Is the W.H.O. the Terrorist Wing of the UN?

Dr Vernon Coleman

At his death, the New York Times remembered Chisholm as a
small-town doctor who became director general of the World
Health Organization
and also called him Prophet of Disaster.

You will no doubt be aware that the idea of forcing people to be vaccinated is back in the news and I think it’s time to look at the background to what is happening.

To start with, of course, it’s important to remember that the World Health Organisation – whose enthusiasm for forced vaccination and the abuse of patients all around the world – is a sign of their collective wickedness and ignorance – is linked with the United Nations in the same way that Donald Trump is linked to his hair. You can’t have one without the other. So we need some vitally important background.

When the American President Theodore Roosevelt had the idea for the United Nations early during the Second World War, and wrote the outline for Churchill to approve, there was a lot of fancy rhetoric about human rights and religious freedom.

However, no one involved in the UN’s formation doubted that the clear, single aim was to create an organisation which would lead us directly to a World Government. That was what they said. That was the plan. As written by Roosevelt and his aides the UN charter excluded de Gaulle’s France, so as not to upset Germany, and made the United States the first among so-called equals.

Why and how doctors kill more people than cancer

Dr Vernon Coleman

Several decades ago, I used mortality figures to prove that doctors were one of the top three causes of death, along with circulatory disease and cancer. My conclusion was widely scorned at the time but now you’d be hard-pressed to find a doctor who didn’t agree that I was right.

Today, I’m afraid that the number of deaths caused by doctors is going up rapidly and doctors have for some time killed more people than cancer. Indeed, I strongly suspect that doctors are now the major cause of death in the Western World – especially if vaccine deaths are included.

For a variety of reasons, some complex and some simple, modern, State-run health care is beyond repair and now kills more people than it saves.

Health care is changing at a phenomenal rate. Governments are closing small hospitals and casualty departments and concentrating services in bigger and bigger hospitals. (This is being done to please the EU whose bureaucrats believe that big is beautiful and bigger is even more beautiful). Patients who need a GP are being told to telephone for advice rather than to visit the surgery. (The excuse for this is that it will save the planet by reducing the use of petrol). Patients who are injured in accidents are told to telephone ahead and get permission in advance if they think they need to be seen in a casualty department. This may all sound bizarre. But it’s true.

Insane is now the New Normal

Dr Vernon Coleman

1. The UK is now sending long range missiles to Ukraine. And the UK is sending troops too. This takes us one big step closer to nuclear war. And, not to be outdone, the US is providing Ukraine with missiles and intelligence from Airborne Warning and Control systems (AWAC) patrols. This leaves Russia little option but to shoot down the American aircraft. It is patently clear that NATO wants a full-blooded nuclear war. (If you haven’t seen them please watch my videos: `Why they need world war III’ (first broadcast on 3rd May 2022) and `Urgent Warning to Everyone’ (first broadcast on 9th February 2023). Both videos are available on and on my channel on BrandNewTube.

It is, I think, fair to say that if Ukraine and NATO appear to be winning this war there will be a nuclear war because the Russians will not go quietly into defeat. Remember that the Russians lost around 25 million men in World War II, defending their country against a German invasion. The Russians would fight just as hard against America. NATO members should all keep out of the dispute between Russia and Ukraine. Anyone waving a Ukraine flag with enthusiasm is a war mongering psychopath. I will repeat my advice given some while ago: wherever you live keep an eye on the whereabouts of your nation’s President or Prime Minister. If two or more senior figures leave the capital at the same time then it might be time for you to consider leaving too. So, in the UK, I would consider it a possible warning sign if both Charles and Sunak quietly left London for their country homes (or, in the case of Charles, one of his many country homes.)

You May Find This Hard to Believe but it’s all True

Dr Vernon Coleman

1. Ukraine is a corrupt country with a puppet for a President. Let’s all stop pretending, shall we? No one who knows what is going on gives a damn about Ukraine and no one who has studied Ukraine’s past or present politics thinks the nation or its leaders are worth blowing up the world. So why are Western leaders destroying the world’s economy, pushing up inflation and creating mass starvation in Africa just to save a preening, penis waving President and a bunch of corrupt, reconstituted Nazis? Britain alone has spent £2.3 billion on bombing and killing people in Ukraine and almost exactly a tenth of that on humanitarian aid. The American Government is spending much more and has even committed taxpayers to paying Ukrainian pensions! There is much talk that Ukraine will soon join NATO but it would also make an excellent fit with the EU since the main speciality of and within the EU has always been corruption. I expect the self-righteous fools at The Hague were disappointed that when Ukraine’s Zelensky visited recently, he failed to show them how well he can play the piano with his penis. It is, of course, by far his most significant talent. Is it fair to assume that other world leaders with mixed chromosomes will also be required to learn how to play the piano with their organs? Or is this something that will remain unique to Presidents of Ukraine? I can’t help feeling that Zelensky should be appearing at the Eurovision Song Contest rather than touring world capitals and looking like an advertisement for ex-army surplus clothing. (Che Guevera, a real revolutionary, and one with a big heart, did it with infinitely more style.) Today, Ukraine is a permanent battlefield for a war between NATO and Russia. When all the Ukrainians have been killed, and the country has been irradiated with depleted uranium, they’ll send in American, British and Canadian troops to keep the killing going. (There’s no point in sending in French troops, of course, because they’ll simply surrender straight away.) What no one seems to have noticed is that Ukraine used to be the bread basket of the world – a major source of grain. All that depleted uranium will make the farmland unuseable for many decades and lead to massive, long-term, global starvation.

No-one except the Globalists Will be allowed to Grow Old

Dr Vernon Coleman

The well-documented global slaughter of the elderly has shocked millions.

In care homes, nursing homes and hospitals, the elderly were deliberately and cold-bloodedly murdered by doctors and nurses acting under ‘orders’ from above.

Politicians and advisers decreed that the elderly should be denied medical care, and thousands who did find themselves in institutions were treated without compassion, caring or proper, decent care. The elderly were denied contact with relatives or friends and were kept in isolation for many months and in some cases for years. Residents were told that they had to be jabbed with a so-called ‘vaccine’ that was known not to work and to be dangerously toxic. Thousands of elderly patients were killed by a vaccine which should have been classified as too dangerous to use as landfill.

The elderly were locked in, forced to wear masks (which did much harm and no good) and subjected to conditions which would have aroused an uproar if they’d been applied to illegal immigrants or dangerous prisoners. (Check back to my early videos and articles for evidence of how this happened and how the elderly were officially abused in 2020 and onwards.)

The fake pandemic which was designed, marketed and sold to a gullible public in the spring of 2020 was always an essential part of the globalists’ plan for the Great Reset. And the elderly (at least, those who weren’t billionaires or well-connected) were always regarded as a disposable nuisance. The abuse which became an official, integral part of institutional care in 2020 continues today. Remember: nothing happens by accident or coincidence anymore. The elderly are being eradicated from our world as though they are nothing more than an annoying infection.

NHS: What’s wrong and how to put it right

Dr Vernon Coleman

A recent survey showed that no more than a quarter of the people in the UK think the NHS provides a decent or even adequate service. Huge numbers of NHS employees say that they would not want their loved ones to be treated in the hospital or health centre where they work.

What most of them don’t realise, of course, is that the global plan is to destroy health care completely. In the UK the plan (promoted by the Government and the medical establishment) is to destroy the NHS. And the plan is working well: today there is NO effective or reliable health care in Briton. Millions of Britons now do their best to treat themselves. Anyone planning to visit Britain should be aware that there is no health care in the country.

For three years it has been easy to show that such health care as there is in Britain is worse today than it was 50 years ago. And arguably it is worse than it was 70 years ago.

Indeed, it is worse than would be acceptable in many backward, third-world countries. The lies which are told about health care are extraordinary. For example, many of those defending the NHS claim that GPs still provide a 24 hour emergency service. They make this disingenuous claim because the NHS provides a 24 hour telephone service through which a very small number of GPs will provide telephone only advice to patients. Each GP is responsible for millions of patients at night and at weekends and cannot possibly visit any of them. The truth is that GPs now work on average no more than 26 hours a week and patients often have to wait weeks to be seen.

There has been a Global Coup I + II + III

Dr Vernon Coleman

Climate activist Greta Thunberg delivers a speech at the World
Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. (Markus Schreiber/AP)

"Global warming wasn’t a new idea, it had been around for generations, but it had everything they needed. And it was a way to make people feel so guilty that they would do anything they were told to do." (Dr Vernon Coleman)

There has been a global coup. The covid-19 fraud was devised with a purpose; it was part of a plan which started in earnest back in the 1960s when a group of people met and agreed that the world was overcrowded. They decided to cut the size of the population down to a level last seen in the middle of the 17th century.

Some of the people who decided this were very rich. A Mr Rothschild, a Mr Rockefeller and some other bankers. And some of the plotters worked for a big, international, left wing organisation called the United Nations.

It seems a strange mixture of capitalist bankers and commie bureaucrats but you have to remember that there is no discernible difference between fascism and communism – so they got on well together.

This strange bunch of evil people decided that they needed something with which they could scare the living daylights out of the world’s population; a threat, a danger that would enable them to persuade billions to accept a totalitarian world government and a smaller global population. It was suggested that a good war would be a good idea. Wars have always been popular with despots.

Rational Thoughts in an Irrational World

Dr Vernon Coleman

1. Several hundred thousand doctors are heading for bankruptcy – and the pain of losing their licences to practice. Doctors who injected their patients with the covid-19 jabs (the jabs which didn’t do what government officials promised they were supposed to do but which did cause the health problems I warned they would create) believe that they are indemnified by their governments (which , at Bill Gates’ suggestion, offered blanket indemnity to drug companies). I’m no lawyer (thank heavens) but I know a fraud when I see one and it is clear that everyone lied about the covid-19 jabs. If doctors can be shown to have given jabs without checking out what they were doing, and warning their patients of the risks, then surely they will be responsible legally – as well as morally. And in that case the class action lawsuits will be legion and doctors will be running for the hills. (It is surely possible that the police will be chasing them. It cannot possibly be legal for thousands of doctors to give deadly vaccines to millions of patients.)

2. The unions, the WEF and Common Purpose have, in my view, trained a generation of psychopaths.

3. As I have been saying for decades, no one has ever tested to find out if it is safe to give numerous different vaccines to the same individual. The whole global vaccination programme is an unmonitored experiment.

4. Anyone who promotes the wearing of masks is a dangerous idiot. If they are medically qualified they are a dangerous idiot with knobs on. For the truth about masks read my book Proof that masks do more harm than good. You can purchase a copy via the bookshop on [my] website.

Banned by ‘The People’ Newspaper

Dr Vernon Coleman

Tony Blair: He might look tight-lipped but when he opens his mouth,
he’s dangerous. ( Rousseau/PA)

Censorship and suppression have been problems in the media for as long as there have been any media. And what has been happening in the last three years (although more comprehensive than ever before) isn’t entirely unprecedented.

For ten years, from 1993 to 2003, I wrote a two page a week column for The People newspaper in Britain. I was one of the highest paid columnists in the world. At the time the paper sold between two and three million copies a week. My column also appeared in newspapers in Australia and South Africa.

Twenty years ago, in 2003 I resigned from the paper when they refused to print an article I wrote about Britain’s part in the invasion of the Iraq War. I felt strongly that the war was unjustifiable. Antoinette, my wife, gave me her full support, knowing that I had not made any arrangements to move to another paper. (What neither of us knew was that after my rather public resignation I would be banned and never have another article published in a national newspaper. And although that’s part of another story – tied in to drug companies and the medical establishment - I believe the media was getting ready for the new normal, the Great Reset and days of lies and Pinocchio noses.)

My resignation was, in retrospect, a rather futile gesture and from a personal point of view it was probably stupid. It was the third time I had resigned from a national newspaper. (I had previously resigned as a columnist for The Star and The Sun – both after around ten years each.) But resigning from The People was something which was, I felt, the right thing to do.

How Gordon Brown Helped Destroy the NHS

Dr Vernon Coleman

Gordon Brown, the former British Prime Minister was obsessed with setting targets and his obsession helped remove humanity from public life and in particular to destroy the health service.

It is because of Brown that public services have been afflicted by an absurd and dangerous ‘target culture’.

Brown seemed to believe that if you give public servants targets they will work harder and provide a better service. Indeed, like any good soviet dictator, Brown seems to believe that he only had to announce a target for it to become an achievement.

Brown set spending review targets (known as public service agreements or PSAs) which cover the performance of all the major government departments and which set highly complex and specific criteria for the way in which public servants are assessed. The PSAs cover everything from exam results to crime figures and cancer rates.

What Brown didn't realise (possibly because of a lack of much genuine work experience – he's been an MP since the age of 32) is that when you give public servants targets they will concentrate on satisfying those targets to the exclusion of everything else. Self-preservation takes over, the target becomes the aim and the focus, and the welfare and indeed the existence of the public, the individual, the person, the end user, the patient, the client, the poor taxpayer hoping to get some service for their money, goes out of the window, never to be seen again. The end result is a massive fraud. Public servants are encouraged to cheat the public in order to get promoted and to receive bonus payments.

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