Passing Observations 256

Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc

1. President Biden has the sort of mask like face seen with Parkinson’s Disease. Is it remotely possible that he could be taking Levadopa for this condition? This drug can cause confusion. Is it remotely possible that Biden wants to remain President so that he can pardon his son and avoid prison? What a tragedy it is that both American Presidential candidates seem more suited to institutional care than another four years in the White House.

2. Nine out of ten British workers admit that they are practising `quiet quitting’ – they are doing the least amount of work they have to do to avoid being sacked. This is one reason why productivity in Britain is lowest in the world. Quiet quitting has cost the economy hundreds of millions and seems destined to continue. It is why no one much cares and nothing much gets done.

3. The Guardian newspaper claims that `the rich and powerful’ try to stop it publishing stories and complains about `lobby groups with opaque funding who are determined to undermine facts about the climate emergency and other established science’. Er, since when has there been any established science about the alleged climate emergency? Climate change is a dangerously subversive myth promoted by crazed billionaires, Bilderbergers and members of the World Economic Forum. And is this the same Guardian newspaper which has, since 2020, failed to encourage debate about the covid scandal and the toxic covid-19 vaccine? The Guardian is part of the mainstream media which has collectively suppressed free speech for years. The truth, of course, is that the covid-19 vaccine is toxic and never did what it was supposed to do. And the climate change story is a conveniently promoted myth. I bet you won’t read that discussed in The Guardian. The Guardian is part of the media establishment – and must stand in the dock alongside the BBC and the Daily Mail.

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