The USA’s Secret Bio Laboratories
Paul Schreyer
More and more secretive bio-labs are springing up around the world at a rapid pace under US military control, conspicuously many on the borders with China and Russia. What this might have to do with Corona is the subject of this broadcast from Ukraine.
The Corona virus is currently the dominant topic worldwide. Since the beginning of 2020, when the virus first appeared in China, hardly any other topic has preoccupied the world as much as Corona. In the following, we would like to give voice to some important opinions from Russia and Ukraine, shedding light on a side of the Corona issue that has so far been neglected.
Nikolai Patrushev, Secretary of the Russian Security Council and former head of Russia's FSB intelligence agency, gave an interview to the Russian daily “Kommersant”, one of the largest daily newspapers in Russia, on April 8, 2021. When asked by the journalist whether China really deliberately provoked the Corona pandemic, Patrushev replied:
"Please note the fact that new bio-labs, which are under U.S. control, are springing up all over the world at a rapid pace. And, strangely enough, mainly on the border with Russia and China ... And the authorities of the respective host country where these laboratories are located have no idea what is happening behind their walls ... We are told that peaceful sanitary authorities operate on our border. In fact, however, they are more like Fort Detrick in Maryland, where Americans have been working in the field of military biology for decades. Moreover, the fact speaks for itself that in the adjacent areas there are diseases that are atypical for these regions ... There are good reasons to believe that the Americans are developing bio-weapons there."
One of the countries where the bio-labs mentioned by Patrushev are in operation is Ukraine. While this is not new, it is little discussed in public. On April 13, 2020, shortly after the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, two members of the Ukrainian Parliament from the opposition party "Opposition Platform for Life" made an official request to the President of Ukraine, Volodimir Zelensky. Here are some excerpts:
"Dear Mr. President, in January 2018 journalists from Bulgaria published the article "Secret bio-labs of the Pentagon". They claim that there are over 400 US bio-labs in the world and at least 15 of them are in Ukraine. Only US citizens work there, and the labs are fully funded by the US military budget. Local authorities were not allowed to interfere in the activities of these laboratories. The Ukrainian state was prohibited from disclosing "sensitive" information concerning this program. The Pentagon, on the other hand, was granted access to Ukrainian state secrets related to these projects. In fact, bio-experiments are carried out in the laboratories. The establishment of American bio-labs in Ukraine coincided with outbreaks of serious infectious diseases in the country. For example, in 2009, a virus emerged that caused hemorrhagic pneumonia [febrile infection] in 450 Ukrainians. Between 2011 and 2017, 900 people were diagnosed with cholera in southern Ukraine. In January 2016, 20 military personnel died from a flu-like virus, and over 200 people were hospitalized. Two months after that, 364 people died of H1N1 swine flu virus in Ukraine. In 2017, outbreaks of hepatitis A were registered in various places... In 2013, then-President Yanukovych broke off cooperation with the United States in the field of bio-experiments. However, activity of the American bio-labs was allowed again as early as 2014, when the new President Poroshenko came to power. So, one can assume that Yanukovych was ousted from power, as a result of breaking off cooperation with the Pentagon, by the U.S. government. In view of this, it cannot be excluded that secret and non-transparent activities in biological facilities in Ukraine are aimed at testing viruses and bacteria on Ukrainians."
In response to this inquiry, the U.S. Embassy in Kiew officially admitted on April 22, 2020, that bio-labs managed by the Pentagon do indeed exist in the country, but that they serve exclusively peaceful purposes. Detailed information as well as answers to the questions posed by the members of the Ukrainian parliament were not included in the U.S. Embassy's response. Also, the cases of infectious diseases in the area around the laboratories mentioned by the parliamentarians were neither refuted nor discussed.
Conclusion: the existence of numerous bio-labs was confirmed. To what extent there is a connection between the laboratories and the SARS Cov2 virus can only be conjectured. Under the obvious aspect that the Corona pandemic has been regularly rehearsed for decades by governments and the WHO as a simulation game, as the journalist Paul Schreyer recently pointed out in his lecture (, a disclosure of all activities of bio-laboratories around the world must be made to the world population. Should the work really serve only peaceful purposes, disclosure would be all the easier.
Source: VID: BitChute. AWIP: