No-one except the Globalists Will be allowed to Grow Old

Dr Vernon Coleman

The well-documented global slaughter of the elderly has shocked millions.

In care homes, nursing homes and hospitals, the elderly were deliberately and cold-bloodedly murdered by doctors and nurses acting under ‘orders’ from above.

Politicians and advisers decreed that the elderly should be denied medical care, and thousands who did find themselves in institutions were treated without compassion, caring or proper, decent care. The elderly were denied contact with relatives or friends and were kept in isolation for many months and in some cases for years. Residents were told that they had to be jabbed with a so-called ‘vaccine’ that was known not to work and to be dangerously toxic. Thousands of elderly patients were killed by a vaccine which should have been classified as too dangerous to use as landfill.

The elderly were locked in, forced to wear masks (which did much harm and no good) and subjected to conditions which would have aroused an uproar if they’d been applied to illegal immigrants or dangerous prisoners. (Check back to my early videos and articles for evidence of how this happened and how the elderly were officially abused in 2020 and onwards.)

The fake pandemic which was designed, marketed and sold to a gullible public in the spring of 2020 was always an essential part of the globalists’ plan for the Great Reset. And the elderly (at least, those who weren’t billionaires or well-connected) were always regarded as a disposable nuisance. The abuse which became an official, integral part of institutional care in 2020 continues today. Remember: nothing happens by accident or coincidence anymore. The elderly are being eradicated from our world as though they are nothing more than an annoying infection.

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