An Eyewitness Account to the Bloodiest Shelling of Belgorod

Artem, Emergency Physician (Original in Russian)

We were at war...and I slept. — I'm from Belgorod. I was born, grew up, and studied here. I am 24 years old, I have been working for six months as an ambulance doctor, and at the same time I am doing my residency training as an anesthesiologist and resuscitator.

February 23 was the birthday of a friend. We went and congratulated her. We discussed the subject of war because we had all sorts of thoughts and conversations during that week. I said at the time: "Come on, what war, it's the ravings of a madman", I went to bed and woke up at about 7-8 in the morning. My mom calls me and says, "Tom, the war has started. When I woke up, I said, "What war? What? With whom?!" My parents saw and heard it all, they live in Razumnoye, and it was loud enough. I slept through it all safely, and then I saw it on the news.

Readovka note: the village of Razumnoye is located to the southeast of Belgorod, closer to the border.

The emotions that I had at that moment about the war were a lack of understanding of what it was about, and why we were invading the territory of the nearest state. Belgorod is a city where most people have relatives or close friends close by. Accordingly, there was incomprehension and denial.

A Plan to Create a Vaccinated, Tracked, And Surveilled Feudal World

The People's Voice

An excerpt of the Naomi Wolf interview conducted by about her new book- Facing the Beast: Courage, Faith, and Resistance in a New Dark Age.

Naomi Wolf What I'm trying to say is at the very top you have to sell your soul to Satan or in the case of the Biden family take $3 million from a Chinese government asset which is what the Hunter Biden laptop shows, and I voted for that Administration. So I'm thoroughly unbiased in my criticism, and then down the chain people get bribed or threatened and we see it all the way down to local public health officials, local police, the police in New York City. When I tried to sit in an area cordoned off for the vaccinated in Grand Central Station, I was surrounded by cops. They didn't want to keep me from making use of a public bench you know. They certainly didn't want to when I pointed out the history of keeping people from sitting down in public places in the United States, our Jim Crow laws. But they were bound by the governor, they were bound by the police commissioner, so it's rippling down, it's ripping down. But do you still take in consideration that there might be an option that these people are deep down acting with the best intentions, but we just don't know what their goal is?

Terror in Syria: a US distraction from Gaza

Khalil Nasrallah
The Cradle

The Resistance Axis has effectively thwarted US distraction tactics in Syria meant to put pressure on local factions and support Israeli interests as the war on Gaza rages on.

Western-backed terrorist strongholds in Syria have not remained untouched by the Israeli military assault on Gaza. With the broad activation of the Axis of Resistance in support of Gaza, particularly in Lebanon, it didn’t take too long before Washington began to mobilize its extremist foot soldiers in Syria’s north.

Soon after the 7 October Al-Aqsa Flood Palestinian resistance operation – and even before the war’s trajectory became clear and Hezbollah’s intentions were understood – terrorists in Syria began to escalate their operations. Terror attacks were recorded in northern Latakia and the western Aleppo region, where Hezbollah, Iranian advisors, and the Syrian army are concentrated, as well as along the demarcation line between areas controlled by the state and those controlled by the militants.

Hamas Has Reinvented Underground Warfare

Daphné Richemond-Barak
Foreign Affairs

An Israeli soldier securing a tunnel in the northern Gaza
Strip, November 2023. (Img. © Ronen Zvulun/Reuters)

Israel underestimated the strategic ramifications of tunnel warfare. The Group’s Gaza Tunnels Will Inspire Others.

When Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, it dragged Israel into one of the worst underground wars ever. By now it is abundantly clear that the scale of Hamas’s subterranean complex is unprecedented and that the use of tunnels has contributed to casualties among civilians and soldiers. More consequentially, by sustaining underground operations over months, Hamas has delayed an Israeli victory, causing unimaginable diplomatic and political costs along the way.

In terms of tunnel warfare, the only war that compares is World War I, where countless British and German soldiers died trying to expose, mine, and dig tunnels. No other use of tunnels in warfare comes close—neither the entrenchment of Osama bin Laden in the mountains of Afghanistan that enabled him to evade U.S. forces and plan attacks undetected; nor that of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb in Mali, where tunnels were used in launching attacks from nearly impregnable underground hideouts; nor that of the Islamic State (also known as ISIS), which used tunnels to conduct attacks on U.S.-led multinational forces in Iraq and Syria. Hamas’s use of tunnels is so advanced that it more closely resembles how states use underground structures to protect command-and-control centers than what is typical for nonstate actors.

Hamas’s buildup of below-ground capabilities has shaken Israel’s assessment of subterranean threats. Israel never imagined becoming embroiled in an underground war of such proportions. If anything, Israel had been focused on eliminating the Hamas tunnels that cross into Israeli territory. The war in the Gaza Strip will likely spur the development of new doctrine and new methods to deal with this unique type of war. Hamas’s tunnel system has no doubt caught the attention of other militaries and nonstate actors, all of which are noting how effective they have been for Hamas’s survival in Gaza.

Now that Hamas has overcome most of the hurdles inherent to underground warfare—communication, navigation, low oxygen levels, and claustrophobia, among others—there is every reason to believe that the tactic will continue to spread. Hamas’s innovative use of the underground has redefined the strategic value of the surface, altered military encounters, and transformed the use human shields.

Joe Biden, Learn the Names of the Children You Are Killing

Norman Solomon
The People's Voice

To: President Joe Biden

You’ve often spoken of how much you care about children and how terrible it is when they’re murdered. “Too many schools, too many everyday places have become killing fields,” you said at the White House last spring on the one-year anniversary of the school shooting in Uvalde. At the time of that tragedy in Texas, you had quickly gone on live television, speaking gravely.

“There are parents who will never see their child again,” you said, adding: “To lose a child is like having a piece of your soul ripped away. . . . It’s a feeling shared by the siblings, and the grandparents, and their family members, and the community that’s left behind.”

And you asked plaintively: “Why are we willing to live with this carnage? Why do we keep letting this happen?

Where in God’s name is our backbone to have the courage to deal with it and stand up to the lobbies?”

The massacre in Uvalde took the lives of 19 children. For nearly three months, the ongoing massacre in Gaza has taken the lives of that many children every few hours.

‘Leader of the free world’ permits genocide and global annihilation

Strategic Culture Foundation Editorial

If there is any hope, it may be that the abominable reality galvanizes the world to rise up against this criminal system and the war criminals that lord it in high office.

This week may go down as the week that saw the collective Western leadership being self-indicted as criminally insane.

First of all, we see United States President Joe Biden declaring that the massacre of civilians in Gaza does not “cross any red lines” that might bar further crucial American support for the Israeli regime.

Then we have Biden and other Western political figures declaring their permission for the Ukrainian regime to strike Russian territory with long-range NATO weapons. This is the same regime that glorifies the Nazi Third Reich and collaborators in World War Two genocide, and whose president canceled elections, now becoming a dictator.

It is entirely fitting – and heinous – that accomplices to genocide in Gaza are also recklessly pushing for global nuclear conflagration.

The abhorrent public position of Biden and other Western leaders should be a shocking wake-up call for citizens all around the world as to the criminal nature of these powers. It is all the more sickening given the arrogant claims of the US to be the “leader of the free world” and narcissistic notions about “Western, American, European values”.

Biden has personally taken up a crusade based on a narrative of “leading democracy against autocracy” and promoting a “rules-based global order”.

The conceited Western powers routinely vilify Russia, China, Iran, and others as “autocracies” that are threatening supposedly precious freedoms of democracy and international law.

Archbishop Viganò: Globalist ‘extermination plan’ serves Satan’s goal to kill both body and soul

Carlo Maria Viganò,
, LifeSite

The following is the full text of a May 10 speech given by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò at the Auditorium Gavirate in Varese, Italy. A “forensic” approach to the psychopandemic crime Statement for the Congress “Death denied” Auditorium Gavirate (Varese, Italy), May 10, 2024

You have the devil as your father,
and you want to fulfill your Father’s desires.
He was a murderer from the beginning
and did not persevere in the truth,
for there is no truth in him.
When he speaks falsely, he speaks of his own,
for he is a liar and the father of lies.
Jn 8:44

In a speech [in May] in Italy, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò said, 'Pretending that we are dealing with vile merchants interested only in money and refusing to see the Satanic matrix of the globalist plan is an unforgivable mistake that none of us can make.'

One of the most immediate effects of the infernal and manipulative psychopandemic operation is the refusal of the masses to acknowledge that they have been the object of a colossal fraud. Under the pretext of preventing the spread of a virus, presented as deadly and incurable – and which we now know has never been isolated according to Koch’s postulates – billions of people have been forced to undergo inoculation with an experimental drug that was known to be ineffective for its stated purpose. And in order to accomplish this, the authorities in charge have not hesitated to discredit existing treatments which would have made it impossible for that genetic serum to be authorized for sale.

Jeffrey Sachs blasts US sanctions on Russia: “Just one absolutely naive idea after another”

Ahmed Adel, InfoBrics
Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher

Jeffrey Sachs, a world-renowned professor of economics and bestselling author, recounted how he warned senior US officials that sanctions on Russia would fail. His statement comes as Daleep Singh, the US deputy national security adviser for international economics, said a large flow of Russian weapons is still powered by electronic components from companies in the United States and allied countries.

“The percentage of Russian battlefield weaponry with US or allied branded components is alarmingly and unacceptably high,” Bloomberg quoted Singh as saying on May 28, adding that the US and its allies have struggled to stem the flow of parts to Russia and called on companies to prevent these parts from being used in the Ukraine conflict

Export controls—which target the movement of goods rather than financial transactions— have been difficult to enforce because producers lack the large internal compliance departments that have emerged in the banking sector over the past two decades of US sanctions policy.

As Rafah Burns, Hundreds Confront Military and Weapons Company Representatives at CANSEC Arms Fair in Ottawa

World BEYOND War
The People's Voice

Ottawa — A large protest is blocking the entrances to CANSEC, North America’s biggest weapons and military convention. Hundreds of demonstrators are confronting representatives of Israeli and Canadian militaries and weapons companies over their complicity in the killing of more than 36,000 Palestinians in Gaza as Israel has carried out a prolonged assault from the air, sea, and on the ground over the past seven and a half months. The criminality of Israel’s actions, and of Canada’s complicity with them, is underscored by the horrific killing of 45 Palestinians by an Israeli air strike on a camp for displaced people in Rafah. At least 23 women and children died in the attack, many burned to death as fire engulfed their tents.

“Dozens of people were burned alive in Israel’s attacks on a displaced persons camp in Rafah this week, a spot Israel had designated a ‘safe’ zone. And the people profiting from this atrocity, who have been providing the weaponry for the slaughter of tens of thousands of Palestinians, are right here at CANSEC,” said Rachel Small, organizer with World BEYOND War. “Today we are making it impossible for anyone to come anywhere near this weapons fair without confronting the war crimes and devastating bloodshed these arms dealers and military representatives are complicit in.”

Many of the weapons companies currently arming the Israeli military’s assault on Gaza are exhibiting and presenting at CANSEC, including: Elbit Systems, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing, L3Harris, Leonardo, and dozens more. Israeli government and military representatives had also planned to be in attendance. Canadian Defense Minister Bill Blair was scheduled to give the keynote address at the Official Opening Breakfast for CANSEC starting at 7:45AM on Wednesday. Blair recently oversaw DND’s purchase of $32.2 million dollars worth of Spike LR2 missiles, which are made by Israeli state-owned weapons giant Rafael Advanced Defense System, and are being used by Israel in Gaza.

Why No One Wants to Win Britain’s General Election

Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc

Neither Labour nor the Conservatives want to win the coming General Election.

Sunak’s suicidal plan to reintroduce national service suggests that he’s already planning to move to the USA (where his tax bill will be lower).

And the woefully uncharismatic Starmer’s total lack of ideas, vision, and hope suggests that he doesn’t want to be sitting in No 10 either. I don’t blame them. The fact is that the money has run out.

No one under 55 is ever going to receive a pension unless they have a corporate or private pension, and many corporate pensions are vulnerable.

And politicians are talking about confiscating private pensions. No one under 55 working for a government or council can expect to receive the pension they think they’ve been promised and told to expect.

Most pensions, and all State pensions are Ponzi schemes, of course. They always have been.

Russia and China have had enough

Pepe Escobar
Strategic Culture Foundation

Both have had enough of being “polite”. You want confrontation? Confrontation is what you’re gonna get.

Something very important happened earlier this week in Astana during the meeting of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi went straight to the point: he called for SCO members to “maintain their strategic autonomy”, and “never allow external forces” to turn Eurasia into a “geopolitical arena.”

Wang Yi detailed how “a few countries are pursuing hegemony and power, forming small cliques, establishing hidden rules, engaging in interference and suppression, ‘decoupling and cutting off ties,’ and even assisting the ‘three forces’ in the region”, thus attempting to suppress the strategic autonomy of the Global South.

The “three forces” is Chinese code for terrorism, separatism and religious extremism – actually the three main reasons for the foundation of the SCO way back in 2001, a short while before 9/11.

The straightforward translation of Wang’s message points to Beijing being very much aware of the Hegemon’s myriad Hybrid War tactics now deployed all across the Heartland. Still, Beijing excels in politeness, calling for “common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable” security cooperation and to work with the “international community”.

The problem is the “international community” is a hostage of the “rules-based international order”.

The Guardian: ‘Israeli’ Spy Chief Threatened ICC Prosecutor over War Crimes Inquiry

Staff, Alahed News, The Guardian

The Guardian revealed on Tuesday that the former head of the Mossad, Yossi Cohen threatened the former ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda so that she closes the investigation of “Israeli” war crimes.

According to the British daily, Cohen and Bensouda secretly met in the years preceding her decision to open an official investigation in 2021 on suspicion of war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Palestinian territories.

The Guardian noted that Cohen's involvement against the ICC occurred while he served as head of the Mossad. The report cited an “Israeli” source that noted that the Mossad sought to “compromise the prosecutor or enlist her as someone who would cooperate with ‘Israel's’ demands.”

Another source told The Guardian that Cohen was acting as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's “unofficial messenger.” The Guardian quoted Cohen as saying,

💬 “You should help us and let us take care of you. You don’t want to be getting into things that could compromise your security or that of your family.”

Between late 2019 and early 2021, the sources said, there were at least three encounters between Cohen and Bensouda, all initiated by the spy chief. His behavior is said to have become increasingly concerning to ICC officials.

Other reports of intimidation were revealed by The Guardian, which added that the Mossad, under Cohen's tenure, took an interest in the prosecutor's family, even obtaining transcripts of conversations between Bensouda and her husband in an attempt to use these conversations to discredit her.

Swallowed by ‘Gaza subway'

Shahrokh Saei
Tehran Times

Hamas fighters kill and capture Israeli soldiers in an ambush inside north Gaza tunnel

The tunnel network, which Israel has dubbed the "Gaza Metro", is effectively operating despite the regime’s claims of destroying a large part of it.

Hamas says it has built 500 kilometers (311 miles) worth of tunnels under the Gaza Strip. The efficiency of the tunnels came to light during fighting between Hamas fighters and Israeli forces in the Jabalia camp in northern Gaza.

The military wing of the resistance group released a video of the fighting on Sunday saying its fighters have captured and killed an unidentified number of Israeli soldiers after luring them into a tunnel.

💬 "Our fighters lured a Zionist force into an ambush inside a tunnel ... The fighters withdrew after they left all members of the force dead, wounded, and captured," Abu Ubaida, the spokesman for Al Qassam Brigades, said in a recorded message.

The footage shows an Israeli soldier being dragged along the ground in a tunnel and photos of military fatigue and rifles.

The ambush carried out by Hamas fighters highlights Israel’s false claims about destroying Hamas tunnels in Gaza and defeating the group in northern Gaza. Citing US intelligence, Politico reported last week that about 65 percent of Hamas tunnels are still intact. Israeli military spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari claimed in early January this year that the regime had dismantled Hamas’s command network in northern Gaza and killed around 8,000 resistance fighters in that area.

‘National tragedy’: RT reports from Iran after death of its president

Abbas Juma,

RT correspondent Abbas Juma, who was in Iran on assignment when President Raisi’s helicopter crashed, describes the disbelief that enveloped the nation when the news broke.

For now, the world waits for the investigation results and the upcoming presidential election.

Throughout the night of May 19-20, Iranian rescue teams searched through dense fog for the wreckage of the helicopter carrying the president and the foreign minister. The search was hindered by the weather conditions and terrain, with the rain-soaked ground impeding both personnel and equipment. Meanwhile, Iranians across the country prayed, wept, and anxiously awaited news.

Hope and loss — During the night, prominent and reputable regional and global media outlets, in a frenzy for sensational updates, disseminated inaccurate information about the search efforts. Some later hurriedly removed these reports. Social media was flooded with hastily fabricated falsehoods, fueled by opponents of the Iranian government. According to one widely spread rumor, mass celebrations erupted in Tehran, with claims that people were rejoicing over the president’s death and launching fireworks.

Refuting these blatant lies was not difficult, as I spent the night on Valiasr Street, one of Tehran’s main thoroughfares. Loudspeakers broadcasting prayers were promptly set up in the square, and journalists actively gathered the views of residents who had come out to support the president.

Moscow Fights Enemies At Front And In Rear

South Front (Editorial)

The Russian army is successfully fighting enemies both on the frontlines and in its rear.

In the Zaporozhie region, the bloody battle for the ruins of Rabotino, the main gain of Kyiv’s counteroffensive last year, finally ended. Russian forces continuing to expand Russian victory and expanding the zone of their control.

In the South Donetsk direction, after their victory in Novomikhailovka, Russian troops launched assault on Paraskovievka and advance on a wide front in the fields approaching the strategically important road to Ugledar. At the same time, heavy battles continue in a heavily fortified town of Krasnogorovka, where the Russian army already took control of an important stronghold, the local refractory plant and the Ukrainian units are holding defense in the multistory buildings in the north.

West of Donetsk, the Russian army is advancing in different directions around Avdeevka. Reports from the front confirm Russian control of Netailovo. On the northern flank, Russian forces are expanding the zone of their control around Ocheretino, advancing to the north, west and south.

The Imperative to Increase Consciousness

David T. Ratcliffe,

It is telling that even Sen. Johnson, who has otherwise been at the forefront of holding public forums, speaking in interviews, etc., will not “take the spear to the chest” to challenge the supremacy of the unspeakable biomedical police state kill box system.

In recent years, Katherine Watt has worked with Sasha Latypova, an ex-pharma/biotech professional with 25 years experience in clinical trials, clinical technologies, and regulatory approvals. She owned/managed several contract research organizations, worked for 60+ pharma companies worldwide, and interacted with FDA as part of a scientific industry consortium on improving cardiac safety assessments in clinical trials.

On 13 December 2022 Watt and Latypova participated in a zoom call with Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) scheduled by Johnson’s staffers, and subsequently worked up this memo upon his request:

IN RE: Evidence of Covid-19 Regulatory Failures, Criminal Wrongdoing and Attempts to Avoid Liability by Senior Executive Service Officials in Multiple Federal Agencies. The opening paragraphs [emphasis added] state:

💬 "Americans were misled about all Covid-19 “countermeasures,” including those products marketed as “vaccines.” Covid policy was managed by the National Security Council (NSC) acting on war footing and countermeasures were contracted for by the Department of Defense (DoD) and Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) without any effective regulatory oversight at any stage along the process.

The activities passing as “regulatory processes” appear to have been fraudulent attempts to create color of law and avoid liability for what were clearly criminal acts. These multiple overlapping and mutually reinforcing violations of federal law have imposed serious harms on the American people, including severe injury and death."

Will the Death of U.S. Hegemony Lead to Peace—Or World War III?

Interview with Prof. Jefferey Sachs

Israel right now is absolutely radicalized—extremist. Israel is killing tens of thousands of people and I'm proud that our students are saying, "No! Don't do that." China is not an enemy. Russia is not an enemy. We don't need these wars. They don't make us safer. They don't make us more prosperous.

And the American people sense it. What is told to us are lies and the public is protesting. And to keep to the lies, the government is cracking down. That's where we are. It's extremely dangerous.

Structurally the US security establishment is fighting for its hegemony and it could end up creating a World War. The US has starkly divided the world because the US has said, "You're with us or you're against us." China is not out to run the world. It's not out to dominate the United States. It's not out to invade the US. It's not out to hinder the United States.

The BRICS countries want a means of settlement that isn't the US dollar. That's mainly because of the weaponization of the dollar by the United States. The second factor is that the dollar itself may become unstable for the reasons that we were speaking about. A third factor is that there is lots of technological change so different ways to make settlements. The current settlement system goes through banks but in the future, it will go through digital currencies probably Central Bank digital currencies.

The US, on the other hand, resents Russia for being big and powerful. The US has a completely neurotic fixation on China. Why we are slipping towards World War III is that America's self-image as a hegemon is completely inconsistent with the ground reality. We do what we want and we expect others to do what we want. Structurally, the US security establishment is fighting for its hegemony and it could end up creating a World War.

Islamic countries are ready for peace. The Saudis don't want war, UAE doesn't want war, Egypt doesn't want war, Jordan doesn't want war, and Lebanon doesn't want war, but they want Palestine not to live under apartheid rule, or worse under genocide, which is what's happening in Gaza right now.

Fear-Stricken Zelensky Drowns Ukraine In Blood

South Front (Editorial)

On May 20, Zelensky’s term of office expired. The presidential elections should have been held on March 31, but the current regime canceled them due to martial law. The Ukrainian parliament extends it every three months. No elections in Ukraine, neither parliamentary nor presidential, can be held during martial law (source).

The MSM and the Ukrainian media launched an information campaign justifying the preservation of power in the hands of Zelensky. One of the main broadcasting narratives pushes to convince the public that Zelensky’s support is so high that he simply has no competition.

Indeed, opposition parties are banned in the country, and all independent media and TV channels were closed long ago. On May 18, the new law strengthening military mobilization came into force. People are afraid to go out on the streets. Half of the population has no right to leave the country, those who try to illegally cross the border are shot, and the military kidnaps people en masse on the streets.

Genocide Joe

Walter Gelles

In the following poem, I'm trying to draw a connection between the Biden/Netanyahu genocide of Palestine and the US/NATO war against Russia via sacrificial proxy Ukraine. Among the many parallels:

1) Both wars were engineered by, or with full complicity of, the USA. 2) Both wars are kept going only because of US materiel and financial support. 3) Both are immoral and risk nuclear Armageddon. (The Israel/Palestine conflict is not really a "war", it's a one-sided mass slaughter based on the pretext of the October 7 false-flag attack that Israel allowed to happen.) 4) Resources and power underlie both conflicts. Israel wants to complete its ethnic cleansing, removal, and extermination of the Palestinians so the West can have access to the huge oil and gas reserves off the coast, while Israel may also build a canal bisecting Gaza. USA wants to topple Putin, carve up Russia, and gain access to its wealth, while also keeping Ukraine as America's central hub for money laundering (e.g. Biden crime family), plus sex and drug trafficking and US-run biological weapons labs on Russia's border. 5) If you're American, you and your children's children's children will be paying for this gargantuan waste through inflation and taxes. So where is the moral outrage and fight-back?

IMHO, an effective anti-war movement would include both the pro-Palestinian campus protests and encampments AND strong vocal/physical opposition to the US/NATO crime against Russia. Then the dirty, corrupt, globalist-directed, Mossad-owned politicians would be forced to relent. So far, there has been very little linkage between the two insane wars into a combustible viable opposition.

NATO Spreads Nuclear Weapons, Energy, and Risk

David Swanson
World BEYOND War

Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty declares that NATO members will assist another member if attacked by “taking action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force.” But the UN Charter does not say anywhere that war-making is authorized for whoever jumps in on the appropriate side.

The North Atlantic Treaty’s authors may have been aware that they were on dubious legal ground because they went on twice to claim otherwise, first adding the words “Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security.” But shouldn’t the United Nations be the one to decide when it has taken necessary measures and when it has not?

The North Atlantic Treaty adds a second bit of sham obsequiousness with the words “This Treaty does not affect, and shall not be interpreted as affecting in any way the rights and obligations under the Charter of the Parties which are members of the United Nations, or the primary responsibility of the Security Council for the maintenance of international peace and security.” So the treaty that created NATO seeks to obscure the fact that it is, indeed, authorizing war-making outside of the United Nations — as has now played out in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and Libya.

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