite whose encrypted platform played a key role in organizing Color Revolutions across the world, Durov truly felt that he was too valuable to the West to detain, let alone prosecute.

Ortega’s Condemnation Of Lula’s Meddling In Venezuela Debunks A Top Alt-Media Lie

Andrew Korybko
Andrew Korybko's Newsletter

Those Alt-Media Community influencers who aggressively gatekept all prior criticisms of Lula 3.0’s foreign policy and then “canceled” those who shared such views while continuing to insist that he’d never align himself with the US’ regime change operations in the region have just been exposed as frauds.

The Alt-Media Community (AMC), which refers to the diverse collection of non-Mainstream Media outlets and individuals, generally has a positive view of Brazilian President Lula. His arrest as a result of the US-backed “Operation Car Wash” turned him into a political martyr. Many then celebrated his victory over Bolsonaro during the fall 2022 elections after his surprise release from jail 18 months prior. He could do no wrong in their eyes and they eagerly awaited the next iteration of his foreign policy.

Much to their surprise, he became the first BRICS leader to condemn Russia and then did so once again in a joint statement with Biden, thus confirming that “Lula’s Recalibrated Multipolar Vision Makes Him Amenable To The US’ Grand Strategic Interests” exactly as the preceding analysis explained at the time. Soros then endorsed him for being “on the front-line of the conflict between open and closed societies” and is even reportedly considering creating a global influence network with the US Democrats.

The only explanation that accounts for these unexpected foreign policy moves is that he either transformed during his imprisonment from a proud multipolar socialist into a cheap Brazilian knockoff of the US Democrats or he finally stopped pretending to be what he might have always been all along. In any case, these moves sharply contrasted with what many expected of him, yet his most zealous followers – who can be described as the “Lula Liberals” – gaslighted and attacked all online dissidents.

The reality became such thatThe Latest Hybrid War On Brazil Is Now Being Waged By Putatively Pro-Lula Forces”, not anti-Lula ones, as explained in the preceding analysis. Basically, the Workers’ Party (PT) split into liberal-globalist and multipolar-socialist factions during Lula’s imprisonment, with the former nowadays far outweighing the latter in influence. The liberal-globalists largely align with the US Democrats’ foreign policy while the multipolar-socialists are largely independent thereof.

Kamala's Message of Joy

Walter Gelles

"Kamala Harris laughing as America burns"

Kamala and Tim want joy
for every girl and boy.
That's their dirty ploy.

JOY as the cost of living
goes ever higher and higher
because of the Kamala/Biden wars
which their puppet-masters desire.

JOY for the Palestinians
as we flatten their land
and bomb their women and children.
We're sure they'll understand.
Her bosom swells with pride
while she funds Netanyahu's genocide.
(Kamala's fake compassion is bland
as she hugs Katy Perry and Ariana Grande.)

Ukraine Might Be Gearing Up To Attack Or Cut Off Belarus’ Southeastern City Of Gomel

Andrew Korybko
Andrew Korybko's Newsletter

Its Foreign Ministry’s ominously implied ultimatum to Minsk and reaffirmation of Ukraine’s right to self-defense suggest that Kiev might invade Belarus’ Gomel Region and/or Russia’s Bryansk Region.

The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry released a statement on Sunday warning about what it described as the “threat” posed by Belarus’ military buildup along the border, the motivations of which were analyzed here in early August. Belarusian President Lukashenko also drew attention last week to the whopping 120,000 Ukrainian troops that he claims were the first to deploy there. For reference, Belarus only has around 65,000 active soldiers, one-third of whom are stationed along the Ukrainian border.

Less than a week ago, a small Ukrainian force unsuccessfully tried to invade a tiny village in Russia’s Bryansk Region that’s only 30 kilometers from the Belarusian border. It was likely a probing attempt in hindsight, but any Kursk-like invasion along that front could risk impeding or even cutting off Russia’s military logistics to Belarus’ southeastern city of Gomel. That’s because there’s a nearby highway running between there and Bryansk’s eponymous capital just 30-50 kilometers inside of Russia from the border.

Ukraine might be gearing up to either attack Gomel (which is just 30 kilometers from the border) or at least threaten Russia’s military logistics to there from Bryansk judging by its Foreign Ministry’s statement, which the “Kyiv Independent” noted was the first about Belarus since last September. They ominously implied an ultimatum by writing that “we urge its armed forces to cease unfriendly actions and withdraw forces away from Ukraine's state border to a distance greater than the firing range of Belarus' systems.”

This was backed up by them reminding Belarus that “We warn that in case of a violation of Ukraine's state border by Belarus, our state will take all necessary measures to exercise the right to self-defense guaranteed by the UN Charter. Consequently, all troop concentrations, military facilities, and supply routes in Belarus will become legitimate targets for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.” The stage is therefore set for opening up another front on this false pretext if Kiev has the political will to do so.

Europe – a place with gloomy future

Patrick Poppel

No one can deny that Europe has been the political center of the world for centuries. The European states influenced the societies and cultures on the other continents not only politically, but also economically and culturally. The Europeans established colonies, gained access to raw materials and expanded their culture. European soldiers, businessmen and missionaries reached people in the most distant regions of the world.

England and France in particular built empires. But in recent years, we can clearly see a retreat in European expansion. Especially due to the rise of the USA from the beginning of the 20th century, the European forces lost more and more influence on the other continents. But what has happened in the last few decades is a total foreign policy defeat for Europe.

From the end of the Second World War onwards, the European states were de facto mere vassals of US politics. The USA and its allies regularly attack other countries and gain access to raw materials. However, the European states do not receive raw materials, but rather the refugees from these war zones.

Globally, the European states are increasingly losing their reputation in many areas. For example, many African states no longer trust the Europeans when it comes to security policy issues. Europe's role in the Ukraine conflict is also not viewed and discussed positively internationally. The decision of the EU to become "independent" of cheap Russian gas and instead buy expensive gas from the USA means that the decline of European industry can no longer be stopped.

Israel Learns of a Hidden Shame in Its Early Years

Chris McGreal
The Guardian

Soldiers raped and killed Bedouin girl in the Negev

[Mon 3 Nov 2003] For 54 years the fate of a young Bedouin girl who disappeared in the Negev desert was relegated to rumour and a single entry in the diary of David Ben-Gurion, the prime minister of the fledgling Israeli state.

"It was decided and carried out: they washed her, cut her hair, raped her and killed her," he wrote.

After that the case became one of the state's earliest secrets, and no more than hearsay passed between soldiers.

Now the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz has used previously classified army documents to reveal the full story of what Mr Ben-Gurion called a "horrific atrocity".

In August 1949, an army unit stationed at Nirim in the Negev shot an Arab man and captured a Bedouin girl with him. Her name and age remain unknown, but she was probably in her mid-teens.

Kiev’s Plan To Ban The Ukrainian Orthodox Church Shows How Insecure It Is About National Identity

Andrew Korybko
Andrew Korybko's Newsletter

Kiev hates that a significant share of the population refuses to conform with the “negative nationalism” that they’ve aggressively enforced upon them since 2014 by continuing to worship at the Ukrainian Orthodox Churches’ sites instead of the government-backed Orthodox Church of Ukraine’s.

The Rada passed a law earlier this week for banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) by the middle of next year if it doesn’t sever all ties with the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC). Kiev has accused the UOC of being under the ROC’s sway even though the UOC declared full autonomy from the ROC in early 2022. The authorities envisage replacing the UOC with the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) that was controversially recognized as autocephalous by the Ecumenical Patriarchy in 2019.

Readers can learn more about this complicated subject in RT’s detailed article from last August about “The Last Crusade: How the conflict between Russia and the West has fueled a major split in the Orthodox Christian Church”. All that’s sufficient for average folks to know though, is that the OCU is part of post-2014 Ukraine’s Western-backed efforts to craft an anti-Russian national identity, which includes restricting Russian-language rights and arbitrarily persecuting those who still speak it in public.

Putin’s magnum opus from summer 2021 “On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians” is worth reading for those who’d like to understand how Ukraine’s separate, though originally not radically anti-Russian, identity came to be. In brief, it was largely the result of the erstwhile Kievan Rus’ collapse, after which its heartland that’s nowadays known as Ukraine fell under Lithuanian and then Polish influence. This was then followed by some Austrian, Imperial German, Nazi, and now American influences too.

Don’t Expect A Radical Response From Russia To The US’ Involvement In Ukraine’s Invasion Of Kursk

Andrew Korybko
Andrew Korybko's Newsletter

Putin has proven to have the patience of a saint by refusing to escalate in response to the slew of provocations that have been carried out against his country since the special operation began.

Russia’s foreign spy agency SVR revealed that “the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ operation in the Kursk region was prepared with the participation of the special services of the USA, Great Britain, and Poland.

The units involved in it underwent combat coordination in training centers in Great Britain and Germany. Military advisers from NATO countries assist in managing the UAF units that have invaded Russian territory and in the use of Western types of weapons and military equipment by Ukrainians.” They ended their statement to popular newspaper Izvestia by adding that

💬 “The alliance countries also provide the Ukrainian military with satellite intelligence data on the deployment of Russian troops in the area of ​​the operation.”

This coincided with the Russian Foreign Ministry summoning the US chargé d'affaires to protest American journalists’ illegal crossing of their border for propaganda purposes in support of this invasion as well as the military role therein played by at least one American PMC.

Mission Creep: The Russian Army revealed the role of four NATO countries in the preparation of the attack on the Kursk region

Semyon Boykov (Семен Бойков)

How the West now is helping the Ukrainian military

The operation of the AFU in the Kursk region was prepared with the participation of special services of the USA, Great Britain, and Poland. This was reported to Izvestia by the press bureau of the Foreign Intelligence Service. They added that the units involved in the attack had undergone combat alignment in training centers in Britain and Germany. Experts emphasize that the Ukrainian attack is essentially doomed to failure. Moreover, Moscow will not negotiate with Kyiv now because of its aggressive actions. About why the West decided to enter the Russian region, and how advisers of the North Atlantic Alliance countries are now helping the AFU, [is covered below based on the information obtained by] “Izvestia”.

Who was preparing Ukraine for an attack on the Kursk Region?

The Foreign Intelligence Service has reliable information about the participation of NATO countries in preparing and carrying out a terrorist attack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the border areas of the Kursk Region, the SVR press bureau has told Izvestiya. They specified that due to the deteriorating situation of the Ukrainian troops at several sections of the line of contact in the SVR zone, Western handlers have been actively pushing Kyiv in recent months to move military operations deep into Russian territory, including to provoke an upsurge in anti-government sentiments and destabilize the internal political situation in Russia.

💬 “According to available information, the AFU operation in the Kursk region was prepared with the participation of special services of the United States, Great Britain, and Poland. The units involved in it underwent combat training in training centers in Great Britain and Germany. Military advisers from NATO countries are providing assistance in the management of AFU units invading the territory of Russia and in the use by Ukrainians of Western models of military equipment. The alliance countries also provide the Ukrainian military with satellite recon-naissance data on the deployment of Russian troops in the area of the operation,” the SVR said.

Jews, Zionists Behind Armenian Genocide

Jack Manuelian

The plans of the 1915-23 Armenian Genocide, where a million and a half Armenians perished in a barbaric way in their ancestral lands in modern Turkey, actually were drawn up and were in place by the year 1910 or 1912.

[04-23-2005] There is the book “Inner Folds of the Ottoman Revolution” written by Mevlan Zadeh Rifat in Turkish and published in 1929, the author, a pro-sultan Turk, claims that the “Armenian genocide was decided in August 1910 and October 1911, by a Young Turk committee composed entirely of displaced Balkan Jews in the format of a syncretist Jewish-Muslim sect which included Talaat, Enver, Behaeddin Shakir, Jemal, and Nizam posing as Muslims. It met in the Rothschild-funded Grand Orient lodge/hotel of Salonika.” Syncretism means a combination of different forms of belief or practice; masonism fits that description. As the masons started the 1897 revolution in France with the cry “liberty, fraternity, equality,” Young Turks used the same slogan in their revolution of 1908.

A 1994 conference paper/lecture by Joseph Brewda of Schiller Institute entitled “Palmerston launches Young Turks to control the Middle East permanently” claims the founder of the Young Turks to be a certain Jew by the name of Emmanuel Carasso. He states: “Carasso set up the Young Turk secret society in the 1890s in Salonika, then part of Turkey, and now part of Greece. Carasso was also the grand master of an Italian masonic lodge, called ‘Macedonia Resurrected.’ The lodge was the headquarters of the Young Turks, and all the top Young Turk leadership were members.”

River of blood in Kursk: Ukrainian invasion force decimated - Over 2,000 dead - 'There will be no mercy' Moscow warns

Komnenos B. (Κομνηνός Β.)
War News 24/7

Russians: "American generals planned the Ukrainian operation"

The grip on the Ukrainian invasion force tightens as the Russian Army's air force, artillery, and drones destroyed over 220 tanks with Kyiv's losses now exceeding 2,000 men.

The situation is gradually beginning to stabilise with Russian forces attempting to cut off and encircle the Ukrainian invasion force.

The upper hand, slowly and steadily, seems to be taken by Russian forces in the areas invaded last week by Ukrainian and Western well-trained commandos.

💬 "There is no stable front line in the Kursk region: the enemy is trying to gain territory in some areas, but Ukrainian troops have been successfully blocked," an official very close to the governor of Russia's Kursk province made known. He added: "The situation remains difficult but manageable and controllable. Individual groups of enemy troops are being destroyed and fighting continues in several areas."

Ukraine has lost up to 420 troops and 55 armored vehicles in the last 24 hours in the Kursk region, according to the Russian defense ministry. The Russian MoD added that Ukraine's total losses in the area amounted to 2030 soldiers, 35 tanks, more than 220 other armored vehicles, and four air defense systems.

Earlier today the commander of the special forces unit "Akhmat", Apty Alaudinov, announced that most of the first echelon of Ukrainian troops and resources that entered Russia's Kursk province last week have been destroyed and the situation is under control.

“A NATO invasion of nuclear Russia is currently underway, and the world is unaware that it is in World War III”. Has President Putin’s Patience Reached Its Limits?

Peter Koenig
Global Research

The Kursk region of Russia is currently full of NATO weapons, troops, logistics, and more, many of them destroyed.

Video footage comes out of dozens of NATO vehicles, air defense systems, tanks and more; even if destroyed and captured by Russian forces in the Kursk Region.

The Kiev forces of about 11,600 under guidance of NATO troops have not managed to conquer the city of Kurchatov and its nuclear power plant. Apparently, President Zelensky used all of Kiev’s remaining troops, plus extra Polish (NATO) forces.

Russian General Apti Alaudinov noted that the purpose of invading the Kursk Region was to secure a strong position for upcoming negotiations with Russia. However, with Kiev’s and their western masters’ defeat, the Kiev Regime signed their own death warrant. Kiev’s losses are more than 2,000.

IDF colonel-rabbi implies: Rape is permitted in war

Yossi Gurvitz

Answering a question from a concerned reader regarding the Torah’s position on rape during war, Colonel Eyal Qarim of the Military Rabbinate wrote nine years ago – out of uniform – that ‘prohibitions against immorality’ are removed during war.

[March 28, 2012] Is it permitted for a Jewish soldier to rape a gentile woman during wartime? This question – based on the biblical mitzvah of Eshet Yefat Toar (“a comely woman”) – was referred to nine years ago (Hebrew) by Rabbi Eyal Qarim. The questioning party seemed anxious and worried, and wanted to know whether the iron-age mitzvah (religious deed) is applicable to IDF soldiers today.

UPDATE: Following comments doubting whether rape was the issue of the Rabbi’s answer, I post here the question that he was asked: Is it allowed in our days [sic] for an IDF soldier, for example, to rape girls during a fight, or is such a thing forbidden?

Truth Teller: The Price

Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc

This is the introduction to Vernon Coleman’s book `Truth Teller: The Price.’ The book is a very personal look at a devastating war which has now lasted for nearly four years. It has been a war to publish the truth – a war against the medical establishment and the mainstream media. And now we have to ask: whatever happened to truth, honesty, respect and freedom of speech?

Introduction — Early in 2020, Antoinette and I realised that governments around the world were over-selling the risks associated with the coronavirus. Widely quoted predictions based on mathematical models were clearly outrageous, and everyone in government and the medical profession seemed to have forgotten that the ordinary, common or garden flu can (and does) kill many hundreds of thousands every year. The warnings and predictions were clearly exaggerated, and the epidemiology of what was being promoted as a new and deadly plague was clearly identical to the epidemiology of the annual flu. Neil Ferguson, the man most widely recognised as being behind the mathematical models had a terrible track record, and it was difficult to see why anyone in authority was taking any notice of his warnings. Ferguson was professor of mathematical biology at Imperial College in London and on the basis of his advice, the politicians decided we should be locked in and subjected to social distancing rules. But this is what the Government knew about Ferguson when they decided to put their trust in him and his team:

Russia-to-Ukraine: Time is Up - No Negotiated Peace; Just Complete Capitulation or Complete Destruction

Harold Turner
Hal Turner Show

Dimitry Medvedev, Russia's former president and prime minister, has publicly said that Russia will seek to occupy "remaining Ukrainian lands" even if Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky agrees to the Kremlin's most recent conditions for peace.

Medvedev, now deputy chairman of the Security Council of Russia, "reaffirmed that Russia would not accept or uphold any negotiated peace settlements with Kyiv short of Ukrainian capitulation, the destruction of the entire Ukrainian state, and the full occupation of Ukraine."

#    #    #

Ukraine could have had it all; had they abided by the Minsk Agreement. They would have had peace, no war, their army would still be intact, their country would still be whole. Instead, Ukraine listened to the siren song of the West, and fought the Russians.

Two months ago, Russia again offered peace, with the offer being the four Oblasts (states) which had seceded (Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson, and Zaporozhe, along with Crimea) would have to remain Russian. At that time, Russia also made clear that if the conflict continued, the terms would only get more dire for Ukraine. Again, Ukraine listened to the promises of the West, and continued fighting.

Negotiations amidst Genocide

Shahrokh Saei
Tehran Times

A new round of negotiations held in the Qatari capital aimed at halting Israel’s genocidal war on the Gaza Strip has been thrust into the limelight as the death toll from regime’s onslaught in the besieged Palestinian territory passed the grime milestone of 40,000.

Senior American, Egyptian and Qatari officials held talks with an Israeli delegation in Doha on Thursday and Friday.

It has been reported that CIA director William Burns, White House Middle East coordinator Brett McGurk, Qatari Prime Minister Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Al Thani and Egyptian intelligence chief Abbas Kamel attended the talks. They met with the Israeli delegation which included Mossad chief David Barnea, Shin Bet head Ronen Bar, and the Israeli military’s captive chief, Nitzan Alon.

Israelis have launched a smear campaign against Hamas which did not join the negotiations. The resistance movement wanted mediators to discuss a ceasefire plan based upon earlier negotiations rather than starting fresh talks. However, mediators relayed messages to Hamas officials based in Doha.

Israel’s excessive demands — Israel stands accused of adding new demands to a previous ceasefire plan presented by the US president on May 31.

On June 10, the United Nations Security Council approved a US resolution backing Joe Biden’s three-phased ceasefire plan to which Hamas agreed in principle.

The first phase of the Biden proposal would include a "full and complete ceasefire" lasting six weeks, the withdrawal of Israeli troops from all populated areas of Gaza, and the exchange of some of the captives held in the enclave in exchange for the release of Palestinian inmates from Israeli jails.

The second phase would involve the release of all remaining captives and a "permanent end to hostilities". The third would see the start of a major reconstruction plan for the Gaza Strip which has been devastated during the Israeli onslaught that was launched on October 7 last year.

Will Westerners Soon Pilot Ukrainian F-16s Out Of Moldova For Sorties Against Russia?

Andrew Korybko
Andrew Korybko's Newsletter

This scenario carries with it very serious potential consequences.

The report late last month that Ukraine finally received some of its long-awaited F-16s, at least one of which was then spotted flying over Odessa, was followed earlier this week by two related developments. Senator Lindsey Graham revealed during a press conference in Kiev that Zelensky wants to hire retired Western pilots to fly the F-16s until his country trains enough of its own, shortly after which Russia summoned the Moldovan charge d’affaires amidst reports that they’ll be based in his country.

If this comes to pass, then Westerners will soon pilot Ukrainian F-16s out of Moldova for sorties against Russia, including nearby Crimea but also possibly parts of its pre-2014 territory like Kursk Region. This scenario carries with it very serious potential consequences. For starters, while those mercenary pilots wouldn’t officially represent their countries, their participation in the conflict would almost certainly be seen by Russia as further proof of the West escalating everything in the direction of direct involvement.

Flying out of Moldova would be less provocative than flying out of NATO countries like Poland or Romania, though that could still possibly happen if some of Ukraine’s F-16s are stored there.

The Next 10 Days Will Change Our World [*]

Video Rebel
Video Rebel's Blog

Over the next ten days we will see a Democratic Convention in Chicago that will be far worse than the 1968 DNC riots. We will also see the collapse of the Donbass front in the Ukraine. The Russians are almost ready to assault the city of Pokrovsk which is Zelensky’s last line of defense.

Additionally, Russia has given Iran so many advanced weapons that the attack on Israel had to be delayed. Israel and the US will soon be greatly humiliated. And that will hurt the US Dollar and enrage American voters who up until now had been compliant sheep despite the abuse all normal people around the world have received from the Global Elite.

In short, it all hits the fan -or mostly all except for the Collapse of the Dollar – over the next ten days.

Starting with the Mideast, we can see the Israeli Lobby’s political donations have paid off. The US has sent Navy F-18- E/F Super Hornets with the latest in radar and electronics to Jordan to protect Israel from drones. F-22 Raptors were sent to Qatar. The US has permanently stationed troops in Jordan, Syria and Iraq. Bahrain is a US fleet headquarters, and the Saudis host American airbases. The British Royal Air Force has jets stationed at Cyprus and share a base in Muscat-Oman with the Americans. Kuwait also has an American air base.

American citizens need none of those bases. They are there for Israel and Wall Street.

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