Donald Trump will not be president of the United States

The People's Voice

More people in America are waking up now, and are realizing that Biden is destroying their country. Sadly, he still has the support of some 30% of Americans. They believe the lies of CNN, MSNBC, and Google. Millions of Americans want a senile corrupt treasonous pathological liar to lead them. They like paying twice as much for food, gasoline, and rent. They want their children to be indoctrinated into transvestitism, homosexuality, and Marxism by extreme leftist public school teachers. They want tens of millions of illegals pouring into their country. Biden will be appointed to the office of president in yet another rigged election, with the globalist media talking heads singing his phony praises.

The Yellowstone eruption will be immediately followed by the meltdown of hundreds of nuclear power plants.

America was overthrown in 1913 by the global elite banking families and has been ruled by them and the criminal corporate elite since that time. A small group of trillionaires, generational criminals, see the American people as ignorant slaves to be culled, exploited, and euthanized. The wealthy feel only contempt and loathing toward the American people, exterminating them with war and poisonous vaccines. Their tools of repression are their propaganda media, big tech, and corrupt politicians and police.

The global elite will always use death-shot vaccines, poisoned food, cancer-causing fluoridated water, and endless war to kill off the American people. American farmland is constantly sprayed and poisoned with millions of tons of aluminum, barium, toxic heavy metals, polymers, and chemicals. American cities are chem trailed periodically with manufactured viruses to kill off the weak. Since Obama a process has been underway to kill off and replace the American people with the ignorant controllable illiterate masses of the third world.

Donald Trump will not be president of the United States again. The criminal global elite won't make that mistake a second time. They will take every measure necessary to ensure total control of the coming election and all future elections. There may not even be a presidential election in 2024. If the elite think there is a possibility that Trump could be elected to office, they will simply assassinate him, however, that may not be necessary as they have other options.

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