On enforcement mechanisms wielded against non-compliant nation-states
The Bank for International Settlements: the Basel
Committee's cylindrical home. ( © S. Bozon/AFP)
Responding to a few comments from the post about James Roguski’s research on the World Health Organization procedures for adoption of amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulations and adoption of new treaties, paraphrased:
What entity or agency or person/people does the actual enforcing? Who? What form would the "enforcing" take? What would be the consequences of just refusing? …I doubt that agents or soldiers from the United Nations would come after leaders of the countries that just ignored it all.
My reply, expanded: Some national leaders have been assassinated. The most obvious was the President of Tanzania, John Magufuli, killed in March 2021 shortly after he began demonstrating and talking about some of the core frauds supporting the globally-coordinated mass murder and enslavement campaign disguised as a public health emergency. Those assassinations, like most assassinations, send a very clear message to other national leaders not to step out of line.
But the primary enforcement mechanism, as I understand the structure of the global extortion system, is financial. National governments that don't comply lose access to international banking systems: transaction processing; loans; manageable interest rates on borrowing; currency stability; aid packages. Everything. The lifeblood of their economies is drained.