The Money’s Gone

Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc

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Hello, it’s May 2024. Welcome to video 336. There is, to say the least, a lot going on. But no one is talking about the big problem. No one is talking about what is behind everything that is happening. And yet it’s actually all quite simple. It’s all about the money. And time is running out faster than you think.

The fake pandemic, the damaging lockdowns, the crazy obsession with a toxic vaccine that was never properly tested, doesn’t work and is now the cause of an epidemic of heart disease and a deluge of cancer cases, the insane social distancing, the absurd and dangerous mask wearing, faked statistics created with a deadly PCR test that never worked, the utterly unscientific global obsession with imaginary global warming, a collapsing global economy with soaring inflation that is now endemic, the drive towards World War III with NATO using Ukraine as the battleground for a proxy war with Russia and supplying Israel with bombs and bullets as its false flag attack and ethnic cleansing programme continue to appal the world, the taunting China over Taiwan and now a planned global euthanasia programme, heavily promoted by a compliant and unquestioning media, which is designed to encourage the poor, the sick and the mentally ill to sign up for doctor assisted suicide. All around the world people are being signed up to promote euthanasia, just as Greta was used by the media to promote climate change.

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