No-one except the Globalists Will be allowed to Grow Old

Dr Vernon Coleman

The well-documented global slaughter of the elderly has shocked millions.

In care homes, nursing homes and hospitals, the elderly were deliberately and cold-bloodedly murdered by doctors and nurses acting under ‘orders’ from above.

Politicians and advisers decreed that the elderly should be denied medical care, and thousands who did find themselves in institutions were treated without compassion, caring or proper, decent care. The elderly were denied contact with relatives or friends and were kept in isolation for many months and in some cases for years. Residents were told that they had to be jabbed with a so-called ‘vaccine’ that was known not to work and to be dangerously toxic. Thousands of elderly patients were killed by a vaccine which should have been classified as too dangerous to use as landfill.

The elderly were locked in, forced to wear masks (which did much harm and no good) and subjected to conditions which would have aroused an uproar if they’d been applied to illegal immigrants or dangerous prisoners. (Check back to my early videos and articles for evidence of how this happened and how the elderly were officially abused in 2020 and onwards.)

The fake pandemic which was designed, marketed and sold to a gullible public in the spring of 2020 was always an essential part of the globalists’ plan for the Great Reset. And the elderly (at least, those who weren’t billionaires or well-connected) were always regarded as a disposable nuisance. The abuse which became an official, integral part of institutional care in 2020 continues today. Remember: nothing happens by accident or coincidence anymore. The elderly are being eradicated from our world as though they are nothing more than an annoying infection.

Zero Carbon Green Agenda Is Impossible In All Respects

F. William Engdahl

Why are major governments, corporations, think tanks and the Davos WEF all promoting a Zero Carbon global agenda to eliminate use of oil, gas, coal? They know that the turn to solar and wind-based electricity is impossible. It is impossible because of the demand for raw materials from copper to cobalt to lithium to concrete and steel exceeding global supply. It is impossible because of the staggering trillions in cost of battery backup for a “reliable” 100% renewable electric grid. It is also impossible without causing the collapse of our present standard of living and a breakdown of our food supply that will mean mass death from starvation and disease. All this for a scientific fraud called man-made global warming?

Even paling the brazen corruption surrounding the recent vaccine push by Big Pharma and major government officials globally is the mindless push by especially EU and USA governments to advance a Green Agenda whose costs vs benefits have rarely been openly examined. There is a good reason for this. It has to do with a sinister agenda to destroy industrial economies and reduce the global population by billions of human beings.

We can examine the stated goal of Zero Carbon globally by 2050, the UN Agenda 2030, allegedly to prevent what Al Gore and others claim will be a tipping into irreversible sea level rise, “boiling oceans,” iceberg meltdowns, global catastrophe and worse. In one of his first acts in office, in 2021 Joe Biden issued a proclamation that the USA economy shall become Zero Net Carbon by 2050 in transportation, electricity and manufacturing. The European Union, under the notoriously corrupt Ursula von der Leyen, has announced similar targets in its Fit for 55 and countless other Green Agenda programs.

Farming and all aspects of modern agriculture are being targeted with fake allegations of greenhouse gas damage to the climate. Oil, natural gas, coal and even CO2-free nuclear energy are being phased out. We are being pushed for the first time in modern history from a more energy-efficient economy into a dramatically less energy-efficient one. No one in Washington or Berlin or Brussels talks about the true required natural resources for this fraud, let alone the cost.

Are the Chinese nice?

Gilbert Doctorow

Without mincing words, my answer to the question is that the Chinese are not nice. They are dignified, they are hard working and commercially minded. They pay all due respect to professional competence and operate a system of governance that might fairly be described as a meritocracy. But they are not nice in the sense of tolerant of the sins and trans-gressions of others. They are not Good Christians.

That is where the Chinese should not be confused with the Russian leadership, in which President Vladimir Putin has over the two plus decades at the helm always shown restraint and frequently turned the other cheek when he and his country were abused by the United States and its allies.

Putin’s Christian convictions and the behavior that follow from them have led his domestic critics among super patriots to harshly condemn the way the war in Ukraine or Special Military Operation, if you will, is being prosecuted. Russia has the capability to decapitate the Kiev regime at any time but has not done anything of the kind. Instead it has regularly permitted Western heads of government to visit with Zelensky at his headquarters as if the country were at peace. Russia has allowed the United States to repeatedly cross its declared red lines without punishment. [*] Regrettably, judging by the U.S. activities with respect to Taiwan over the past couple of weeks, Washington does not seem to appreciate the difference between Russia and China in temperament of the leaders and national cultures.

Locusts; or A Tale of Monstrous Foolishness

Catte Black

One day in a land far away and a time long gone a Priest came to where the Many were tending their crops and livestock and said…

“There are locusts coming and we must prepare!”

“But locusts come every year and all the years gone by”, the Many replied, “It is always so, why must we prepare?”

“These are not the locusts of all the years gone by,” the Priest said, “these are new and terrible locusts that I call by a New Name. We must prepare.”

“What do these new and terrible locusts with the New Name do?” the Many asked in great fear.

“Why,” said the Priest, “they consume a portion of our crops and then move on.”

The Many trembled in dread.

“But this is what locusts always do”, one man of the Many said, “why must we prepare this year when we never have before?”

The Priest regarded the one man of the Many.

“Did you not hear me?” he said. “These are not the old locusts of years gone by, these are new and terrible locusts and they have a New Name. We MUST PREPARE.”

“But what do the new and terrible locusts with the New Name do that is worse than the old locusts of years gone by?” the one man said.

“Why, are you a fool?” the priest cried. “Did I not tell you they consume our crops and then move on. We MUST PREPARE!”

“Yes, we must prepare!” cried the many in unison, though they did not know what this required.

Disorder is the Order of the Day

James Howard Kunstler

“We are fueling a proxy war in Ukraine in order to defend freedom, such as the freedom to censor dissenting views on our proxy war in Ukraine” — Aaron Maté

How long do we have to wait before Volodymyr Zelensky opens a disco in Boca Raton? That’s one of the questions raised by the secret CIA documents leaked last week, supposedly by a 21-year-old National Guard airman in Massachusetts named Jack Teixeira. Since that’s about the lowliest rank in the whole US military, you have to wonder how Jack got his mitts on all that embarrassing info, and what it says about the Pentagon’s command structure and its relations with the Intel “Community.”

I guess our cyber-security isn’t what it’s cracked up to be. But then, neither is our war effort in Ukraine. Yes, our war effort. We own this war from tail to snout, lock, stock, and barrel, the whole shootin’ match. We started it (in 2014, when we began the preps there), we goaded the Russians into it in bad faith, and now we’re losing it. Why? Because it was a stupid venture from the get-go. Now, it’s really a matter of how psychotic our government’s reaction will be when the Russians restore order to the place.

Restore order? That’s right. I believe that’s what they’re aiming to do. Our country went into Ukraine to create disorder in that corner of the world — which has been within Russia’s sphere-of-influence for over three hundred years, you understand. Sowing disorder is what we do, usually with very bloody consequences plus a bad outcome. Except for our stunning victory in the Caribbean island nation of Grenada, 1983, this has been our country’s practice in recent decades.

NHS: What’s wrong and how to put it right

Dr Vernon Coleman

A recent survey showed that no more than a quarter of the people in the UK think the NHS provides a decent or even adequate service. Huge numbers of NHS employees say that they would not want their loved ones to be treated in the hospital or health centre where they work.

What most of them don’t realise, of course, is that the global plan is to destroy health care completely. In the UK the plan (promoted by the Government and the medical establishment) is to destroy the NHS. And the plan is working well: today there is NO effective or reliable health care in Briton. Millions of Britons now do their best to treat themselves. Anyone planning to visit Britain should be aware that there is no health care in the country.

For three years it has been easy to show that such health care as there is in Britain is worse today than it was 50 years ago. And arguably it is worse than it was 70 years ago.

Indeed, it is worse than would be acceptable in many backward, third-world countries. The lies which are told about health care are extraordinary. For example, many of those defending the NHS claim that GPs still provide a 24 hour emergency service. They make this disingenuous claim because the NHS provides a 24 hour telephone service through which a very small number of GPs will provide telephone only advice to patients. Each GP is responsible for millions of patients at night and at weekends and cannot possibly visit any of them. The truth is that GPs now work on average no more than 26 hours a week and patients often have to wait weeks to be seen.

On enforcement mechanisms wielded against non-compliant nation-states

Katherine Watt
Bailiwick News

The Bank for International Settlements: the Basel
Committee's cylindrical home. ( © S. Bozon/AFP)

Responding to a few comments from the post about James Roguski’s research on the World Health Organization procedures for adoption of amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulations and adoption of new treaties, paraphrased:

What entity or agency or person/people does the actual enforcing? Who? What form would the "enforcing" take? What would be the consequences of just refusing? …I doubt that agents or soldiers from the United Nations would come after leaders of the countries that just ignored it all.

My reply, expanded: Some national leaders have been assassinated. The most obvious was the President of Tanzania, John Magufuli, killed in March 2021 shortly after he began demonstrating and talking about some of the core frauds supporting the globally-coordinated mass murder and enslavement campaign disguised as a public health emergency. Those assassinations, like most assassinations, send a very clear message to other national leaders not to step out of line.

But the primary enforcement mechanism, as I understand the structure of the global extortion system, is financial. National governments that don't comply lose access to international banking systems: transaction processing; loans; manageable interest rates on borrowing; currency stability; aid packages. Everything. The lifeblood of their economies is drained.

Kharkov and Mobilization

Jacques Baud

From the RAND Corporation’s 2019 paper on how to destabilise
Russia. This document shows that the US was aiming for a campaign
of subversion against Russia, in which Ukraine was only an un-
fortunate instrument.

[October 1, 2022] The recapture of the Kharkov region at the beginning of September appears to be a success for Ukrainian forces. Our media exulted and relayed Ukrainian propaganda to give us a picture that is not entirely accurate. A closer look at the operations might have prompted Ukraine to be more cautious.

From a military point of view, this operation is a tactical victory for the Ukrainians and an operational/strategic victory for the Russian coalition.

On the Ukrainian side, Kiev was under pressure to achieve some success on the battlefield. Volodymyr Zelensky was afraid of a fatigue from the West and that its support would stop. This is why the Americans and the British pressed him to carry out offensives in the Kherson sector. These offensives, undertaken in a disorganised manner, with disproportionate casualties and without success, created tensions between Zelensky and his military staff.

The Scourge of Undemocratic Democrats

Stephen Lendman

Illegitimately installed Biden regime criminals run the empire of lies and forever wars.

A previous article discussed Trump’s politicized indictment, ignoring his crimes of war and against humanity because of far greater guilt by illegitimately installed Dems.

A state of war has existed against Russia by the empire of lies since 2014 by use of expendable Ukrainian Nazified and conscript foot soldiers. The former nation state was transformed into a platform for perpetual US aggression against Russia, its cannon fodder troops crushed by its military and tactical superiority.

Yet in its latest fake news edition, the NYT again trampled on truth as follows, saying:

(Nazi-infested) “Ukraine rebuffed a Russian offensive over the winter (sic).” “Now, it is Ukraine’s turn to go on the attack (sic).” “Signs are everywhere that it is coming in the next month or so (sic).”

Each time Nazi-infested Ukraine attempted an offensive, Russian forces smashed it decisively. Most arms and equipment supplied by the US/West to the regime were destroyed. According to Wagner Group founder, Yevgeny Prigozhin, they captured and control the strategically important town of Artyomovsk. The regime sent tens of thousands of troops to their death in a futile effort to hold what’s lost to militarily superior Russian forces.

Yet the Biden regime continues throwing good money after bad in pursuit of a lost cause in Ukraine.

US/Ukraine State Terror

Stephen Lendman

State terror is longstanding policy by the empire of lies, its Western vassals and Ukrainian Nazis.

In cahoots with each other, they murdered prominent truth-telling Russian military correspondent, "Vladlen Tatarsky" (Maxim Yurievich Fomin), in cold blood at a St. Petersburg cafe.

Turning truth on its head and trampling on it in its latest fake news edition, the NYT falsely reported the following:

It wrongfully accused him of “represent(ing) a radical wing of pro-Russian, pro-invasion bloggers and activists (sic).” It trampled on truth by falsely calling Russian media “restrictive (to) disseminate news, opinion and pro-war propaganda.”

Censorship is longstanding US/Western practice by its ruling regimes and MSM co-conspirators. It’s worlds apart different from Russian truth-telling, especially on major issues mattering most.

In the empire of lies and its Western vassals, truth and full disclosure of what’s vital for everyone to know is banned and at times criminalized. The same reality applies to democracy as it should be, the real thing absent throughout the depraved, decadent West.

There has been a Global Coup I + II + III

Dr Vernon Coleman

Climate activist Greta Thunberg delivers a speech at the World
Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. (Markus Schreiber/AP)

"Global warming wasn’t a new idea, it had been around for generations, but it had everything they needed. And it was a way to make people feel so guilty that they would do anything they were told to do." (Dr Vernon Coleman)

There has been a global coup. The covid-19 fraud was devised with a purpose; it was part of a plan which started in earnest back in the 1960s when a group of people met and agreed that the world was overcrowded. They decided to cut the size of the population down to a level last seen in the middle of the 17th century.

Some of the people who decided this were very rich. A Mr Rothschild, a Mr Rockefeller and some other bankers. And some of the plotters worked for a big, international, left wing organisation called the United Nations.

It seems a strange mixture of capitalist bankers and commie bureaucrats but you have to remember that there is no discernible difference between fascism and communism – so they got on well together.

This strange bunch of evil people decided that they needed something with which they could scare the living daylights out of the world’s population; a threat, a danger that would enable them to persuade billions to accept a totalitarian world government and a smaller global population. It was suggested that a good war would be a good idea. Wars have always been popular with despots.

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